The main keynote symptom of Aurum Metalicum is suicidal mania. All the symptoms that may be narrated in this drug lead to this symptom. He loathes life, looses will to live. He is weary of life, longs to die.
Dejection, despair, disappointment torture him all through the life which lead to suicidal tendency. Self condemnation, self reproach and self criticism are the three main factors which create hopelessness i.e. doing everything wrong and he cannot succeed which again leads to think of suicide or ending his life. He is disunion with himself. Dreadful insanity and profound states of melancholy and depression haunts him.
Disturbance of affections, feebleness of the intellect, ailments from grief, disappointed love, fright, anger, contradiction and mortification lead him to meditate upon death and suicide.
Aurum Metalicum is primarily a drug of insanity, depression and suicide. They all belong to the person. The mind is perverted. Therefore, all the symptoms come under this drug related to the mind. It is therefore difficult to divide the symptoms into general, mental, modalities etc.
Although there are certain physical sufferings, they are all connected with mental perversion of the subject. All complaints are aggravated in the night. Desire for open air.
Many symptoms disappear after cold washing. Rheumatic symptoms glance about the groin, the lymphatics in abdomen, mammary glands, the testis and ovaries may also be involved.
Photophobia – the field of vision is disturbed – specs and dots are seen. Yellow crescent shaped bodies float before the eyes and many other disturbances of vision.
Aurum Metalicum is a medicine that is suitable for indurations of the uterus and ulceration of the uterus as a result of respected abortion.
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