§ 286 – Sixth Edition
The dynamic force of mineral magnets, electricity and galvanism act no less powerfully upon our life principle and they are not less homoeopathic than the properly so-called medicines which neutralize disease by taking them through the mouth, or by rubbing them on the skin or by olfaction. There may be diseases, especially diseases of sensibility and irritability, abnormal sensations, and involuntary muscular movements which may be cured by those means. But the more certain way of applying the last two as well as that of the so-called electromagnetic lies still very much in the dark to make homoeopathic use of them. So far both electricity and Galvanism have been used only for palliation to the great damage of the sick. The positive, pure action of both upon the healthy human body have until the present time been but little tested.
Magnet, electricity, etc., also exercise – their influence on the vital force is just like medicines. They equally help us in the same way as medicines taken inside or applied on the skin. Occasions may also arise to cure muscular diseases (defective coordination of muscular system, involuntary muscular movements, etc.) with these methods. A stage for use of these energies for curing diseases in a Homoeopathic way is still dormant. So far, electricity is being used only for a temporary relief which is causing irreparable losses. Its influence on a healthy person is still left unproved.
In allopathy, electricity is being used for headache, joint pains, paralysis, glands, tumors, bone ulcers, etc. Similarly, ultra-violet rays, infrared rays, gamma rays, X-ray, radium, cobalt, etc., also are being used in allopathy. It is not an offence to say that nobody had so far been cured in the medical history by application of these methods. Those who are treated by these methods are reformed with constant suffering and are prone to decay and premature death. After getting treatment in this way, the constitution becomes vulnerable when no medicine or system can help. Disastrous death is the only goal. The same is the case with giving current shocks to insane people. It is preferable to end the life happily, instead of becoming a prey to the ignorant methods in the name of science.
Instead, the Master has given certain hints of useful principles and curative methods about using these great powers in a homoeopathic way. By adopting these principles, eminent physicians like Dr. Allen, etc. have developed the scope of the homoeopathic system to a larger extent. By their sincere and constant efforts, very valuable drugs like Electricitas, Magnetos, X-ray, Uranium, etc. have been proved and a Materia Medica with detailed reports is now made available. It is known by experience that many incurable diseases are miraculously cured with the help of these medicines.
§ 287 – Sixth Edition
The powers of the magnet for healing purposes can be employed with more certainty according to the positive effects detailed in the Materia Medica Pura under north and south pole of a powerful magnetic bar. Though both poles are alike powerful, they nevertheless oppose each other in the manner of their respective action. The doses may be modified by the length of time of contact with one or the other pole, according as the symptoms of either north or south pole are indicated. As antidote to a too violent action the application of a plate of polished zinc will suffice.
The curative powers of magnet have been vividly proved in my (Dr. Hahnemann) “Materia Medica Pura”. The symptoms of north and south poles of a magnet have been separately proved. Although these two poles are of equal strength, their effects are opposite to each other. According to the totality of symptoms of both north and south poles, the required pole can be put into contact and depending on the span of contact further doses can be used. It the action is too violent, it can be reduced by touch of a zinc plate.
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