§290 – Sixth Edition
Here belongs also the so-called massage of vigorous good-natured person given to a chronic invalid, who, though cured, still suffers from loss of flesh, weakness of digestion and lack of sleep due to slow convalescence. The muscles of the limbs, breast and back, separately grasped and moderately pressed and kneaded arouse the life principle to reach and restore the tone of the muscles and blood and lymph vessels. The mesmeric influences of this procedure is the chief feature and it must not be used to excess in patients still hypersensitive.
Sometimes, it is observed that after complete cure of a chronic disease, the patient becomes emaciated for a long time or digestion does not improve or does not get sleep. Such bad effects are seen in cases of delayed convalescence. For such people, if massage is done slowly for some time by people of gentle and active nature, the required improvement will set in. This also happens in the method of transmitting vital energy with the aid of intuition. In this experiment, if the muscles of hands, legs and back are slightly tightened separately with a bandage, and released, the vital force in him gets awakened and spreads into the muscles, blood, tissues, nerves, etc. and their creative capacity gets revitalized. The formula of Mesmer is working in these experiments also. If the patient is still weak, this method should not be used.
If massage is done gently and even if there is no physical strain to the patient, there is still a danger in it. The tissues of the patient in the state of weakness may not be able to withstand the strong transmitting force of the person doing the massage. What will happen if more voltage of electricity is passed through wires which are meant for low voltage? The wires get heated. Sometimes on account of heat, they get burnt. In the same way, the patient also weakens. Palpitation, etc. may set in. So after recuperation, only massage can be started. When we work consciously, the vital energy in space gets awakened and flows into the body. If more electricity is sprinkled on the body than that it can bear, it is called a state of immobility to receive or tiresomeness; but tiresomeness does not come by working for a long time. When more electricity than the tolerable limit is forced into the body, the body starts decomposing. That is only death. In order to save from such situation whenever the flow of electricity is more, sleep comes to prevent it. Getting sleep when tired is one of the ways of protection gifted by Nature. Whoever wants to know the scientific details about it may read ‘ISIS UNVEILED’ written by H.P. Blavatsky. Death due to electric shock is a proof of the same principle. Electricity and vital force in us are one and the same and are not different.
Photo: © Johannes Stasing, www.sta-fotografie.de, jo@sta-fotografie.de
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