Reactive View
Substance: Whenever “it stagnates”
Such function minerals, which are responsible in the cells for the functioning, resp., for the structure in the tissues, form the substance to which the organism falls back only in the case of extreme emergency. If the fine matter level of minerals is sinking, the organism is more and more frequently forced to degrade vital substances. A good substance is vital as a so-called “basic constitution”. Under substance –“this has used a lot of my substance” – we understand that the intracellular (micro) content of mineral substances had to be lowered in such a way that (on the macro level) the respective mineral substance loses its grip and will either be deposited or secreted. The organism degrades substances, “losing substance”, – meaning an enormous weakening of the system of man. In old age we can observe this as a loss of muscle mass, of bone mass, of the connective tissue, various signs of ageing – wear marks.
In the case of persons with heavy, life-threatening burdens, mineral substances will no longer be disposable. They lead a “hand-to-mouth” existence, as the saying points it out so accurately. This means that in the case of a supply of vital mineral substances, the organism will not store them in its storage but will instead be forced to use them immediately in order to build up destroyed tissue again and to keep up the most important life functions in the body. This way, also the heavy signs in the face of a person will remain as long as the described process will not be altered. Only when the organism is able to build up reserves (even if this only takes place in a small degree), the face-analytical signs as they were discovered by Kurt Hickethier will change.
If long-time storages are exhausted to the limits, the body has to degrade tissue, which makes itself noticeable in serious malfunctions, also in diseases. These will last as long as the organism can keep up minimal functioning under utilization of the remaining mineral substances.2 In the further course, two possibilities arise:
Either the organism – from a certain point in time onwards – can see no more possibility to organize the activity for a longer period of time, and refrains from a long-term continued existence of the body, in which case the last reserves are released from the storages. The sick person “flourishes once more”, as it can often be observed shortly before the death of a seriously ill person.
Or the necessary substance are supplied to the body, and “improvement starts again at this point”.
The endeavour of the organism is always oriented towards keeping the storages as filled up as possible.
Briefly a simple example: a cold
If during the cold season a person goes outside only scantily dressed, where the cold can reach the skin surface unhindered, the organism requires an enormous amount of Natrium chloratum – No. 8 – molecules for the regulation of heat. The molecules are extracted from the current storage – the fluids. Certainly, a deficit now occurs in these, which the organism needs to put into balance again.
If now these deficiencies are not replenished by e.g., taking mineral substances according to Dr. Schuessler, the mineral substances are extracted from the long-time storages. One can also call these constitutional storages. In the vernacular it then says, “This made me lose substance. I have already used up my substance!” If possible, the current storage always has to be filled up. It is the buffer that can deal with unexpected burdens.
The storage for Number 8 is the mucous membranes, in particular the nasal mucous membranes. The molecules are connected with the mucilage. When the mineral substance molecules are now called up for the current storage, the mucilage occurs as waste. This is the nasal snot when we have a cold.
People then say, they have caught a cold. In fact, though, it is a deficiency of a certain mineral substance, which manifests itself in this manner. Here, the short-term, current storage is supplied again from the long-time storages, i.e., the constitutional storages. For the long-time storage, the organism has time. It can fill it up again when the occasion occurs, because it is not subject to the current burdens.
The storages and health are in very close contact with each other. If the storages are filled, there is a feeling of wellbeing, connected with great vigour. Health is more than just the absence of illness; it consists in a positive basic constitution, which implies that the storages are well filled.
If, however, the storages are now not filled up anymore due to various kinds of stress, or are even degraded, a feeling of fatigue occurs, which is not easy to cast off. One feels drained, exhausted, tired, unwell, simply burned out and drawn.
(Restrictions in the domain of digestion, capacity, movement, detoxification occur, which will take effect in the reactions.)
The less the storages are filled the more the function is limited. Life and performance are decreasing. The organism determines the radius of action, which the limited storages allow. However, before the storage is exhausted, the organism takes emergency measures. The more the storage approaches its emptying, the more malfunctions occur. It is not the case that the organism degrades the storages and that nothing takes place anymore then. It is well aware of the ranking in the almost exhausted and emptied storage on the on hand, and on the other of what belongs to the now merely inadequate functioning of the body. A fine balance between both is permanently maintained.
This way, the organism tries to maintain a reserve in all events so that major emergencies can still be intercepted. Only in the worst case, the organism is prepared to make use of, to make a sacrifice of its very last reserves. But by then, life is seriously endangered.
An example will explain this: siliceous earth is a very important mineral substance for the body. If its supply decreases, the functioning is reduced according to urgency. First of all, the hair, the nails and, in the case of the outer connective tissues, the skin will show the change. It will come to tissue ruptures, like for example pregnancy fissures or to hernias. The next layer will then be the connective tissue levels in the veins; it will easily come to bruises. These are haematoma, where the blood enters into the tissue, because already with a slight blow, small veins will burst.
The degradation of the connective tissue inside the heart only takes place during the last stage, when the need and the deficiency do not allow anything else anymore. Then, the performance will sink rapidly. Furthermore, the organism will lower the performance in any case so that the weakened muscles, veins, etc. will not be overstrained. Quite towards the end, the collapse takes place, maybe as a nervous breakdown or even as a heart attack.
If a person suffering from such strong deficiencies takes the Number 11, Silica, he/she must not expect that the hair will immediately become beautiful again. According to its needs, the organism builds up the damaged tissues, and in a parallel process fills up the exhausted storage; it is only very late that the hair will be back in order.
If the body is provided in such a way, it is not possible that problems, which had already existed for a long time, will quickly disappear. It requires a lot of patience to give the organism the time to get things straight again and to organise the life processes again in a satisfactory way. This attitude has already become rather strange to people of today, but it must by all means be practised again if one wishes to become and to remain a healthy person in the long run.
The more the storage is emptied, the greater the extent of functional disorders (diseases); but also the inadequately filled up storage is a functional disorder of its own, as was already shown. In particular if “its” (the storage’s) mineral substances were stressed to a higher degree, like for example during times of particular stress, it will be unable to make them available. This results in panic, in an allergy or in a breakdown. Before it comes to this, the person is kept away from such situations in which he gets in contact with substances that do not agree with him. For example, he/she will be unable to eat certain kinds of food, he will have allergic reactions on flower pollen, or he can no longer tolerate the presence of various animals.
This way, life will become permanently more restricted. The quality of food will decrease more and more. The more limited, the more it becomes obvious how much the storages in the body are drained and the functioning is limited. The lower the supply, the stronger the reaction until nothing works anymore and it comes to the above mentioned breakdown. This is also the mark for the fact that the organism is lacking many operating materials for the organisation of its performance, some of them almost totally.
For the intake of mineral substances according to Dr. Schuessler the cohesion between operating materials and their storage must by all means be considered as otherwise an essential component of real healing would not be taken into account.
The Necessity of Filling up the Storage
In principle, in the substitutional manner of healing, the filling up of the storage is given priority. One trusts the organism that it is able to distinguish between the different mineral substances and deposits them in the respective storages.
If greater deficiencies exist now and corresponding with this also health problems, the body fills up the storages by and by, and the individual symptoms will disappear little by little. The organism decides in each case what is of greater significance, namely the further filling up of the storage or the handling of an upcoming health problem.
Normally it is assumed that the organism would first of all set to work on the functional disorders. However, the still not well filled up storage also presents a functional disorder because the various kinds of burdens cannot be dealt with accordingly. It is exciting to observe the person under such treatment slowly getting rid of his problems, but at the same time also getting permanently stronger and more and more resistant.
To put it in a nutshell: it might be that during the intake of mineral substances according to Dr. Schuessler, the desired effect does not take place instantly. In this case, however, other not visible or not noticeable problems existed, or the further replenishing of the storage was more urgent for the organism.
Of particular significance during pregnancy and most of all immediately after birth is the consideration of the storages, when the exploitation in the body of the mother will have its full impact. Also the time of breastfeeding should be particularly observed.
The Following Parable Summarizes the Chapter on the Storages
The working storage equals payment transactions on a checking account. The long-time storages can be compared with a savings book, from which again and again money is withdrawn if necessary. In times of abundance, on the other hand, assets can be created.
In case debts incur which exceed the possibilities of a ‘savings book’, mortgages are built up that put a burden on the stock (real estate, stock portfolio). On the physical level this means the degradation of tissue and consequently functional disorders.
In summary, it can be concluded that the mineral substances according to Dr. Schuessler make an ideal contribution to disease prevention and health care!
Buildup of the Storages – Consequences
We may conclude: if the storages are degraded, life is organized on permanently deeper levels. Limitations in nutrition show up, e.g., food items one cannot eat or drink anymore, performance is decreased, and most of all the mobility. Later on, it will result in a degradation of tissue or serious damages of the organism.
If mineral substances according to Dr. Schuessler are not taken, it will not happen that, for example, No. 1 Calcium fluoratum (after dissolving in the mouth) will be transported via the bloodstream to the place of action, like in the case of varicose veins in the lower leg, – but rather an unexpected process will occur:
The Pischinger’s space, the ECM3 and the colloidal connective tissue are flushed with the connective tissue fluid. As this space represents a communicating vessel, the potential in the entire area is increased by the intake of the Dr. Schuessler salts, and – due to the increased potential of the storages, resp., of the function minerals – the organism will immediately be able to organize itself on a higher level; and thus, all zones are provided with the required function minerals.
Thus, sometimes, very fast and unexpected improvements of the health situation arise, even in domains where this would not have been expected. The fact is that Dr. Schuessler salts are required in the entire body, and not only a lack or a deficiency would take effect in the whole body, but also a provision with these function minerals, which are so desperately needed.
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