§ 280 – Sixth Edition
The dose of the medicine that continues serviceable without producing new troublesome symptoms is to be continued while gradually ascending, so long as the patient with general improvement, begins to feel in a mild degree the return of one or several old original complaints. This indicates an approaching cure through a gradual ascending of the moderate doses modified each time by succussion (§ 247). It indicates that the vital principal no longer needs to be affected by the similar medicinal disease in order to lose the sensation of the natural disease (§ 148). It indicates that the life principle now free from the natural disease begins to suffer only something of the medicinal disease hitherto known as homoeopathic aggravation.
So long as no new symptoms appear, and old symptoms are reduced, the same medicine should be used in increasing potencies in the ascending order. In course of time, all the earlier sufferings reappear gradually one after another. Then it should be understood that the cure is coming nearer. It means the body does not want any further medication. We should observe that the vital force is free from the natural disease and that it is experiencing only the drug symptoms. This stage is called homoeopathic aggravation.
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