Biology of the bee
In order to understand the remedy picture, you have to deal with the biology and history of the bee. Only then you can see what a multi-layered polychrest it is.
Like the ant, the bee belongs to the group of state-forming insects. With 800,000 species, they represent the largest animal class. Of these, the Hymenoptera, the main winged insects, to which the bee also belongs, make up 110,000 species.
Bees can see all colours except red and they smell excellent with their antennae. The upper jaws are formed into pincers, which they can use as versatile tools. The lower jaw acts as a trunk for sucking out nectar.
A bee colony consists of 30,000 to 80,000 bees, there are only a few 100 male animals, the drones, that do not have a sting and only serve to fertilise the queen. The queen herself is the only reproductive female. She can be about 20 mm long and her only life task is to provide offspring.
History of the bee
Insects are much older than human beings. Fossils of bees are estimated to be up to 6 million years old.
Honey has certainly always been a valued and desired food of great demand, as demonstrated by cave drawings that are 16,000 years old.
Honey is also repeatedly mentioned in the Bible, in the Old Testament, especially in the Psalms and in the Song of Solomon.
In India, honey was one of the holy offerings and the first food a God received after his birth.
While the Egyptians depicted the soul leaving the body as a bird, the Indians painted it as a bee.
The first doctor Asklepios recommended honey every morning to stay healthy until old age.
Karmic aspect
With Apis, many lives have been completely at the service of the community. Unlike, for example, Causticum, the focus was not charity and helping, but the individual’s commitment to the collective. Life only made sense, if it served the collective and the collective always had priority over the life of the individual.
The position of the leader was inviolable. He made his leadership quality available to the community. This was ensured by the community for him. It was a clearly hierarchical giving and taking that everyone had to stick to the benefit of all.
All members of a community knew the rules and suppressed their personal needs and feelings. They learned to adapt to community life from an early age. Negative feelings, antipathies were taboo from the outset due to the hierarchical structure.
A child is always born into situations that, according to its karma, needs finally to be resolved. It gets exactly the environment that suits its life task. For Apis this means that it is born into a large family. Like Natrium or Causticum, it is often the oldest in the sibling line. Already here there are clear differences to Formica: it is not born into a seemingly healthy world, but into difficult circumstances.
Many children born around the end of the Second World War had a typical Apis fate.
Actually, Apis does not really have a childhood. It never saw the inside of a kindergarten because it had to take care of his younger brothers and sisters due to lack of money.
Today, Apis can be found especially in socially deprived families where everyone lives together in a confined space or in rural areas where every hand is needed and is held accountable.
Apis school and teenage years
With Apis, school enrolement is quite unproblematic. As always, it adapts to the circumstances and becomes a quiet, attentive pupil.
If any work is to be done, Apis will be the first to give the teacher a hand. It always seems well disposed and balanced and is, next to Causticum and Pulsatilla, the one that holds a class community together.
A patient who was helped by Apis with her bee allergy laughingly told me: “I came home from school, warmed up the food for all of us because my mother had to work. I did my own homework, helped my siblings with theirs and then when the younger ones went out and played, I worked through the list of household duties that my mother had prepared for me. I knew she would come home dead tired and completely exhausted in the evening.”
It took my breath when I heard about this overload, she herself could tell laughingly as if it were a holiday reminder – this distance to one’s own suffering is typical of Apis.
Apis-adults are absorbed in their task. The young women are devoted mothers, the men care for their families sacrificially, but they don’t really know themselves.
Usually they come to the practice because of physical complaints – cysts in the thyroid gland, allergies, flatulence and putrefactive processes.
When you ask them about their biography, they smile and describe the difficult circumstances of their lives without bitterness, but also without emotional concern.
As friendly, helpful, obliging as Apis appears, it cannot allow a deep touch; the injuries stored in the subconscious are too intense. Just like a bee sting: the lightest touch triggered bad pain, so you avoid threatening contacts.
Apis tries to compensate for this through its busy care. Men relieve their wives in the household, working day and night to provide a carefree life for the family. But they become completely helpless when the wife cries unrestraint; they do not know how to be tender and cannot handle closeness at all.
This healing can only be described as a very painful metamorphosis or as Jung’s individuation process. What has been considered protection necessary for survival must be abandoned.
Everything fake in a community is exposed, seemingly reliable relationships turn out to be purpose connections – a cruel awakening takes place. But like everything in life, there are also two sides here: Apis realises how good it can take care of itself, that everything that is always moved for others can also do for itself, and that it has an enormous amount of strength and skill.
Apis must learn that helping is not always helping. It must take place within the right framework that the person in need can really use it.
The goal of the healthy Apis is to become light itself, to merge with the divine.
- No pain, no gain
- First the work, then the pleasure
- They let me down
Practical aids
Dreams that indicate the remedy
- Being very busy
- Physical exertion
- Flying
- Anger, quarrel and annoyance
Key Notes
- Hard work, suppression, community, suffocating, conscientious, quick-tempered, industrious, restless, sociable, silly, clumsy, absent-minded.
- I put the concerns of the collective above my own.
- Bee, honey, sting, wax, candle, nectar, honeycomb, scent, drones, people, community, Indian caste system, monastery, coral.
- Ayla and the Clan of Bears; M. Sostschenko: Of Bees and Men; Maya the Bee.
- Movies: Candyman 1-3; Star Trek: The Works-Queen rules over a collective.
Fairy tales/myths
- Melissa and Zeus; Daedalus and Icarus
- Saint Ambrose, Peter Ustinov, Mother Amma
- The Flying Dutchman, African drum music
- Percussion, Drum
- Gliding, kite flying, sport flying, marathon
- Pilot, flight instructor, postman, midwife, beekeeper, messenger services, educator, gardener
Healing aids and hobbies
- Plant a flower garden; going on vacation alone, without a family; light candles again and again; taking regular rest breaks; to know your own needs and wishes; to become self-employed; spending time in nature; dealing with mysticism.
- The community of originals.
As I develop my own personality, I serve the collective, in which one can complement the other with their talents and abilities.
With kind permission excerpts from the article taken from “Der homöopathische Seelenspiegel” (The homeopathic soul mirror) Volume III by Sarah Sylvia Hiener, Steißlingen: Order via
Sarah Hiener
D 7825 Steißlingen
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