Organon – The Art of Healing
§ 240
But if the remedy found to be the homœopathic specific for a prevalent epidemic of intermittent fever do not effect a perfect cure in some one or other patient, if it be not the influence of a marshy district that prevents the cure, it must always be the psoric miasm in the background, in which case antipsoric medicines must be employed until complete relief is obtained.
On people living in low level areas and marshy places even if a homoeopathic remedy is used, relapse of intermittent fevers after some time is noticed. For this condition, although surrounding causes appear to be influencing the main cause, latent psora, and even if the atmosphere is changed by shifting the patient, the treatment should not be stopped but continued with antipsoric drugs until he is completely cured. Then it makes no mater wherever he lives.
Epidemics of intermittent fever, in situations where none are endemic, are of the nature of chronic diseases, composed of single acute paroxysms; each single epidemic is of a peculiar, uniform character common to all the individuals attacked, and when this character is found in the totality of the symptoms common to all, it guides us to the discovery of the homœopathic (specific) remedy suitable for all the cases, which is almost universally serviceable in those patients who enjoyed tolerable health before the occurrence of the epidemic, that is to say, who were not chronic sufferers from developed psora.
All the intermittent fevers of epidemic nature are to be considered as chronic diseases only. They will have series of acute attacks (the symptom of periodical recurrence will not be there). For all those afflicted with such an epidemic, the same type of attack appears. The totality of all symptoms peculiar to and commonly obtained in all such patients, attacked with the same epidemic, leads to selection of a new homoeopathic remedy. This will help finding out a drug that is useful to one and all. In those, having no Psora, if the same drug is used, the health is restored completely as was done earlier
§ 242
If, however, in such an epidemic intermittent fever the first paroxysms have been left uncured, or if the patients have been weakened by improper allopathic treatment; then the inherent psora that exists, alas! in so many persons, although in a latent state, becomes developed, takes on the type of the intermittent fever, and to all appearance continues to play the part of the epidemic intermittent fever, so that the medicine, which would have been useful in the first paroxysms (rarely an antipsoric), is now no longer suitable and cannot be of any service. We have now to do with a psoric intermittent fever only, and this will generally be subdued by minute and rarely repeated doses of sulphur or hepar sulphuris in a high potency.
If such epidemic attacks are not cured by suitable medicine and allopathic way is followed, besides not getting cured, the diseases start relapsing. The patient becomes weak. The same disease take the turn of intermittent fever and the patient suffers. Even if the same homoeopathic medicine first used is administered now, the disease is not cured since the similarity obtained in the beginning is absent. Then an anti-psoric drug useful for intermittent fever is to be used. Generally the cure is possible with Sulphur or Hepar Suph. The dosage should be repeated at long intervals in high potencies.
In low lying areas on account of some seasonal gales, violent cold fevers may appear in one attack.
In homoeopathy, such attacks are completely cured with only one dose. If however in the beginning, allopathy treatment is given, besides not being able to get the disease cured by it, the disease gets complicated and recurs again and again. Even if the homoeopathic remedy that should have been used in the beginning, is used now, there will be no result. The similarity obtained in the beginning cannot be obtained later. On such occasions, anti-psoric homoeopathic remedies are to be selected and used. Out of those mostly required in such diseases are Sulphur and Hepar Sulph. They should be used in 10M, 50M, CM potencies at longer intervals. The time gap required between two doses may be three to six months. Such an interval depends on the frequency of attacks.
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