The Art of Healing
§ 279 – Sixth Edition
This pure experience shows UNIVERSALLY, that if the disease do not manifestly depend on a considerable deterioration of an important viscus (even though it belong to the chronic and complicated diseases), and if during the treatment all other alien medicinal influences are kept away from the patients, the dose of the homoeopathically selected and highly potentized remedy for the beginning of treatment of an important, especially chronic disease can never be prepared so small that it shall not be stronger than the natural disease and shall not be able to overpower it, at least in part and extinguish it from the sensation of the principle of life and thus make a beginning of a cure.
In case of complicated chronic diseases, treatment can be started, with a homoeopathic drug of suitable potency, before the vital parts of the organism are ruined, stopping all other medicines. In such cases, the dosage is to be decided in such a way that the strength of the medicine is not less than the strength of the disease. If the medicine administered is able to wipe out at least some of the sufferings of the patient, it means the cure has started.
It is said that if a larger dose is used, sufferings would aggravate. If so, how minutely a dose can be used? Again, if it is lesser than the dosage required, medicine does not work. Then how to match the medicine, with the diseases. Answers to all the above questions are available to the extent possible.
- As we study the drugs with special interest, each patient should be examined with special care. His earlier experience should be utilized to understand the stage of the disease. He should restrain from using large doses or frequent repetitions or mixtures like allopathy.
- The counter-acting capacity of vital force in a patient should be accurately assessed.
Severe pains or serious sufferings indicate that the counteracting capacity of the vital force is more. That means the vital force is strong enough to drive out the disease. For such a man, less number of dosages and in high potencies should be used at longer intervals and watch for the results. Even if the sufferings are more, it should be done like this only.
- When the number of sufferings is less, and the symptoms are not clear or gradually increasing or decreasing, it should be understood that counteracting capacity of the patient is less. For such a man, treatment should commence with a lesser potency. Doses should be often repeated that to the first man. In acute diseases, as also in chronic diseases, the condition of the patient should be weighted in the same manner.
- Chronic diseases appear in two stages:
- The first stage of the chronic disease is that which has not done any damage to the tissues of the body. In this case, symptoms are sharp. Often, functions of the body are regular. When we start treatment for such patients, the dose should be in the lower potency as to meet the level of the disease. That would take hold of the disease and remove some of the sufferings which means the cure has started in the correct manner. Then the potencies should be increased gradually and wait for results. The treatment should be stopped with last dose which establishes complete cure.
- Second stage of the chronic disease is that which has a prolonged history having spoiled the organism and the tissues, e.g. heart disease, caries of the lungs, damage of the liver, ascites, leprosy, paralysis, gangrene etc. In these cases, generally there is no question of complete cure. In most of the patients, palliation only is possible. In such cases, start with a lower potency and manage the rest of the treatment without rising the potency. If the luck is favorable for some months or years, regeneration of the tissues may occur. Then some sufferings may also be cured. Such cases should be carefully observed, and slowly increased potencies can be used.
After taking care of all these points Dr. J.T. Kent has decided in the following manner.
- It is safe for any patient to start treatment with 30 or 200 potencies, according to the constitution of the patient. In chronic diseases after starting with 30 potency, no repetition should be made so long as the patient feels any improvement after each dose. Only when sufferings recur, next dose should be used. After using like this for some time, the same potency does not work. Then the potency can be increased to the desired extent. The treatment should be stopped with the dose which cures all the sufferings.
- In most of the acute cases, treatment can be started with 200 potency. The same regulation as said above would apply here also for administering second or third dose. Increase in potency should also be in the same manner.
- In chronic diseases where degeneration of the tissues had taken place 30 potency should be used. In case of patients where further deterioration took place, still lesser potency should be used.
- In diseases where mental symptoms are predominant, start with 1M, 10M or 50M potencies.
Original in Telegu by Dr. E. Krishnamacharya
Translation by Dr. E. Krishnamacharya
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