Homoeopathic remedies for school problems
3. Homework
When doing homework you often hear: It is not good to do it right after strenuous school hours. One should eat first, then do the homework and go on playing. Between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. the learning capacity has its peak and then you can continue with your homework optimally.
Homoeopathy teaches us different viewpoints. Regarding the learning capacity there are individual opportunities and conditions.
Three means are especially noteworthy:
- The Lycopodium-child wants to do his homework right away but forgets his good intention totally when playing. He keeps procrastinating and only starts at 10:00 p.m. at night. After a while he decides to do them in the morning. ”Please wake me up at three in the morning.“ He actually is capable to do them in the morning. The best time is four o`clock in the morning. ”You can’t waste your time with such boring things!“ His worst time is from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Then he cannot concentrate at all. This is the best time for the child to do sports and to get going.
- The Tuberculinum-child does his homework right away to be free for the rest of the time.
- The Calcium-carbonicum child says: ”I make it — it is not so very much. The best way is to do it right away.“ But he doesn’t finish anything and you have to send him out for playing. He does not come home on his own and you have to go and pick him up. In the end he sits till 10:00 p.m. in the night to do his homework.
4. Test Means
There are a few helpful homeopathic remedies when being afraid of tests.
Anacardium orientale (Marking Nut)
In English Anacardium is called ”marking nut“ because the nut of the tree is used for drawing. These markings cannot be scratched out. In German the remedy is called ”Merknuss“. Already the name shows good areas of use when dealing with school difficulties. The nut is heart-shaped, meaning that it can be effective for heart energy and give courage.
The Anacardium-child has learned a lot of bad things from his parents and teachers. Often the educators corrected the child in an unfriendly way and gave moral preachings about how an upright person should behave. This lead to the strong desire of a child to be a good person and to use his positive characteristics. On the other hand he was formed by the inhuman example of the educators.
This appears like a black mark in a beautiful landscape. Whenever the child wants to act he is confronted by the learned inability to create something good. For this reason his nerves are fluttering before a test even though he has learned well, because through deep inside he is convinced that he cannot achieve something good.
His motto is:
”Confidence is my motto!“
Argentum nitricum (Silver nitrate)
Lacking Basic Trust
The child gets up on the day of the test, has breakfast and says all of the sudden: ”Today I do not go to the test.“ ”Why“, asks the mother, ”what is the matter?“
“No“, says the child, ”I cannot make it, therefore there is no reason for me to go. I am going to fail.“
“But you have learned so well“, says the father. ”I am convinced not to go“, says the Argentum Nitricum-child.
The parents cannot change the child’s mind. The last hope is a homoeopath. Fortunately, he lives right around the corner. One dosis of Argentum Nitricum C1000 and a few minutes later the Argentum Nitricum-child says: ”Let us go!“
His motto is:
”I can do it because I can.“
Gelsemium (Jasmin)
The Black-Out-Syndrom
The Gelsemium-child would like to do a good test. He thoroughly prepared himself and should not fail.
During the oral test all of the sudden he feels a dark emptiness in his brain. He cannot give any answer. He does not remember anything. The same can also happen during a written test. When he gets the test questions everything that he has learned is gone. This condition can be avoided if one understands that for a child a test is almost a matter of life and death.
His motto is:
”My brain is always present!“
Ignatia (Bean St. Ignaz)
Fears become true
The Ignatia-child is pulled to and through because there is a test impending. He loves his father and wants to make him happy. On the other hand there is not always enough time to meet his school obligations. Now he is afraid that exactly that which he has not learned is part of the test. The fear of failure becomes bigger and bigger until he is almost hysterical. Due to his sensitivity it is difficult to talk to him sensitively. Somehow, his father is able to calm the child by encouraging words so that he can pull himself together and go to the test. But fate strikes: his fears become true. Exactly that which he has not learned is asked. He comes home crying and is even more negatively programmed for the next time.
His motto is:
“Truly I am in my midst.”
5. School problems during puberty
Sooner or later each child has to learn that he is an independent being and not dependent on his parents any longer. This does not mean however, that the child in puberty wants to withdraw from the family. They don’t want to be subject to the opinion of the parents any longer. There would not be any disobedience if the parents as well as the teachers, instead of their own imagination of how things should be, present and live that which life truthfully demands. Each person has his own drive to look for the essence of life. For 12 years the parents have tried to teach the child their own picture of the world and were able to influence according to their opinions. Now comes the time to cut the ties and the search for their own and individual view of the world begins.
The one who gives the children the freedom to let them tell what they think and those who listens to them without being judgemental – called active listening – will learn and find out much more about them. Children often speak the truth which can be unpleasant and hurtful at times. Here one should not say: “If you are so impudent to me once again…” Instead we have the possibility to get a new access to our child and to change hardened structures by listening and going through the following discussions.
In the transition phase the children are undecided in their self-confidence. Afterwards, they do not accept any assertiveness. Children notice exactly what we are doing. You cannot hide – especially from your own children. They almost desperately look for our love, wisdom, and guidance in the chaos of their new upcoming feelings and in the jungle of the demands. As independent persons, the children need their parents as friends and discrete advisors now.
The change from the child to youth up to being grown up is difficult enough. Therefore, one should not talk in a disparaging way about children, even when they are not present. For many parents it is unpleasant to observe the speedy and incomprehensible development of the youths and they try by all kinds of means to stay in control meaning to manipulate them. We are afraid that the child might get into bad company, develop into a direction which we absolutely cannot accept, or that they suddenly become totally lonely. But this only happens when we have failed before to look at our own negative and disturbing characteristics and to try to change them. If negative patterns, as for example the drive to take drugs or the reckless elbow mentality at work, have been dissolved or lost their secrecy and “shame”, the probability is big that the child will not to repeat this anymore. If the parents or grandparents do not change their wrong conduct the child has to repeat and dissolve them. The more intense the effort of the child is the bigger is the learning process. Learning processes can be shortened but not eliminated. Tasks have to be fulfilled but not avoided. As divine beings, which we all are, we have the possibility to give the first impulse for transformation. In order to fulfil this work adolescents also need their own timeframe.
Therefore, we should give our children the time for all eternity, which we also need ourselves, and give them unlimited patience. It is not decisive when the child learns something and when it is not so “stupid” anymore. It is important to keep a loving attitude and not question the effects of his deeds. There might be a relatively quick solution but no person can be forced to do anything – also not adolescents. Instead, we assume a loving basic position where we can wait until maturity is reached. Today, almost like an epidemic a basic attitude spreads among many adolescents according to the sinister future perspectives and because they cannot cope with the obsolete inhuman society structures – maybe many of our children already have the impulse for new forms of society within themselves. Many don’t know any more whether it’s worth living and have no perspective in their mind. Thus, motivation is lacking to make an effort at school and the joy of living disappears more and more. This mentality to be pissed off of everything is partly grotesquely covered by “exaggerated party moods” with diverse drugs or brutal beatings between different cliques. Our task is to keep and strengthen the fire of the joy of living alive and the creativity which is in every one of our children because the children of today are our future.
The homeopathic treatment can speedily support and increase the learning steps. To accompany an Aethusa-child without homeopathy through puberty is possible but very strenuous because the phantasies of the child are in his head and the reality is very difficult to understand. Homeopathy of cause cannot solve all problems but it can open already present doors. The actual healing is an act of grace and solves two thirds of the problems. The rest we have to do out of our own efforts and strength in connection with the divine Self.
Children who have difficulties either at school and/or with their parents look for balancing possibilities in order to gain experiences. For this there are many fields to be explored available in most different areas of life. They can also be totally overburdened by the new learning task and generally lose their belief in life and become depressed. This often is accompanied by a drop in performance.
There are several supporting homeopathic remedies for depressive moods. Most of all Lachesis, Ignatia, Sodium Muriaticum, and Phosphor are considered.
…to be continued
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