§257 – Sixth Edition
The true physician will take care to avoid making favorite remedies of medicines, the employment of which he has, by chance, perhaps found often useful, and which he has had opportunities of using with good effect. If he do so, some remedies or rarer use, which would have been more homœopathically suitable, consequently more serviceable, will often be neglected.
Of all the medicines used by the physician, some medicines bring out many times wonderful results and cure number of diseases. No special favouritism should be developed on such drugs. Sometimes, according to his luck, it so happens that patients having same similarity of symptoms might come to him. It is not desirable to develop any special interest on those few drugs. If done so, it is sure that other medicines are rarely used and so the doctor cannot help in case of diseases requiring such medicines.
Some physicians use Aconite for all people with fevers. Another may declare “If one bottle of Pulsatilla is in the pocket, all the digestive troubles can be cured. Since other doctor follows the principle that “whatever type of patient comes to me unless a dose of ‘Nux vomica’ is given I do not use any other medicine”. Another intelligent doctor feels dedicated saying “If one dose of Sulphur is given to all the patients, there will be no disease at all on the earth. Another fellow may humbly submit that “Bryonia is my life. That only is the main cause or my fame and wealth.” “My knees are paining again, give me four or five pills of Rhustox.”, an old mother-in-law asks her daughter-in-law. Like this, it is not desirable to develop special affinity with any of the drugs. There are expert physicians who have followed such evil favouritism in the way of achieving cures. By such a habit, there is also another loss. Some patients, when they come for treatment of serious types of diseases having similarity with the mental symptoms of powerful drugs like Helliborus, Hyosyamus, Cantharis, Agaricus etc., they are deceived on account of laziness produced by using only favourite drugs. The Homoeo Doctor does not examine the case with full effort and does not decide the drug exactly similar. On account of undue favouritism towards certain drugs, he loses intellectual capacity. For all patients that come to him, symptoms like headache etc. are only written and one of the favourite drugs like Bryonia, Belladonna or the world famous Sulphur or according to his intelligence the best of Nux vomica may be used. The Seers of science have warned that such evil favouritism is not allowed.
An intelligent homoeopath may thump “I have so far not used in my life any medicine less than 10M potency. Another sober gentleman feels “I do not use any medicine higher than 30 potency. I do not like such hasty action.”Another homoeo expert makes a law “I never purchase any medicine less than 30 potency and I do not keep them in my box at all. It should be understood that such special reservations are useless. A suitable drug similar to the condition of the patient should be selected; potency depending on the extent of the disease (recent occurance or long standing); and dosage based on the speed of the disease; Administration of further drugs should be stopped immediately on noticing the cure. This method is only safe and scientific.
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