Influenza vaccine increases the risk of infection
The fear of serious diseases is human and understandable. Many professionals believe that they cannot afford to get the real flu, also called influenza. But who observes the long-term consequences of vaccinations? Who is aware of the unimaginable extent to which they damage the immune system? AIDS has caused more funds to be invested in immunological research. However, vaccinationimmune defects are systematically excluded from research.
The flu has challenged conventional medicine with its chameleon-like nature and has kept facing new puzzles. There are no laws or regularities in the flare-up of pandemics or in the choice of victims. It infects the healthy and the sick, old and young of all social classes. It does not fit into any scheme. Thanks to the flu research, the conventional medicine has come to recognize that there are different pathogens for the same disease, because the flu virus is constantly changing.
To find the correct remedy in homeopathy, it is usually not necessary to recognize and name the various pathogens; for homeopathy does not start with its therapy on the pathogen, but on humans. It registers the appearance of the disease in all its complexity and due to this fact, it can apply the most suitable remedy, namely that one which shows the most similar symptoms in a healthy person according to the homeopathic remedy proving.
When observing the influenza virus behavior in nature, one reason gets clear why the so-called vaccinations in the most harmless case have no effect, so that the vaccinee at least remains with no harm. The flu virus has amazing adaptability. Although influenza patients develop immunity to the pathogen that has “triggered” the last flu, the next flu virus adapts to the immunization and changes accordingly to re-infect the same people almost every year.
A vaccine against the flu infection will always fail in the number of about 300 flu pathogens, which until now have been recognized. To vaccinate against the real flu would logically only make sense from conventional medical knowledge, if an epidemic really threatened and the virus were known. But within the short incubation period, the pharmaceutical industry would not be able to produce all the necessary flu vaccines in very complex procedures.
Every fall, we are overrun by a well-organized and psychologically-based ‘flu vaccination’ campaign with two factors: the fear of the disease and the fear of being an outsider if you resist the mass vaccinations. According to the book “Bitter Pills” (Bittere Pillen) even during a flu epidemic, only ten percent of the diseases are caused by the known pathogens (type A and B). There are no vaccines against the remaining 90% of unknown pathogens. The well-known virologist Prof. Albert Sabin (USA), who developed the vaccine against polio, claims that the number of flu illnesses is hardly reduced by extensive vaccination campaigns. Why then continue to promote the flu vaccine? In 1982, sales of flu vaccines in the Federal Republic of Germany amounted to DM 6.6 million, putting it in second place among the vaccine sales records behind the diphtheria tetanus vaccine (source: Langbein, including Bittere Pillen, Kiepenheuer and Witsch, 1983) ).
Many readers will know people in their circle of acquaintances, who have been vaccinated against flu. In spite of the vaccination or just because of it, they got a flu orsuffered from other side effects. I know, for example, a young woman who together with her colleagues got vaccinated against the flu, because it is was the wish of their boss. Previously she had enjoyed a thriving health and did not even have a cold at all. After the vaccination, she had caught two severe flues with very high fever, even delirium, and since that time she has become very susceptible to severe colds.
Contraindications too little known
Flu vaccines contain a number of other equally toxic substances:
Formaldehyde, ether and sodium dimerate (all in Begrivac F). Almost everyone knows today that formaldehyde damages the lungs, that very organ that is weak within the flu-prone population! The Fluzone influenza vaccine used in the United States is not compatible with anticoagulants, theophyllines and anticonvulsants. On the packageleafletit is even mentioned, that after the vaccination it can often come to an anaphylactic shock. A few hours later or at least two weeks after vaccination, neurological disorders such as encephalopathy (brain damage) may occur.
Dr. William Froschauer, USA, also warns people particuarly under the age of 65 about the flu vaccination in “Scripps-Howard News Service” (5-11.1986), “because the risk of serious complications from the vaccine is far greater than the heavy effects of the flu.” The State Health Consultancy “Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report” (USA, 21-8-1987) reported that influenza type B flu broke out among children vaccinated against this virus.
Questionable vaccine research
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, USA, publisher of the magazine “the Peoples doctor”and author of the book “Don’t Trust a Doctor”, Mahajiva Publishing House, a dedicated vaccination opponent, reports in his journal (Vol 11, No. 11) using the example of the HiB vaccine (Hemophilus influenca b vaccine), under which study conditions new vaccines enter the market. The HiB vaccine was propagated by the US Department of Health for children 2-5 years old, because this virus is said to be the main cause of croupy cough (pharyngitis) and meningitis. According to the original study, the vaccine would be 89 percent effective. From this study, however, the state of Minnesota was excluded, mind you with the same investigation method.
The only reason: the results there did not fit into the concept! The epidemic researcher Michael Osterholm, Minnesota, found out that HiB-vaccinated children are suffering five times more from HiB meningitis than unvaccinated. That means, the efficacy rate of the vaccine showed an efficiency of minus 86 percent. Therefore, many doctors in Minnesota stopped vaccination.
Active surveillance necessary
According to Dr. Mendelsohn, the state health service and the pharmaceutical industry rely on “passive surveillance” in their search for adverse vaccines. They are waiting for voluntary and spontaneous reports. But the response is accordingly low, while the system of “active surveillance” takes measures by means of an accurate investigation of the adverse effects through vaccinations, which might look like this: the pharmaceutical producer or the state health service will hand out a questionnaire to each vaccinated person. At certain times – days to years – the vaccinated person and his/her family would have to report on the efficacy and safety of the vaccine.
From a scientific point of view, of course, the active surveillance is above the passive one. But it’s unlikely to surprise anyone with the opinion of the pharmaceutical industry: it is too time-consuming, too expensive, etc. Mendelsohn believes that, in truth, it is more the fear of unpleasant results that would bring such studies to light. He warns his colleagues to prematurely apply new drugs and diagnostic procedures before they are proven to be harmless.
You may be a bit more critical about vaccinations after reading all this information. But if you still need a powerful argument to clear the last doubts, ask your doctor, if he/she will make the vaccination against the flu for himself/herself or his/her family.
Homeopathic flu prophylaxis
Influenza and colds are based on the tubercular miasm. This miasma is still very common. After the hopeful, apparent victory over tuberculosis, the millions of new TB cases all over the world show the erroneous thinking of medicine. The Tb miasm has become more and more rooted in the human organism for two reasons:
- The vaccinations, especially the Tb vaccines, weaken people already loaded more or less with tuberculosis.
- Tuberculosis also has an effect on the offspring after several generations as tubercular strain (TB miasm). Ancient scriptures say that it is inherited “until the seventh generation”.
The tendency to catch a cold is itself a sign of the active Tb miasm. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to carry out a routine treatment with one of the Tb nosodes. Here we must pay attention to whether a tuberculin preparation is indicated as the main agent, as an additional agent or reagent.
There are four remedies in homeopathy – Tuberculinum, Oscillococcinum, Streptomycin and Influenzinum – which have proven to be preventive against the flu or cold. At the same time, they are also important in flu treatment. The first two are also known as constitutional remedies. They strengthen the constitution, by which in the long term, a susceptibility to infection is removed.
Application of homeopathic flu prophylaxis
Choose the appropriate remedy for you and take it in the double dose (see also HR4 Homeopathic Prophylaxis) about four weeks before the flu outbreak begins. You should be healthy, free from acute illnesses at this time, and have no stress. Then, in the morning, with empty stomac take 3 globules of the appropriate remedy in the C 200 dosage and another 3 globules five minutes later. Repeat the prophylaxis in the cold period every four weeks.
Oscillococcinum should be repeated weekly at the critical time.
Even before the conventional medical vaccine was developed, the homeopaths had been able to protect very successfully against the dangerous flu, with no side effects, with the help of these agents.
The four nosodes can also be applied for treatment. However, they should not be used prematurely in the developmental phase of the disease, but only when the picture and the symptoms of the remedy give a clear sign.
Tuberculinum bovinum
The tubercular miasm expresses itself in the stubburnness of humanity. Once the tuberculinician has decided on something, nothing in the world can dissuade him. He pursues his goals with an iron will. Nothing can break this will until it breaks itself. He always feels right. He seemingly admits that the other person is right, but only as far as he is not affected by it.
A standard saying of him is: “I do my thing – do what you want.” Cooperation is difficult for him, so his social behavior is not very agreeable. In a morbid state his sense of justice is more or less disturbed. As a result, he does not respect the boundaries and property of others because his sense of justice is too much influenced by his will; he can become very possessive.
He is not willing to accept a higher will or universal laws. To violate human laws can even give him a thieving pleasure. If the tuberculinician cannot dominate, he acts straight away leaving all inhibitions. He may even go that far that he smashes and destroys things which seemingly stand in his way. He would be able to destroy his own work, if he could not do it the way he wants it. He persecutes people who have insulted him with his vengeance. He is very picky. His ideas must be exactly fulfilled, he does not accept anything else. When it comes to eating behavior of tubercular children, this trait has the following effect: If they have been given too much on the plate, they refuse to eat until the seemingly over-served food is returned to the bowl – even if it is just a grain of cereal. The slice of bread must be cut to the exact thickness, it must be neither too thick nor too thin.
The tuberculinician has a fiery temperament and therefore tends to acute diseases, especially colds. Actually, he weakens his own immune system, because he does not want to take the right protective measures. Behind it is a massive defiance. A tubercular child usually feels very warm when it is healthy. It stubbornly refuses to dress at least reasonably warm, and would prefer to walk around naked. Under normal conditions, it does not get sick when it is cold outside, but the more rigid and obstinate it is, the more it gets stuck in something, the more easily it falls sick. If its resistance is directed against the well-intentioned care of the parents, then it will catch a cold – not by the cold, but by its obstinacy.
The tuberculinician must also enforce his will against authorities. If he does not succeed, he falls sick. He will never give up, even if it costs his life. Still he is always full of hope that everything will turn out according to his imaginations. For example, a consumptive human being is full of optimism to the last breath and does not stop fighting. The healthy tuberculinician is impressively convinced of himself. He could uproot trees and conquer the whole world. He never thinks of sickness. However, in a weakened state all kinds of fears break through the perforated framework of his exaggerated self-esteem.
In addition to the right homeopathic remedies, the tuberculinician can rid himself from his destructive patterns through affirmations. Some examples: “I acknowledge the higher divine will”. – “I respect the divine laws”. – “I accept and love myself”. – “I forgive everyone who blocks me”.
The human being, who needs Oscillococcinum, is sensitive to any change of weather and cold. He is very afraid of getting dirty or infected, and therefore does not like to shake hands with anyone. His fear goes so far that he has to disinfect his hands after an unavoidable handshake or at least wash them. The very feeling of being in the presence of a man with a cold causes discomfort or fear in him. Such a person is characterized by a restless, nervous appearance; he is always busy. When he has nothing or little to do, he feels uncomfortable. He keeps his things in perfect order. Disorderliness is unbearable to him, and others are rebuked accordingly.
As far as the intolerance of food to Oscillococcinum is concerned, milk and eggs as well as dishes containing them, aggravate the common cold not only in the respiratory tract but also in the stomach and intestines. It comes to foul-smelling diarrhea with convulsive pain.
It is especially the milk that either has a strong nasal congestion or causes a very painful, dry cough so that large amounts of mucus cannot cough up. Although the patient needs warmth, but overheated rooms aggravate his condition. The flu can also spread to the middle ear – with inflammation, red eardrum and strong swelling. Oscillococcinum strengthens the immune system of these types of people, who usually suffer from a tendency to catch a cold and isolate themselves from fear of infection from the environment. This antimiasmatic treatment extends over a longer period of time.
Concerning treatment of flu or common colds
In the early stages of cold or flu, the following two states are indicated:
- 1. The flu-like infection or influenza has already broken out; but the symptoms of the disease have not yet shown up. Hence, there is great fear of the further course of the disease.
- 2. Even after a longer period of time, there is still no clear disease (symptom) picture that would indicate a specific drug. (See also chapter flu)
Dosage: In both cases, a dose of C 200 is given every two to six hours. It will either cure the flu or bring out new symptoms that will allow a clear homeopathic remedy.
The Streptococcinum human being is very prone to colds. Especially in winter and in cold weather, he is hardly free of it. He is sensitive to external impacts – noise, light, drafts etc. In contrast to Tuberculinum he has good manners and a very polite behavior.
This remedy is important for people to whom Tuberculinum cannot be given or whose personality does not quite match Tuberculinum.
Here are some examples: a stronger osteoarthritis or an asthma condition, where tuberculinum has no longer a healing effect. Instead, it will aggravate the situation, as it occurs especially in people who have taken cortisone for a too long period of time. These persons may have a resemblance to Pulsatilla patients, because they are weeping easily, even without a cause; but they do not like to get comforted. They find their condition more or less incurable, hopeless. Their discomfort is reduced by movement in the fresh air.
The agent Influenzinum is made from a flu virus. In the 1930s of the 20thcentury, many experiments were made with the agents for an influenza prophylaxis. It was given along with the remedies that had been applied as the primary remedies in previous flu epidemics.
Since the flu virus has the tendency to constantly mutate, from the 50s, the remedy was made from the current flu virus and constantly adapted to the conditions. Later, several influenza viruses were mixed to provide better protection against the flu.
….will be continued
Taken from
Homoeopathischen Ratgeber HR 5 – „Grippe-Erkältungskrankheiten“, Lage & Roy Verlag D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen (Homeopathic Guide – Influenza – Common Cold)
Lage & Roy Verlag
Burgstraße 8
82418 Riegsee-Hagen
Tel. 08841 – 44 55
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