A targeted diet can protect you from colds and flu. But in practice, it usually looks quite different. The personality structure of the person predisposed to colds and flu usually obstructs a strict diet, because the psyche of this person is already the germ to the cold. The tuberculinician is not able to eat according to certain guidelines. This is part of the nature of tuberculinism; where this miasma flares up in some way, the affected person cannot, with the best will in the world, stick to the recommended diet. There is a second reason that makes the success of effective cold and flu protection more difficult with a diet: if a healthy diet is not radically carried out, it helps accordingly less.
Nutritional advice for tuberculinicians
- Only one main meal a day
- At least 60% of the food should consist of organic vegetables and fruits. The larger the proportion of raw vegetables, the better.
- Total abstinence from all irritants (spices, stimulants such as tea, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes etc.)
- As little meat as possible
When a homeopathic treatment is carried out according to Hahnemann, one can experience how man gradually returns to a healthy diet in a natural way. Vitamins, especially vitamin C, are very important for strengthening the immune system. Raw food, cereal and bean sprouts are the safest way to prevent vitamin deficiency. The tuberculinician, especially when he is ill, has an overall craving for vitamin C-rich citrus fruits.
In search of the Genius epidemicus
“Conventional medicine is powerless against flu, flu-like infection and also harmless common cold, because its treatment strategy to solve the problem starts at the wrong point. What have their findings contributed on the most diverse pathogens ultimately to improve the patient’s health situation? ”
In homeopathy it is not the “bombardment” of bacteria and viruses that is at the forefront of treatment, but the treatment of the whole human being. Long before the viruses were discovered, the ingenious Hahnemann developed a concept in 1831 to protect against epidemics and to treat them. Only those who carry the appropriate milieu within which the viruses need to spread, can fall ill at all. In terms of epidemics, it looks like this: It seems as if all people would fall into a certain mental state at the same time, which makes them susceptible to collective infection. When an epidemic breaks out, gradually due to the emerging symptoms, a drug will show up that applies to most of the patients living in a similar (psychological) climate. The history of homeopathy knows epidemics, where in one place almost all people used the same homeopathic remedy and were healed. In such a case, this remedy is called “Genius epidemicus”.
In the case of a simple flu infection, the genius epidemicus is not so clearly visible, but it is always worthwhile for a homeopath and his patients to find out. When the remedy is recognised, the experienced homeopath can often see at a glance whether a patient needs it or not.
The Genius epidemicus is the agent that emerges as the most frequently indicated remedy in a given influenza epidemic in a particular area. It is never the only and all-healing remedy in an epidemic, as it is sometimes claimed. As a prophylactic agent, on the other hand, it can certainly be used. There are always three to seven remedies that prove to be of prime importance in an epidemic, and the Genius epidemicus stands out beyond all doubts, beyond any other agent. However, there is a possibility that a few individuals may need other remedies, especially in the later stages of the flu.
In earlier times, when an epidemic approached, many homeopaths recognised the Genius epidemicus a good time ahead and used it either prophylactically or immediately at the onset of the desease. In Hahnemann’s time, the name of the Genius epidemicus was brought by mounted messengers to more distant areas practically in a race against the spread of the epidemic thus protecting people at an early stage.
If symptoms of the disease have already developed, the flu will show up individually, but nevertheless the majority remains in the range of the Genius epidemicus.
How do you identify a Genius epidemicus?
At the beginning of an epidemic, the homeopath has to wait until every picture of the disease has fully developed. All observations, signs and symptoms are carefully recorded and each case undergoes a thorough repertorization. Little by little, the picture becomes clearer and clearer, so that the homeopath can for sure find out the most important agents to ultimately determine the Genius epidemicus.
Now he is able to work prophylactically with the drug and quickly solve all other flu cases. But identifying the Genius epidemicus is not only important to him, but also to his homeopathic colleagues. Agents that can be considered as Genius epidemicus in influenza are described in more detail in the chapters “Protection and treatment of influenza”.
Epidemics spread in one direction. The unaffected areas can now be informed much faster than at Hahnemann’s time. The most significant work is always done by the homeopath, who is at the center of influenza. A worldwide communication and cooperation of all homeopaths are a good precondition for combating epidemics and deseases of such kind. Mass hysteria and panic encourage epidemics. Fortunately, they have become weaker compared to the past. The more we free ourselves from these thought patterns, the faster epidemics will be banished from the earth.
Victory against cholera epidemic
During the Asian cholera in 1831, Hahnemann collected reports about the cholera from people who came to Germany from Asia. He worked out all the case studies according to the rules of homeopathy and came up with three remedies that were appropriate for this epidemic: Camphora, Cuprum and Veratrum album.
Camphor was the most important remedy. The closer the epidemic approached Germany, the more intensively Hahnemann prepared his patients, friends, relatives and students throughout Europe for the impending danger. All people to whom he had recommended to carry a piece of camphor did not suffer from cholera. Camphora, given right at the beginning of cholera, had a healing effect, but only if no other remedy was given at the same time. It can also be used as a prophylaxis against influenza if a cold was the cause.
The great success of this epidemic has led many countries to abandon bans, restrictions and discrimination against homeopathy.
Prophylaxis in case of cold symptoms
Triggering factor
- Cold, especially wet feet
- Feeling of cold, cannot warm up
- Dry skin, freezes very much
- Extraordinary exhaustion, feels heavy and powerless
- Great tiredness
- Feeling that a fever could approach
After chilling, Camphora is a pure prophylactic. If the catarrh (secretion from the nose, throat or lungs) has already started, camphor is no longer indicated. Camphor acts quickly and promptly on the heat balance. If this does not happen, the miasma has already been activated and although camphor will still have a healing effect on the body’s ability to react, it will no longer be able to stop the infection.
Camphora is the first remedy to be given as soon as possible after a cold.
Put two drops of Camphora Ø (mother tincture) into a glass of cold water and take a sip of it or eat some dextrose on which you put one or two drops of Camphor mother tincture and drink a sip of cold water afterwards.
If you want to continue the treatment on the energetic level, take Camphora C30, add five drops to half a glass of cold water and take a teaspoon every 15 minutes.
If you have cooled down a lot, it is best to get the body slowly used to the warmth and not to drink something hot right away. It is even homeopathic and healing to take first a sip of a cool camphor solution. If you slowly feel warmer, you can drink many hot drinks as you like. Sometimes a cold naturally gives rise to a need for something cold. In order to support the healing process at its optimum, it is important to follow the real needs of the organism. These are very clear and insistent, contrary to any inaccurate wishes. In this case, the body itself determines the homeopathic process.
In case of a severe hypothermia or frostbite, camphor in mother tincture is recommended. Depending upon the hypothermia, add 1-2 drops of camphor to a warm or cool drink and drink slowly. This can be repeated once or twice during the next few hours.
Tip for plant lovers
With camphor you can also save your balcony plants if they have accidentally got some frost. Do not put the affected plants in the frost zone immediately, and not in a warm room, but in a cool room first.
Put 5 drops of camphor Ø into one litre of cold water and spray the leaves with it.
(For further measures in case of frostbite, see Aconit and in the Homeopathic Guide for Emergencies.)
Echinacea, like Camphora, can be applied right from the beginning of a cold if the symptoms are appropriate (see chapter Influenza).
Three drops can be taken every two hours in the mother tincture, or up to D3 or in the C200 dosage every two hours on a tablespoon of water.
………….to be continued
Taken from
Homoeopathischen Ratgeber HR 5 – „Grippe-Erkältungskrankheiten“, Lage & Roy Verlag D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen (Homeopathic Guide – Influenza – Common Cold)
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