Remedies in cold and humid weather:
Dulcamara (Dulc.), bittersweet nightshade plant
Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.), Poison oak
Triggering factors
- Cold humid weather, such as snow, sea air, rain
- Cooling and getting wet after overheating
- Change of weather or climate from warm to humid-cold
- Sitting on a damp meadow
- Being exposed to creeping cold
- Immediately starts with nasal congestion, pain of the back, the limb and the neck
- The nose flows more in a warm room, less outside
- The slightest cold is not tolerated and causes sneezing attacks
- When the cold stops, he gets worse.
- Red, sore, inflamed eyes with a lot of lacrimation
- Warmth is helpful
- If he has been in the warm temperature for a long time and then goes out, sickness approaches him.
In the case of Dulcamara, the cold makes the whole flow to stop, so that he gets stiff, especially in the neck. It all hurts, and he needs warmth so that he feels again more comfortable, and the nasal congestion can come to flow. Dry constant warmth is the best thing for him. The sweet freshness of the dew becomes bitter when he wants to enjoy too much of it.
Dulcamara C 200, on the first day 3x daily 2 globules or drops, then only 1 x daily, until the symptoms are gone.
Follow-up agent
If Dulcamara does not or no longer helps, give Mercury.
A constant warm-dry climate is the best for him, but still he has to cope with the humidity. He can do this by scrubbing off moist parts of his body, e.g. by sitting on a dewy meadow, until he gets hot. Dulcamara is a good remedy for recreational activists who can easily catch a cold after visiting a fitness centre or sauna when it is cold outside. In order to prepare the immune system for the change in temperature, it is also good to rub off the sweat properly.
Rhus toxicodendron
Triggering factors
- Rainy, cold-humid weather
- Drizzle, fog
- Swimming in cold water
- Stuffy nose, thick bad smelling secretion
- Nose swollen with red nose tip
- Feeling of soreness due to frequent nasal cleaning
- Convulsive sneezing attacks
- Feels stiff, but wants to move because he is so restless
- Moving improves, e.g. walking around at night
- Cold air doesn’t bother him when he’s warmly dressed
- Thirst for cold, but then he shivers
- Rhinitis is often associated with a sore throat
- Tongue: Tongue tip and edges red, sometimes yellow-white at the end
The Rhus-tox-person is by no means averse to live in a humid area or under adverse circumstances, because he is anxious to get along with his surroundings. Cold showers, for example, can give him great stiffness and constriction, but he still wants to be able to take cold showers.
Rhus-tox C 200, one dose every 2-4 hours.
Follow-up agent
Rhus-tox often needs a follow- up agent, often it is sulfur or tuberculinum.
In order to keep the immune system flexible so that it is prepared for the “attack” of moisture and wetness, a certain mental and physical attitude is necessary. The Rhus-tox-person must learn the techniques to create greater mobility for himself, i.e. to remain mobile despite the effects of moisture and cold. If he does light physical exercises before a cold shower, e.g. when he simply jumps a little bit, he can tolerate the wetness better. You will easily recognize a clever Rhus-tox-person bathing in a lake, when he jumps into the wet element, because he paddles wildly around himself with arms and legs.
Remedies in different weather conditions
- Change from cold to warm weather: Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v.) vegetable coal, Gelsemium (Gels.), Kalium sulfuricum (Kali-s.) Kalium sulfate, Natrium muriaticum (Nat-m.) table salt, Pulsatilla (Puls.) Pasque flower, Allium cepa (All-c.) onion
- Constant weather change: Arsenicum album (Ars.) Arsenic, Tuberculinum bovinum (Tub-bov.) Bovine tuberculosis
- Wind: Euphrasia (Euphr.) Eyebright
- Cold, humid air: Mercurius solubilis (Merc.) Mercury
Carbo vegetabilis
Triggering factors
- Warm spring winds after cool days with high air humidity
- Warm-humid weather
- Sneezing stimulus due to tickling in the nose, no free sneezing
- Swelling of the nasal mucous membranes
- Aggravation with hoarseness in the evening
- Weak, pale, listless, full of self-pity
The Carbo-vegetabilis-type likes to have an even lifestyle. Anything that should bring more movement into his cells makes him ill. He loves mild, sweet dishes. Not only the climate should be pleasant, but also his food: creamy, buttery and extraordinarily tasty, which his immune cells don’t like. However, in order to keep them in the necessary movement, he allows sweet wines and coffee, especially Caffe latte, do their work.
Carbo-v. C 200, one dose every 4-6 hours
In case of an illness, it is wise and appropriate to change the diet to soups that are lovingly prepared but cream-free. Even if the Carbo-vegetabilis-patient is not a friend of fresh fruit, there are also food supplements made from fruit and vegetables.
Music by Richard Strauss and similar composers elevates his spirits and builds up his immune system.
Triggering factors
- Warm and humid weather especially in autumn and winter
- Foehn wind
- Slow development of the cold
- Caustic secretion, burning hot, makes the inside of the nostrils sore
- Runny nose with sneezing
- Does not want to apply his force to clean the nose
- Painful frontal sinusitis, frontal sinuses do not empty, only a watery secretion gets out
- Eyes are heavy and are pressing
- Headaches from the back of the head complicate everything
- He feels good in a warm room, but freezes nevertheless
- Chills are running up and down the back
Warmth, especially connected with humidity, and a foehn wind make the immune system of the Gelsemium-patient so sluggish that he can no longer defend anything. His mind becomes incredibly tired, so that he can hardly stay awake. Only the dizzy headache emanating from the back of his head and the pain in his bones prevent him from stepping away completely. This condition occurs slowly but inevitably. There is no feeling of thirst, directly an aversion to drink, but the kidneys are active and excrete a lot of water.
Gels. C 200, one dose every 4-6 hours
For you as a Gelsemium-type, your salvation is to drink large amounts of warm water throughout the day, preferably no stimulating teas, but light drinks made from cereals. Your headaches will get better and your mind will clear up with plenty of urination. To get even better out of lethargy, it would be good to tackle what you have been afraid of lately. Until you are fully active again, it is advisable not to eat.
Kalium sulfuricum
Triggering factor
- Weather change from cold to warm-dry
- Desire for fresh air
- Evening aggravation
- Mild, thick, yellow to yellowish-green secretions
- Bad smelling secretion
- Doesn’t like anything hot (room, drinks, food, weather)
- Thirsty
- Tongue covered with yellow slime
The immune system of a Kalium-sulf-human being does not seem to be able to gain a stable level despite all efforts. Year after year this person suffers from severe sinusitis and cannot get rid of it. It has almost become a chronic condition that breaks out acutely in any warm weather. The first three symptoms can easily be confused with Pulsatilla, but the rest distinguish it from Pulsatilla.
Kali-s. C 200, one dose every 4-6 hours
Now is the time for you as a Kalium-sulfuricum-type to systematically work on your immune system. Switching to a really cold climate would only be the solution initially, unless you have to do most of your work outside. Strong physical activity, sun, crystal clear water and clean air would quickly rebuild your immune system. But it is most likely not possible for you to take this step. If you have an acute infection, proceed as follows:
- Drink large amounts of very cold water, which stimulates the immune system, and do not eat until you are really very hungry. Now carry out a strenuous activity that lasts the whole day and that you have wanted to do since long time.
- If you have to eat something in between, then fruits are the best. When you have finished your work, you can take a cold shower or go for a swim. Then enjoy your favourite dish. Add a large portion of sleep as needed.
- As a permanent solution: do some work at least three times a week, which challenges your physical body as much as possible and where you can be in the fresh air. Satisfy your need for liquid by drinking large amounts of cold water and fruit juice.
Natrium muriaticum
Triggering factors
- Weather change from cold to warm-dry
- Stuffed and runny nose alternate
- Catarrh with a lot of watery secretion
- Secretion looks like raw or cooked protein
- Although the nose is blocked outside, watery secretion happens
- Nose becoming sore due to frequent nasal cleaning
- Frequent and violent sneezing attacks
- Sneeze stimulus is better outside
- The cold is outside worse, especially with an uncovered head and through physical exertion
- Fever blisters around mouth and nose
- Lips dry, they peel off
- Tongue is pale
The Natrium-mur-human being is hungry and thirsty, but has no appetite for anything and does not like to drink anything. His sense of smell and taste has been lost. He can only taste strongly salted food. However, because his mucous membranes are very dry, he is forced to drink something, but water tastes dull. The only thing he can drink to some extent is sparkling water. Bread and other carbohydrates, which he otherwise likes in large quantities, he can no longer eat or tolerate. He may not have it too warm, but he doesn’t want to go out either. Any effort is unpleasant for him and he prefers to crawl into bed.
Nat-m. C 200, one dose every 4-6 hours.
Now you don’t know what to eat because you have no appetite for anything. But a nutritious soup, well-seasoned with fresh garlic, will surely appeal to you. You will then get really thirsty for a sparkling mineral water which you will joyfully drink. In order to build up your immune system permanently, you can make a garlic cure for four to six weeks, after which you should use garlic only occasionally and sparingly. All remedies and herbs have the opposite effect in their material form after they have fulfilled their purpose of strengthening the immune system in their own way.
In contrast, however, you can never overdose the fine vibrations of Mozart’s music, but from now on let them resonate in their fullness in your life.
Triggering factors
- Influence of heat
- Foehn wind
- Wet feet
- Sumptuous high-fat meals, pork
- A cold starts with a lot of mucus accumulation, which increases more and more at night, without hindering sleep, and empties itself in large quantities in the morning.
- Abundantly thick mild secretion, which later is yellow to green
- Smell of old catarrh in the nose
- Outside the nose is clear and the general condition is good,
- but when you enter a room, a severe watery cold with sneezing sets in.
- In the house and in the evening the cold is worse
- Loss of smell and taste
- Dry lips that peel off
- The tongue is grey-white coated
As long as the weather is cold, the Pulsatilla-person can eat and tolerate anything. He is basically warm and in a warm room he is more likely to freeze. The colder it is, the less he freezes. But as soon as the warmer days arrive, the Pulsatilla-person will catch a cold at the slightest occasion. These can be emotional causes as well as the ones mentioned above.
At first one loses all appetite and thirst and melts away with self-pity. But you don’t necessarily have to notice this at first sight. Later a thirst for small amounts of cold drinks comes up.
Pulsatilla C 200, one dose every 4-6 hours
As a Pulsatilla-person, you can alleviate or completely prevent your illness by taking an extensive walk in the cool fresh air at the first alarm signals, without heating up. The cooler the air, the better – best, morning or evening in the woods.
Initially it is advisable not to drink anything, but as soon as you get thirsty you can prepare a large amount of cold lemon juice. You can sip it sour or sweeten it with honey. If you feel hungry again, you can stimulate your thirst even more by eating some cheese. This is important because you tend to drink too little. Avoid dairy products and fat in the beginning. However, small amounts of butter and cheese as flavour enhancers are easily tolerated. In order to build up your immune system in the long run, as a Pulsatilla-person, you must often be in the fresh air and reduce your consumption of creamy, sweet and concentrated foods. Follow your real needs for plenty of fresh and light food.
Allium cepa
Triggering factors
- Spring and Autumn
- Runny nose with abundant caustic secretion
- Eye inflammation with mild secretion
- A lot of sneezing, especially in a warm room
- Aggravation in the evening
- Cold and generally better through fresh, cold air
- Heaviness in the head up to oppressive headaches
- Hoarseness and scratching in the larynx from 21 o’clock in the evening
- Hacking cough due to inhalation of cold air
- The cough seems to tear the larynx.
- Feels very hot and thirsty
Allium cepa, the onion, is a spring-like remedy, and whenever the weather feels like that, it can be considered. Since it is not uncommon to smell the scent of spring in the late winter weeks, the onion is also used. However, when Allium cepa is too rapidly prescribed at every runny nose, it often causes suppression. Although the symptoms of cold become better, but now the mood is more depressive. Soon a dry cough develops. The highest law in homeopathy is: The general condition must improve, otherwise it is a symptom treatment and suppression. The cough caused by Allium cepa can usually be cured with phosphorus. Sulphur, Nux vomica and Tuberculinum can also be considered.
Allium cepa C 200, every 2-6 hours on the first day, the next 2-3 days less frequently. After three days everything is usually over.
Spring is a very good time to have an onion cure of one to four weeks, excellent with spring onions. This is especially good for those who have spent the winter under very tense condition.
Allium cepa is good for all people who cannot enjoy the spring.
Arsenicum album
Triggering factors
- Constant weather changes
- Bathing and contact with water
- Thin, sore secretion, also at night with constipation of the nose
- At night he is no able to breathe and sleep, he feels miserable
- Tickling in the nose, like a feather
- Must sneeze a lot, but it brings no relief
- Feeling of being smashed due to frequent sneezing attacks
- High sensitivity to cold
- Needs a lot of warmth, also warm drinks and bathing
The Arsenicum-album-person is so tired and exhausted that he can no longer fulfill his daily duties to his satisfaction. This makes him even more depressed and sometimes he doesn’t want to live anymore. If he has to do something important during his illness, the recovery time is prolonged. In the worst case, the cold hits the lungs. In such situations, arsenic must be administered even more frequently and for a longer period of time. Without a good follow-up agent, a satisfactory healing is not possible here. There is a great susceptibility to colds at any time of the year, especially through contact with water.
Ars. C200, 3 – 4 times daily for several days. This drug must be used more frequently and for longer periods.
Follow-up agent
- Phosphorus, if the lungs are involved
- Sulphur, if it gets warm
- Tuberculinum, if he doesn’t stop freezing
In order to ensure a quick recovery, the arsenic human being must be well supplied and kept strong. Especially constant worries weaken his immune system again and again. He initially needs absolute bed rest. Even music could activate him too early. But when the sun begins to set, he should definitely listen to some music. The works of Giacomo Puccini (e.g. from Gianno Schicci “O mio bambini caro”) are excellently suited to brighten his mood, which otherwise would easily slip ‘into the cellar’.
As he only gets better for a short time due to the warmth, he always takes small sips of hot tea. His body now needs a lot of liquid and strong food, but only small amounts of fish, poultry or meat, preferably in a soup with some vegetables and rice. Balsamic vinegar, mustard or horseradish gives vegetarians a correspondingly invigorating energy.
………….to be continued
Taken from
Homoeopathischen Ratgeber HR 5 – „Grippe-Erkältungskrankheiten“, Lage & Roy Verlag D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen (Homeopathic Guide – Influenza – Common Cold)
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