Sore Throat
- Severe sore throat within a short time caused through a cold
- Children are more prone to it
- Mostly with fever, thirst and dry heat
- Deep red, dry throat, drinking does not improve
- Stinging, tingling and burning in the throat
- Worse when talking
- Feeling that the uvula is too long and touches the tongue
Dosage: Aconitum C 200, every1 to 2 hours one dose.
- Burning-piercing pain
- Edematous swelling
- Better through swallowing, especially food and cold drinks
- Warm drinks worsen
- Often associated with adipsia
Dosage: Apis C 200, every 2 hours on the first day, then repeat as required.
Arsenicum album
- Mild sore throat or even tonsillitis, accompanied by weakness, anxiety and restlessness
- Sore throat worse due to cold
- Sore throat better through warmth (neck compress) and warm drinks, especially sweet or sucking a piece of candy sugar
- Burning sore throat
Dosage: Arsenicum C 200, one dose 3 times daily.
Barium carbonicum
- Recurrent tonsillitis, often with children
- Burning pains
- Worse by swallowing, especially solid food
- Urine dark brown
The immune system of Barium carbonicum is very strained especially in the cold season. This is recognisable by the swollen lymph glands and the pale mucous membrane. The patient suffers from insomnia, frequently from aching limbs and freezes easily. Barium carb. is an important remedy for children.
Dosage: Barium carb. C 200, every 4 to 6 hours for several days.
Strengthen your immune system and that of your child in the classical way: anabolic food, no dairy products, little animal protein, enough physical exercise and sleep. Sufficient protection from the cold is important, but it should not be avoided. In spite of disgust for mental work, one should help the child to overcome it. But it should not overstrain itself, too.
Barium muriaticum
- Tonsils very large, like plums
- Pain like a lump in the throat
- Pain shooting to the neck
- Sticky saliva on the tonsils
- Warm, moist skin
Barium muriaticum has the same background as Barium carb. There are however some important distinctive symptoms. It has more right-sided tonsillitis than barium carb. Furthermore, the barium-mur patient has a craving for dry bread, which can sometimes be prevalent for a longer period of time. To better support the immune system, dry bread should consist of whole grains.
Dosage: Barium mur. C 200 every 4 to 6 hours, for a few days.
- Sore throat starts with great severity, similar to Aconitum, but it can last much longer.
- It is getting worse every day.
- Pharynx and tonsils are very red and swollen.
- First the right and then the left tonsil becomes inflamed
- Swallows while drinking and eating solid food
- Painful swallowing, causes cramps
- Can’t drink in pain
- Drinking is so painful that it leads to a cramp and the water flows out of the mouth and nose again
- Remains permanently acute
- Give the patient small sips to drink
Dosage: Belladonna C 200, every 1 to 2 hours, later increase the interval
Follow-up agent: Often Pulsatilla
- Dry mouth, thirstless
- Dry, rough throat
- Has the feeling that something hard is stuck in the throat, which makes swallowing more difficult and painful
- Sore, shooting throat pain
- Worsening through head movement, touching the neck or bending the head downwards
- Wants to be left alone
Dosage: Bryonia C 200, every 2 to 6 hours, until a deep, relaxing sleep occurs.
- Neck feels spasmodically tied up
- Worse when coughing and when not swallowed
- Better when swallowing
- Burning pain in the throat similar to chillies
- Shivering when drinking
- Bad breath
- Throat very red – bloated, marbled, purple that it could bleed at any time
- Throat remains inflamed for a long time after a cold or tonsillitis
As a Capsicum person you are very frozen, but you still tend to blush quickly, as if you feel very hot. The sore throat is much worse when it is accompanied by a cough. You, as a capsicum type, have paid little attention to the fact that your immune system has long been in need of recovery. You have offered the body the same food day after day, without considering food varieties and vitamins. Furthermore, you have also rinsed down all your food with spirits or with sweet lemonade as a child.
Dosage: Capsicum C 200, one dose every 4 to 6 hours
When affected by a flue, you have the opportunity to get rid of these habits all at once. Deal with yourself strictly. Eat only vegetables with rice or similar easily digestible grain. Avoid all carbohydrates, especially wheat, sugar and alcohol. Drink plenty of pure clear water and liver tea in the evening.
The song “Onward Christian Soldier” may help you to recover.
- Tonsils red
- Difficult to swallow because the muscles are weak
- Sore throat comes gradually, with difficulty swallowing, so that food and drink come out through the nose again
- Shivering, as if ice was rubbed on the throat
- Heaviness and fatigue
Dosage: Gelsemium C 200 one dose every 4 to 6 hours
- Feeling of a stopper in the throat (but not when swallowing, as with Lachesis)
- Such feeling better when swallowing
- Sore, burning pain while swallowing, as if the throat is corroded
- Liquids are more difficult to swallow than solid food
- Shooting pain in the cheeks when swallowing
- If not swallowed, pain shoots into your ears.
You have a sore throat now and think you don’t deserve it at all. You have always given your best and even fought for justice. By what right are you a victim now? And then something so unpleasant! Your indignation is boundless. You are thirsty, but drinking hurts so much. Although solid food improves the sore throat, you don’t know what would be good for you.
Dosage: Ignatia C 200, one dose every 4 to 6 hours
Don’t let opinions influence you and don’t expect others to do anything for you. Eat something extraordinary and not what is available. Forget the usual health recommendations such as vitamins or echinacea for a short time. If you need rest, then only briefly, otherwise you should rather do something. Don‘t do exactly what your head tells you.
Lac caninum
- Feeling as if the neck is tied up and suffocation is imminent
- Swallowing is almost impossible
- Pain in the throat presses to the left ear
- Inflammation usually starts on the left and then moves to the right
- Neck reacts very sensitively to touch
- Throat dry, like scalded
- Tongue: silver plated
You feel really bad because you have always done the wrong thing. That’s why you think you are quite right to have a sore throat now. But it hurts a lot and you would like to do anything to get rid of it.
Dosage: Lac can. C 200, 1 to 2 doses daily
Do something good for yourself and prepare a healing tea: Take a quarter teaspoon of ground pepper, preferably green pepper and boil it with ginger and coriander leaves (alternatively with ground coriander). Allow the tea to cool and add some honey, flavour it with a pinch of salt if necessary. Drink one to three litres of this cooled drink, possibly even with ice cubes. Then have a pleasant meal. Grate a few cloves of garlic. Fry them lightly in olive oil and add broccoli, carrots and other vegetables of your choice and some quinoa. Now sauté with a little water. Enjoy it and eat healthy!
- Lump in the throat, sensation does not go away by swallowing
- Left sided sore throat or moving from left to right
- Worse through heat, after sleep and by swallowing, particularly something warm
- Cold drinks cause pain when swallowed, but patient feels better thereafter
- Neck and tonsils swollen and extremely sensitive
- Empty swallowing causes pain up to the ear
- Clearing up of phlegm is painful
- The whole throat is purple red, but sometimes only the tonsils
Dosage: Lachesis C 200 one dose every 4 to 6 hours.
- Pain either only on the right side or it changes from the right to the left side.
- It quickly leads to sepsis of the tonsils
- It is the only remedy through which either warm drinks (if the stomach is also affected) or cold drinks (if the stomach is not affected) bring improvement.
Dosage: Lycopodium C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours.
Mercurius solubilis
- Violent, shooting pain in throat and tonsils
- Complaints when swallowing, especially empty swallowing
- Pain extends to the ear, to the glands in front of the ear and under the lower jaw
- Burning in the throat, desire to swallow, accompanied by the feeling of disability in the throat
- Thick phlegm in the throat
- Quick sepsis
- Tongue: pale
All mercury salts have, despite their individuality, a distinct mercury base, as expressed by Mercurius solubilis.
Dosage: Mercurius sol. C 200 one dose every 2 to 4 hours
Mercurius corrosivus
- Sore throat worse due to empty swallowing and cold drinks
- Better through warmth
- Desire for warm drinks
- Examination very painful
- Large swelling, deep ulcers
- Strong burning in the throat
- Any attempt to swallow causes violent cramp in the throat, but with heat it gets better (with Belladonna heat does not help)
- Mouth rather dry, salty taste
- Tongue: yellow-white coated, may be flaccid
Dosage: Merc-c. C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
Mercurius cyanatus
- Raw and sore feeling of the neck
- In some places it looks rough and abraded
- Mucous membrane damaged
- Tongue grey
Dosage: Merc-cy. C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
Mercurius iodatus flavus
- Right side is affected
- Cold drinks are good
- Tongue: dirty yellow or bright golden yellow
Dosage: Merc-i-f. C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
Mercurius jodatus ruber
- left tonsil inflamed
- Pharynx is dark red
- Pain particularly severe after sleep
Dosage: Merc-j-r. C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
Nux vomica
- Scratching or corroded feeling in the throat
- Contractions during swallowing in the upper throat
- Thick phlegm in the throat, difficult to loosen
- Sometimes very large amounts of mucus dissolve, which have an almost suffocating effect
- Freezes, but needs fresh air
- Doesn’t like warm drinks, he drinks them against his will, because they do good in the throat
- Cold drinks make him feel miserable
Dosage: Nux-v. C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
- Throat red, sore, furry feeling
- Feeling like cotton in the throat
- Strong hoarseness, worse in the evening
- Tonsils and suppositories very swollen
- Suppository enlarged with burning dry feeling
- Sore throat worse through talking, coughing and fresh air
Dosage: Phos. C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
- Purple red like lacquered glowing tonsils
- Pharynx red to dark red
- Pain like from an apple core in the throat
- Worse through heat and when head bending forward
- Cold drinks worsen
- Pain extends into the ear, especially when swallowing.
- Pain is on the right side
- Feeling as if a red-hot iron ball is sitting in the throat
- Saliva thick and thread-pulling
- Tongue: grey-yellow
As a Phytolacca person, you have been neglecting lately your health a little. The conditions of the world can sometimes be overpowering, and you always think you have to take care of everything. Although you have spent a lot of strength for other people, but when it comes to yourself, you don’t want to make any more effort. Even the generous consumption of chocolate, sweets and fast food has not been very empowering. Now all this is in your throat.
Dosage: Phyt. C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
The first steps back to a healthier life can be a bit cumbersome at first. But now slowly force yourself to move more and more until you can go up a hill. It is definitely worth while! You will automatically eat healthier food, because the body is not able to bear at all the effort on the basis of chocolate cream cake etc. If you have an acute sore throat, drink plenty of clear water with lemon juice.
- Often as a follow up agent of Belladonna
- Much thick phlegm
- Throat dark, livid red – feeling as if everything is very swollen and there is no room left
- In the upper part of the throat scratching and soreness
- Dry mouth without thirst
- If you don’t swallow shooting pain in the throat
- Pain come and go in waves
- Can have three to four different types of pain
Dosage: Pulsatilla C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
- Left side – much swelling, but little redness
- Dumpling feeling
- Wakes up in the morning with the feeling there is something in the throat
- Throat contraction while swallowing
- Stabbing pain, as if something is corroded while swallowing
Dosage: Sepia C 200, one dose every 2 to 4 hours
………….to be continued
Further literature:
A. and D. Pulford / Ravi Roy PNEUMONIE – Homeopathic treatment of pneumonia, Lage & Roy Verlag
Taken from: Homoeopathischen Ratgeber HR 5 – „Grippe-Erkältungskrankheiten“, Lage & Roy Verlag D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen (Homeopathic Guide – Influenza – Common Cold)
Lage & Roy Verlag
Burgstraße 8
82418 Riegsee-Hagen
Tel. 08841 – 44 55
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