After the cold has started, the symptoms must be clear before we can determine with certainty the appropriate remedy. This process can go over a period from a few hours to several days.
Remedy in cold, dry weather
- Aconitum napellus (Acon.), monkshood
- Belladonna (Bell.), deadly nightshade
- Bryonia alba (Bry.), turnip
- Hepar sulfuris (Hep.), sulfuric liver
- Nux vomica (nux-v.), witch hazel
Aconitum napellus
Triggering factors
- Heavy cold, cold dry wind
- After exertion with sweating to be exposed to severe cold, e.g. mountain hiking
Stuffed nose with raging headache, fever, insomnia and great thirst, or
Runny nose, with clear water constantly dripping from the nose, with frequent, heavy sneezing
Aconite C 200, every quarter of an hour or half an hour, until significant improvement begins. Three dosages should be enough!
You can increase the effect of aconite by fasting and by giving yourself peace and relaxation. Now follow your need for large quantities of cold water. Water, especially crystal clear mountain water, acts like balm in an Aconite state, while alcohol (grog, punch, mulled wine etc.) completely stops the healing process and can turn a simple cold into pneumonia.
The Aconite-man needs a lot of fresh air, but also enjoys the pleasant warmth of a duvet. The apartment should be declared to a non-smoking zone at least during his illness. It needs the strong aromas of conifers (e.g. mountain pine oil).
Together with Camphor Ø mother tincture, Aconite reacts on strong influence of cold which can lead to hypothermia, and gives a very warming and healing effect on humans, animals and plants.
Aconite C 200 and camphor Ø mother tincture, 2 drops each in a glass of water or 5 drops each in a litre of water for the plants.
Triggering factors
- Washing or cutting hair, cold at the head.
- One-sided runny nose with red nose
- Hot secretion from a nostril
- Nose very sensitive, especially the tip of the nose, painfully sore when cleaning
- The head is sensitive to cold, but the patient does not like to wear a cap, because heat will accumulate.
- The patient likes to have it warm all over the body, except on the head.
- Hot head, but cold hands and feet
- Upper body hot, but still feeling cold
- Often bursting headaches
- Hot sweat or dry hot skin with chills
- Tongue: shimmering, glossy red
The Belladonna-cold usually disappears after three days. If the cold is suppressed or if the patient is not warm enough covered or dressed and has not protected his head, headaches arise, which make him crazy. Children can strike out wildly in this state.
In the beginning, one dose of C 200 3 times daily, then reduce to 2 and 1 times daily
For the Belladonna-man it is important to protect his head, even if he doesn’t like doing it, because he feels too hot on his head. Therefore, the headgear should be made of light cotton or silk. Colourful headgear is very beneficial. Belladonna-people are very active and recover best if they do not give up their usual food. Children, but also adults can have some milk despite the cold. Lemonades, preferably homemade from fresh fruit, speed up the healing process. The clever Belladonna-man knows that an over-excitement of his brain can lead to a disease. As soon as he feels that this situation is imminent or he plans to have his hair cut, he takes precautions.
He withdraws and plays a CD with active but nevertheless balancing music, preferably Wagner e.g. “The Mastersingers” (Die Meistersinger) . After an initial rest in bed, with a cloth to protect his head, he soon feels like dancing: in short, the Belladonna-man recovers easily and is quickly full of strength and hungry for action again. (You can find this picture of medicines in the Homeopathic Guide No. 20 “Arzneimittelwesen”)
Triggering factors
- Longer exposure to cold, dry wind
- Weather change from cold to warm
- Longer periods of warm weather.
- To sweat and to be exposed to the cold for longer, e.g. through strenuous outdoor work
- Runny nose with sneezing and painful watering eyes
- Cold with constipation
- The sniffles make the patient sluggish and immobile, the body hurts and he only wants to lie down and do nothing.
- Drinks cold drinks in large quantities
- Tongue: brownish coated
The Bryonia-type is very busy. He likes to do his daily duties with care. They have become a part of his life and flow easily from his hand. Disruptions or interruptions of the daily routine always have an adverse effect on him. The idea of having to stop and deal with the disorder is against him, and if it lasts longer, it inevitably leads to illness. He must now distance himself from his habits. Total fasting and absolute silence are the order of the day. His favourite foods, bread and beer, which usually keep his body strong, now act like poison. Even the slightest consumption can cause dangerous conditions, such as pleurisy.
Bryonia C 200, 3 – 4 doses daily until the patient wakes up completely healthy, then stop giving Bryonia
Follow-up agent
As soon as the ‘experienced’ Bryonia-person feels the first signs of a creeping cold, he becomes alert and acts immediately. In contrast to the stubborn Bryonia-man, who nevertheless wants to continue working, but is eventually put out of action for days or weeks, he immediately decides to stop eating and prepares a few litres of hot tea, which he enjoys drinking. Then he lies down in a dark room and covers up to the tip of his nose. Now he sweats out for 24 hours, afterwards he gets up a little weakened but healthy. It still will take a few days until he has fully regained his strength, especially with the help of large quantities of light soups.
Hepar sulfuris
Triggering factors
- Cold, dry weather
- Draft
- Least exposure to cold
- Initially runny nose with a lot of sneezing, worse due to cold fresh air, better in a warm room or in a warm bed
- Later thick, yellow secretion smelling of old cheese
- Stuffy nose with painful inflammation of the nasal and frontal sinuses, sensitive at the root of the nose
- Abundant secretion, often has to wipe his nose at night
Although the Hepar-sulfuris-disease is protracted and develops slowly, the first signs can occur very quickly and with great severity. In very dry, cold areas or similar weather conditions, the disease can last for weeks or even months. However, the general feeling can be quite satisfying after a while. In changing climates, the body reacts differently. Since the protein metabolism of a Hepar-sulfuris-patient is not in order, it is important for his recovery to do without high-quality proteins at the beginning. This also applies to milk and dairy products. On the other hand, small quantities of fish or poultry do not interfere with the healing process.
Hepar sulfuris C 200, 2 to 3 doses daily.
If your immune system is very exhausted, a climate change is appropriate. Warm moist areas are very beneficial for you as a Hepar-sulf.-type. However, an immediate holiday is not always possible or affordable. So you have to create this climate for yourself at home. A long and hot shower in the evening and then crawling into a cosy warm bed is balm for your nerves. If the dinner was also light, you will usually recover very quickly. It is even advisable not to eat at all on the first day in the evening and only to drink hot sour teas (lemon or fruit teas). At the first signs of exhaustion, a steam bath (Turkish bath) will even be able to avert the disease.
Nux vomica
Triggering factors
- Draught or cold, dry air
- Sitting on cold stones
- Getting wet
- Hair cut
- Nose initially blocked, dry and sore
- Sneezing and runny nose in the morning, nose completely blocked at night, one-sided during the day, nose running in warm rooms and during the day
- The secretion stops outside and the general condition improves.
- Wakes up at 3.00 a.m., nose closed, feels bad, when sitting feels better
- Actually he would rather lie down, but then his nose is blocked again.
- When he breathes through the mouth, the mucous membranes dry out too much.
The Nux-vomica-patient is a very frozen person and he likes it warm, but he does not bear the warmth so well in a certain sense. In a warm room, all the symptoms are very bad. He has to sneeze very often, with a lot of secretion running out of his nose, so that he uses up hundreds of handkerchiefs. However, even a slightly cooler room is very unpleasant for him. Outside in the fresh air his sneezing symptoms are almost gone. However, he must be dressed very warm and cannot be exposed to the cold for long. Afterwards a full bath is very good for him. The only thing he doesn’t need is warmth on his face, it’s too hot for him anyway.
Nux vomica C 200 one dose every 2 to 4 hours until the cold is gone.
In order to keep his immune system intact, the Nux-vomica-patient must remain active and spend enough time outside in the fresh air. However, he must not get into too much stress, as he loses his protective mechanisms towards the cold. As soon as he feels the slightest cooling, he must ensure rapid warming of the overchilled part of the body. Very often his feet are affected, and a hot footbath is always the right thing to avert an imminent infection. Also the warm blower in the car on his feet can be of help or a hot drink into which he likes to mix a shot of alcohol. This can strengthen him for the moment, but in the long run it is very harmful to him, because he cannot get out of this habit. The clever Nux-vomica-type knows all these finesses that do him good, including fasting. However, he has to be careful in the evening. As he feels very well until then, he tends to celebrate his recovery lavishly with a late visit to his favourite restaurant. The hottest tip for him would be to fast or just have a light soup in the evening.
………….to be continued
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