Remedies regardless of weather conditions
Drosera (Dros.) – Sundew, Lachesis (Lach.) – Bushmaster viper, Lycopodium (Lyc.) – club moss, Phosphorus (Phos.), Pulsatilla (Puls.) – pasque flower, Sepia (Sep.) – Squid, Silicea (Sil.) – Silicic acid, Sulphur (Sulf.), Tuberculinum bovinum (Tub-bov.) – Bovine tuberculosis
- Tingling in the larynx causes coughing
- The tingling is often so violent in his sleep that he wakes up with a cough
- Spasmodic cough until he chokes and vomits
- Tightness in his chest so that he can’t breathe
- Deep, hollow cough with pain in the chest and under the ribs
- Sore feeling in the chest, pain increases, like muscle soreness
- Cough worse through laughing and lying down as soon as he touches the pillow and after midnight
- Better when he sits up
- Whooping cough
Drosera is a violent agent and has a similarity to Ipecacuanha. But there the cough comes with force and with Drosera it increases slowly. The cough comes from deep below, whereby the lower rib- and abdominal muscles are strongly stressed that they hurt after some time when coughing. Although the cough tortures the patient day and night, it becomes really suffocating around midnight. The cough gets worse as soon as he lies down in the evening, but eventually he can fall asleep. Usually he wakes up from the dry cough after midnight, especially around two o’clock. In the morning, the cough is loosening up; talking, laughing and singing makes it worse.
Dros. C 200, every 4-6 hours, until the cough is significantly better.
The Drosera-person or the child needs very strongly the feeling that protection is given and everything is in good order. Parents have to forget their daily worries and fears. Through their powerful, secure and calm appearance, they can do a lot to get the disease faster under control. But be careful with the diet. All heavy food, especially dairy products, should be removed from the daily schedule and be replaced by nutritious, light food with good oils. Acidic food such as tomatoes, oranges, lemons and so on worsen the Drosera cough.
- Very exhaustive cough caused by dryness, constant tickling in the windpipe or chest and the slightest pressure at the neck
- A spasmodic cough is triggered by checking the neck
- Short, dry, suffocating cough like a crumb of bread in the throat
- Persistent hoarseness with a feeling of some strange particles in the throat, which does not disappear by coughing.
- Cough worse by talking, laughing, after sleep, warm drinks and food.
- Cough better by cold; he also feels very hot
The Lachesis-cough is hacking and hollow. It is caused by a strong tickle in the larynx. The phlegm is very solid, but coughing up brings great relief. After waking up the cough is the worst. But after a while a lot of phlegm can be coughed up and the sick person feels better. He can wake up at night and get shortness of breath from the cough. Outside, the cough is worse, as well as due to a sudden change in temperature.
Lach. C 200, one dose every 4-6 hours until the cough is significantly better.
As a Lachesis-person, you are doing much good to your immune system by avoiding completely alcohol for a longer period of time. Eat fresh fruit and drink highly diluted, fresh juices, preferably from berries. In the late afternoon, spoil yourself with a small meal. Take plenty of time for yourself and perhaps read a book you have been wanting to read for a long time.
Music fromTchaikovsky in the background will help you to get into a deeper meditative mood.
- Barking cough in sleep (like Belladonna)
- Cough worse at night
- Better in fresh air
- Sputum tough, sometimes with vomiting
- Cold is hard to bear in the back
- The sick person doesn’t want to eat much, by nature he starts eating light food
Lycopodium-cough is very violent. The patient clears his throat a lot and makes such loud caws that the attention of his surroundings is inevitably drawn to him. Also in sleep he barks so loudly that nobody can sleep.
Lyc. C 200 one dose, repeat if necessary
For you as a busy Lycopodium-person, it would be advisable to take a few days off. Make a lot of exercises in the fresh air. Eat only one meal, preferably later in the day, and drink plenty of warm tea. A visit to the theatre, cinema or opera will do you good.
- Hoarseness
- Very hungry when he becomes acutely ill
- It threatens a protracted pneumonia
- Burning pain in the lungs when coughing
- Hard, dry, stuck cough
- Tickling in the larynx triggers coughing
- Worsening, if he moves from the right to the left side
- Demand for ice-cold drinks, fruit juices, cola
The phosphorus-man is active and likes to be in motion as long as he does not have to lie in bed. He enters and exits the house without putting on his jacket and scarf. Normally he doesn’t mind, but when his immune system is weak, he catches a cough. His throat chakra is well developed. He has the talent to be a speaker or a singer, however, it may overstrain this organ, and then it sits in his throat to the point of voicelessness.
Phosphorus C 200, every 4-6 hours one dose, until the cough is significantly better.
Your immune system needs the stimulation of ice-cold, refreshing drinks to defend the disease. Don’t follow the advice to drink something warm because it is commonly believed that cold drinks are harmful for coughing. Despite your hunger, you should not eat so much.
- Heavy, shaking, inflammatory or nervous spasmodic cough
- Worse in the evening and at night, until vomiting, lying in bed, especially immediately after lying down in the evening (Nux vomica)
- Sputum in the morning of yellow and thick consistency
- Feeling of suffocating as from sulphur vapour
- Cough initially dry, later abundant sputum
- Cough better by sitting up, moving slowly in well-ventilated rooms or even better outside.
- The coughing attacks are accompanied by soreness in the stomach, lumbar region or pains in arms and shoulders.
- Involuntary urination when coughing
Pulsatilla C 200, one dose every 4 hours, later as needed.
Avoid food totally for a while. Initially, as long as you are not thirsty, do not drink anything, later, when you are thirsty, drink lots of homemade lemonade sweetened with honey. This will quickly get your immune system back on its feet.
- Cough with much sputum
- Sputum salty, yellow to green
- Dry, convulsive cough, especially at night when lying down
- Children cry when coughing; they have attacks of suffocation with nausea, choking, vomiting
- Sitting up alleviates the cough
- Coughing worse in the evening and at night, especially when lying down
Sometimes, coughing can prevent sleep until midnight. After midnight, the cough wakes up the sick person again and again. He must sit up to relieve himself. During the day, the sepia-person can usually lie down quietly without coughing. Outside, especially when it is cold and damp, the cough worsens. In fog, everything is even worse.
Sepia C 200, 2-4x daily until healing.
As a sepia-person, you have once again taken your duties too seriously and did not give enough time to yourself. Now is the time to give your immune system a chance and withdraw from everyday life. The best way for your immune system to react is to start fasting completely, even though you might feel like eating all kinds of things. It is good for your lungs and cough if you avoid sour foods, especially your beloved vinegar.
It doesn’t matter whether you just lie down and sleep or read and hear Chopin or go away on a trip and walk. The main thing is to have joy and recover.
- The cough develops very slowly
- Cough with shortness of breath when lying on the back
- Cough with chest tightness
- Deep, hollow cough day and night, very exhausting
- Worse due to movement, talking, cold
- Better through warm drinks
- Feeling cold and cannot warm up
- Sometimes soreness in the chest
- A lot of sputum – transparent and purulent
- Coughing due to a feeling of a hair on the tongue or in the throat
Arsenic- and nux-vomica-persons are also getting cold, but unlike Silicea they are able to get warm.
Silicea C 200, only one dose or 1 x daily, until there is no more need.
You’ve dived too much into your work. Now your immune system asks you to drop your too determined, merciless path. Instead of working, dive deep into yourself and let the immune system do what is necessary.
- Cough during the day loose, dry at night
- Thick white sputum after waking up
- Better outdoors
- Desire for hot drinks
- Always without appetite
- He feels warm
The sulfur-cough is usually very dry at the beginning, especially at night when you lie down. After a few days it becomes loose during the day, but totally dry at night, mainly during sleep. Mostly there are two coughing attacks one by one (as with Phos, Puls, Merc). Sleep is very disturbed by the cough.
Sulfur C 200, every 2 – 4 hours, until the feeling of heat goes and a healthy appetite sets in.
As a sulfur-person, you have no difficulty in fasting as long as you want. Fast to support your immune system and only drink until all the lethargy has flushed out of you.
- Demand for strong food or vitamins (can also drink lemon juice)
- Cough worse at night, in sleep or disturbs sleep
- Cough worse by talking or heavy activity
- Better through cold, fresh air
- Long lasting, hacking cough attacks
- Freezing aggravates the cough
Tuberculinum-cough has many forms, but is usually long-lasting and tiring. Mostly it has a pronounced sleep symptomatology. If he has a cold, he is slightly underheated.
Tuberculinum C 200, 1 – 2 times a day until the disease no longer affects you.
As a Tuberculinum-person you freeze easily, but you need a lot of fresh air and exercise. You tend to be lethargic and suffer from your weakness. Exercise is always good for you.
… to be continued
Further literature
A. and D. Pulford / Ravi Roy PNEUMONIE – Homeopathic treatment of pneumonia, Lage & Roy Verlag
Taken from: Homoeopathischen Ratgeber HR 5 – „Grippe-Erkältungskrankheiten“, Lage & Roy Verlag D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen (Homeopathic Guide – Influenza – Common Cold)
Lage & Roy Verlag
Burgstraße 8
82418 Riegsee-Hagen
Tel. 08841 – 44 55
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