Remedies for dry, cold weather conditions
- Aconitum (Acon.), Belladonna (Bell.), Bryonia (Bry.),
- Causticum (Caust.), Hepar sulfuris (Hep-s.),
- Nux vomica (Nux-v.), Rumex (Rumx.), Spongia (Spong.)
Aconitum napellus
Triggering factors
- Severe cold
- Cold dry wind
- Exposed to strong cold after exertion with sweating,
- g. mountain hike
- Fast and violent occurrence of coughing
- Pneumonia can develop quickly under certain circumstances
- Persistent, short, dry cough with suffocation
- Breast feels dry to the touch
- Roughness of the larynx makes you cough
- Loud, barking, ringing cough
- Loud audible exhalation
The Aconitum-cough can occur shortly after the effect of a severe cold. It starts with great force until midnight of the same day and torments the person. He becomes very restless and is afraid to suffocate.
- Aconitum C 200 every 2 hours. If no improvement occurs after two doses, Aconitum is not indicated. Usually, Aconitum is appropriate for a short time and often needs a follow-up agent.
- Helpful are bed warmth and lots of fluids.
Triggering factors
- Cut or wash hair
- Cold air
- Dry, tickling cough, scratches the throat
- Cough attacks often and ends with sneezing
- Barking cough at night or during sleep
- Cough quickly intensifies
- Often the cough is accompanied by heavy headache
- Hoarseness with painful dryness in the larynx
- Throat rough and sore, very red and lucid
- Face is red and eyes are shiny
- Belladonna C 200 one dose every 4 hours
- See chapter “Cold” (Belladonna)
Triggering factors
- Cold, dry wind
- When sweat is suppressed after overheating
- Weather change from cold to longer lasting warm weather phases
- The catarrh slowly moves from the nose down into the throat, the windpipe and the bronchi
- Right at the beginning of the cough, he often gets constipation
- Dry, convulsive, painful stabbing cough
- Worse at night, by movement, by eating and drinking, and deep inhalation or by entering a warm room
- Better through rest, warm drinks and seating by bending down
- When coughing, he must hold his chest
- Coughing shakes the whole body
- Stabbing pain in the chest when coughing
The Bryonia-cough develops very slowly to great severity and painfulness. There is a risk of pleurisy. Adults with rheumatism or liver complaints are often susceptible. They are very tough people. In a changeable climate, Bryonia does not occur so frequently, but rather at places where the climate remains the same for a long time.
- Bryonia C 200, one dose 3 x daily.
- Because of the strain on the liver, fasting is absolutely necessary here. As soon as the appetite returns, warm soups without cereals are very beneficial.
Triggering factors
- Dry, cold weather
- Exposed to cold dry wind
- Disturbed sleep through dry, hollow cough
- Coughing irritation in the throat, as if the throat was cauterized.
- Hoarseness up to loss of voice
- Burning or soreness in the chest
- Involuntary urination when coughing
- Cough gets worse when talking and cold air
- Slime rattling, can’t cough up the slime.
- Feeling like the phlegm would dissolve, if he could just cough a little deeper
- He has to swallow the coughing up phlegm
- Palsy-like weakness of the respiratory muscle
- A sip of ice-cold water immediately improves the coughing attack
- Warming up, especially in bed, worsens the cough
Initially, fasting is good. Later he needs his favourite food, strongly roasted meals or smoked.
- Causticum C 200, in the beginning 2-3 times daily, later 1x daily one dose.
Hepar sulfuris
Triggering factors
- Cold, dry weather
- The slightest effect of cold can cause coughing
- Splinter feeling below the larynx up to the upper bronchi
- Cough worse when covering, even if it’s just the little toe
- Generally, he is better off with warm drinks, but the cough is unaffected
- Sputum: thick, tough, yellow, easy to expectorate
- Sweats all night without relief
Cough can be very protracted. Due to wet weather phases the cough becomes better, but comes back afterwards. The Hepar-man feels also cold in a healthy state.
- Hepar sulfuris C 200, 3x daily, later only 1x daily.
- Drinking a lot and eating light food will help to overcome the disease more quickly. Acidic food and drinks activate the immune system. Wearing a woollen cap or inhaling hot vapours is also good.
Nux vomica
Triggering factors
- Draught or cold, dry air
- Sitting on cold stones
- Getting wet
- Cut hair
- Dry, convulsive irritable cough causes a feeling of soreness in the chest
- Constant tickle in the throat triggers cough, which is very strenuous
- Pain at the navel pain while coughing
- Cough better through warm drinks, but not outside, if it is too cold
- Cough worse in a warm room, through cold weather, cold drinks or covering
- Cold can be associated with headache
Although the Nux-vomica-cough gets worse from cold, the cough outside is better when the patient is warmly dressed.
- Nux vomica C 200, 3x daily, later 1x daily.
Triggering factors
- Dry, cold weather
- Lightly dressed in cold weather
- Inhalation of cold air triggers cough irritation up to loss of voice
- The bedcover is pulled over the head to protect from cold air
- Cough better in warm air
- Constant coughing stimulus from the neck pit to the branching off of the bronchi
- Dry cough with little sputum
Normally the Rumex-man does not feel the cold and even in very cold weather he dresses like in midsummer. He can do his daily duties with a mood of serenity. He is only at risk if external circumstances bring a certain aggressiveness into his serenity. The oppressive new circumstances become too much for his immune system and it tries to throw them off with explosive cough attacks.
- Every 2-12 hours, depending on the severity, one dose of Rumex C 200.
- Your immune system needs to reorganize itself and needs absolute protection from the environment and the cold. Even fasting for a while will revitalize you.
- The song Ave Maria gives you the strength to maintain your ease even in new situations.
Triggering factor
- Cold, dry weather
- Coughing sounds like a saw
- Dry cough without phlegm
- Cough better by holding the head up
- Cough better with warm food and drink
The Spongia-man takes life much too easy and thinks everything is fun. With this attitude of mind, one could go through life without having to bear any consequences. This attitude is good, even indispensable, to be able to experiment with all possibilities. But then you have to choose the best for you and put all unnecessary things aside. If he gets involved with too many things that rob him his energy, his immune system will soon not tolerate it anymore.
- Initially Spongia C 200 every 2 hours, later 1-2 doses per day.
- Anything warm will do you good. Only if you feel like drinking hot grog or warm beer, it would not be enjoyable for your immune system. The best thing now is to drink a hot herbal tea of your choice, but not hot chocolate and desserts. Your immune system also likes a warm pea soup with grated carrots.
………….to be continued
Taken from: Homoeopathischen Ratgeber HR 5 – „Grippe-Erkältungskrankheiten“, Lage & Roy Verlag D-82418 Riegsee-Hagen (Homeopathic Guide – Influenza – Common Cold)
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