Triggering factors
- Change of weather or climate from warm to cold-humid or cold to warm
Long wet weather phases
- Very changeable
- Runny nose with a lot of sneezing
- In the morning thick, yellow to greenish abundant secretion
- Many crusts form in the nose
- Insatiable craving for fresh fruit or strong food
As soon as the tuberculinum-man gets sick, he starts to freeze and becomes restless. The daily life becomes too dull for him. He has to do something. His appetite and thirst have no influence on the disease. He develops a ravenous appetite for citrus fruit and drinks. A great appetite for strong food can also occur.
Despite the freezing, staying in the fresh air is generally good for him and also improves all his symptoms.
Tuberculinum C 200, 1-2 doses daily until the cold is gone.
It is important for you as Tuberculinum-man to fully pursue your real needs that arise in an acute disease. If you want to eat ten oranges a day, that’s just the thing to build up your immune system. Some have the typical desire to be outside all day and then eat a sumptuous meal.
Triggering factor
- Wind
- Severe runny nose that attacks the larynx and causes a hard cough.
- Cough, in the morning with plenty of sputum
- Cough, loosely during the day, dry at night, better in a lying position
- Runny nose during the day
- The nose is blocked at night and in a lying position
- Eyes affected, watery, bloodshot, irritated by wind
- Mild nasal secretion
- He chills, but his face is hot.
With Euphrasia, it does not remain with a cold, it always develops also a cough. The disease can rise relatively quickly. In contrast to Allium cepa, the eyes of Euphrasia are severely affected and secrete a caustic, sore secretion. Euphrasia is also a spring remedy and with the new beginning, the consciousness does not come along. One feels defenceless. Soon the upper respiratory tracts are attacked and a hard dry cough is triggered. One can’t see the reality that nature regenerates again and again. One prefers to keep to the dull than to experience once again that everything passes away again.
Euphr. C 200, 2 – 3x daily, 2 – 3 drops.
Already at the first signs of spring, the Euphrasia-man should tighten his posture by strengthening his shoulders and extending his chest. Inhaling deeply the vitalizing air, he can now prepare his home and garden for a new beginning.
Mercurius solubilis
Triggering factors
- cold, rough, humid air
- Nose gets sore very quickly and hurts
- A lot of sneezing
- Initially abundant, watery, caustic secretion
- Later thick, green, malodorous pus
- Abundant bad-smelling sweat
- Deterioration through draught
- Restless, feels uncomfortable, because no temperature is pleasant for him in the long run
- Limb pain
- Hoarseness
- Cough with diarrhoea
- Rough, dry, tickling cough
- With slight stinging in the chest, worse when sneezing and talking, in the evening and at night
- The tongue is flaccid, pale, swollen with tooth indentations at the edges
This remedy is able to heal both deep-seated high-acute and chronic inflammations. If the feeling of a creeping cold is ignored, Mercurius is very similar to the symptoms of Dulcamara.
When a Mercurius-man becomes ill from cold, it happens quickly and he begins to freeze terribly. On the other hand, he doesn’t like warm rooms, so the nose flows much more. He tears open the windows, but the draught doesn’t do him any good and the cold lets the nose flow even more. Soon he feels feverish and gets thirsty for cold drinks. He must sweat a lot, but that has no healing effect on the cold. At night, the nose is usually congested. The flabby, pale, swollen tongue with tooth indentations is often a good indication of Mercurius.
Merc. C 200, one dose 2x daily
The Mercurius-man’s enemy is the cold. If he feels the cold creeping into him, he must immediately do something against it. He must provide warmth and dry air. It is important for him to be internally active and dynamic.
Lying slightly covered in a warm, ventilated room and listening to Debussy’s music activates him internally. As soon as he avoids sweets and alcohol, his immune system rejoices.
Mercurius should only be taken until the immune system reacts positively and the person feels more comfortable, even if the cold is still very active. Just one dose of Mercurius, given right at the beginning, can be enough to stop a cold. However, Mercurius solubilis has no effect on the tendency to catch a cold again and again, which can be attributed to the miasma tuberculosis. Too many doses of Mercurius can even intensify this miasma. This applies only to Mercurius solubilis, but not to its salts, especially iodine compounds.
Other remedies for colds
- Ferrum phosphoricum (Fe-phos.) – Ferrum phosphate,
- Jodum- iodine, potassium bichromicum (Kali-bi.)
- Potassium dichromate, Lycopodium (Lyc.) – club moss,
- Phosphorus (Phos.) – Phosphorus, Sulfur (Sulf.) – Sulfur
Ferrum phosphoricum
- Rarely a pure cold, often associated with bronchitis or laryngitis
- Tendency to nosebleed, especially in the morning
- Tired, feels so weak that he has to lie down, but he doesn’t feel well with inactivity either
- Exertion, cold and fresh air deteriorate
- Is in constant, very slow movement, wandering restlessly from one room to the next
- Headaches, better with cold compresses and cold air
The Ferrum-phos.- man can’t be sick. Being sick means being cut off from life, which he cannot stand. He cannot believe that the immune system has abandoned him. He believes that with a little more effort everything can be done and the disease will disappear. However, the slightest effort weakens him and forces him to recover. Since the Ferrum-phos.- man cannot decide whether he should allow himself to fully recover or whether he should simply shake off the illness with iron willpower, he continues to decay endlessly. His immune system is also in this conflict and cannot exert the final strength to defeat the disease. Ferrum-phos. gives him the strength which he so desperately seeks. There may also be anaemia, which chronically weakens the person.
Ferr-p. C 200, 2x daily one dose until healing (approx. one week).
As a Ferrum-phos.-man, you have to decide either to take the necessary effort again and again in order to carry out your workload or to fully recover. You have to overcome your inner restlessness and stay in bed until you feel completely healthy. However, if you want to continue working, your food must not only be rich in vitamins, but also powerful. The best thing in this condition is to get a large plate of raw vegetables with lots of nuts, seeds, sprouts, beetroot and cheese as well as a dressing of good olive oil, linseed oil, wheat germ oil, etc. Afterwards you can eat a small amount of cooked food as needed.
However, if you choose the second option, fasting is very supportive. In your recovery, you will slowly start to eat again in small portions.
Triggering factors
- warmth
- sorrow
- Nose dry and congested, runny nose in fresh air
- Severe rhinitis with a lot of thin, caustic-hot secretion and sneezing
- It drips like water from the nose
- More hot water is running out of the nose outside
- Oppressive pain in the forehead or over the root of the nose
The Iodine-man is a very old active person who always feels driven to be busy. If his activity is paralyzed by any circumstances, his immune system also becomes very vulnerable. Above all, lovesickness can make him so dazed that he can no longer defend himself against diseases. In the same way, for example, great warmth can make his body and mind sluggish. This sluggishness makes him sick.
Iodine. C200, 2x daily one dose
When he is ill, his desire for fresh air and cold is even greater. Even if the fresh air causes more hot, caustic secretions to flow out of his nose, he absolutely needs the freshness of being outside because he has such a fiery temperament. Diseases do not affect his surprisingly large appetite.
Potassium bichromicum
Triggering factors
- Cooling when heated
- Thick yellow, sometimes greenish secretion
- Ropy, tough secretion, sticks in the nose and can be pulled out in long threads
- Dry nasal mucous membranes
- Pain in the nasal bones up to the root of the nose
Potassium bichromicum is a very active human being and produces a lot of energy. As a rule, these people are also vigorously built and do not freeze easily. They need good portions of strong food and usually drink a lot, but they don’t pay attention to what food they eat and in great amounts. Above all, their preference for beer, especially dark beer, makes them susceptible. The nasal and sinus cavities tend to be dry with hard, firm crusts. Removal is very painful and leaves sore spots. New crusts form again soon.
Kali-bi. C 200, 2-4 hours a dose
When you feel a cold, it is time to think about a healthy lifestyle. You will find your way back to yourself more quickly if you drink very diluted fruit juices instead of beer. Leaf salads and vegetables also strengthen your immune system, while too much animal protein, such as cheese, weakens it. Pumpkin is a good and rich source of vegetable protein. It is not good for you as a potassium-bichromicum-man to interrupt your activity for too long.
You can regenerate well with Beethoven music.
Triggering factors
- Too much heat
- Desperate to tell one’s opinion
- Disgust at the stupidity of others
- Caustic secretion which makes the upper lip sore
- Runny nose turns into a thick cold
- Nasal congestion
- At night the nose is completely blocked, so that one has to breathe through the mouth
- In the morning purulent, slimy secretions
- Often also elastic mucus plugs in the nose
- Stuffy nose better after getting up and walking around
- Dull headache between the eyes, in the middle of the forehead or on the whole forehead
- Headache better with food
The Lycopodium-man lives in a world where everything runs very beautifully according to his utopian ideas. He can therefore eat, drink and live to the fullest and feels at ease with it. He doesn’t need dogmatic health rules from others that could reduce his enjoyment. Even if he gets sinusitis, it doesn’t hurt him to continue eating as usual. However, he now needs warm food and drinks and wants to refrain from his daily tasks.
Lycopodium C 200, 2x daily one dose
Due to his excessive commitment to his interests, the Lycopodium-man does not spend enough time in the fresh air. It is therefore good for him to get a lot of exercise outside. His good immune system does not demand absolute fasting, but only smaller amounts and lighter food.
Triggering factors
- Cold bath or shower
- Too much responsibility combined with too little rest
- Frequent change from a thick cold to a runny nose
- Runny nose on one side, sometimes right, sometimes left
- Bloody, yellowish crusts, which sit very tightly
- Nose red shiny, painful
- Sneezing causes rough feeling in the throat and pain in the head
- A cold makes the neck sore and the head dull
Dosage:Give one dose of phosphor C200 and wait. In case of only slight improvement, repeat every 4 – 12 hours. If the effect is fast and good, repeat only when it comes to a real standstill.
The phosphorus man has most likely once again exhausted himself. He now needs absolute rest, above all a lot of sleep and protection from the cold. Despite the disease, he usually has an unusually good appetite. However, he should not necessarily concede to this. It would be more advisable for him to quench his great thirst and drink lots of refreshing things.
Jacques Offenbach’s music can help him to fall into a deep, restful sleep. Afterwards, he should drink a lot again and only then satisfy his hunger with strength-giving, tasty, light food.
Triggering factors
- To get overheated
- Too much hot food or drink (e.g. alcohol) and lack of exercise at the same time
- Severe cold
- Nose blocked in warmth, flows outdoors
- Secretion burning, caustic, sticky, yellow to greenish in colour
- Desire for warm drinks
Too much slag and heat in the sulphur-man. Even if he feels chilly at the beginning of the cold, he soon feels too warm. Especially in warm rooms the heat shoots him in the face. He feels very lethargic and just wants it cool, but he needs something warm for his stomach.
Sulphur C200 every 4 – 6 hours a dose.
As a sulphur-man, usually you lose all your appetite in acute illnesses and you should only drink. To boost your immune system properly, it is important to avoid all stimulating drinks such as grog, black tea, coffee, chamomile, peppermint, chai, ginger, etc. Acid teas such as barberry, rose hip, lemon grass are best. Even if the appetite returns, carbohydrates should be avoided for a long time.
Enjoy the quiet time to have a look inside and get inspired by the music of the English composer Edward Elgar. When you had little rest before, your body and immune system need a lot of exercise in the fresh air.
………….to be continued
Taken from: Homoeopathischen Ratgeber HR 5 – „Grippe-Erkältungskrankheiten“, Lage & Roy Verlag D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen (Homeopathic Guide – Influenza – Common Cold)
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Burgstraße 8
82418 Riegsee-Hagen
Tel. +49(0)8841 – 44 55
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