Calcium Phosphoricum
Organ: Bones, Muscles (Protein)
1.1 Recommended potentization: D 6
1.2 Dr. Schuessler’s reflections on this mineral substance
In his brochure on inorganic tissue images, he writes: “When an intense stimulus hits an area of tissue cells, the balance of the molecules of a cell salt is disturbed. As a result of such an attack, molecules of the salt in question are lost, for which a replacement must be supplied. Since the connective tissue tubes on one hand conduct nutritional fluid to the tissues and on the other hand return the pollutants or building rubble of the tissue that has been broken off by the continued action of oxygen into the bloodstream, since the supply and removal always take place side by side, there must be connective tissue tubes that supply and discharge, because freight and return freight cannot be transported on the same rail tracks during uninterrupted freight traffic. If the function of the supplying connective tissue tubes1of the skeleton to be fed is tuned down below the norm, the bone or bone part in question receives too little nutritional material (carbonic acid lime) and as a result the so-called English disease (rickets), the loss of the skull (craniotabes), etc. develop. If the function of the connective tissue tubes of the skeleton is reduced, the removal of the phosphoric acid lime, which was an integral part of the used bone cells, is delayed. As a result, bone swellings occur.
Two opposite disease states; reduction and increase of the bone mass, are curable by one and the same agent, the phosphoric acid calcium, because this is the functional agent of the connective tissue cells. If in the drainage tubes of the connective tissue near the joints the removal of uric acid sodium does not take place quickly, gouty swellings2are formed.If waste products accumulate in the connective tissue of the lymph glands, glandular swellings3develop. The phosphoric acid lime must also be the healing salt of gout and scrophulosis4for the reasons mentioned above. If there is not enough phosphoric acid lime in several connective tissue formation sites of the blood cells, the development of young cells is inadequate or does not take place at all. Since the healthy blood cell formation sites cannot completely cover the loss caused by the death of old blood cells, a blood constitution gradually develops, which is called anaemic pallor, anaemia, chlorosis5. Your remedy must of course be phosphoric acid lime. But if the anaemic pallor is caused by the fact that with a normal number of blood cells the colouring of the same is delayed, then ferrum is the indicated healing salt …”6
Schuessler calls calcium phosphoricum a functional remedy (fuel) that cannot be associated with the large amount of phosphoric acid lime that the organism needs to build up. A clear distinction must be made between building materials and fuels.
1.3 Characteristics
Calcium phosphoricum forms and affects the tissue and liquids within the protective shells formed by calcium fluoratum.
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum influences the hormonal balance (peptide hormones).
Calcium phosphoricum is the mineral with which the organism regulates the protein balance. As people have often ingested an excess of protein in recent years, the deficiency of this mineral has been more and more increased.
The functional remedies of the serous membranes (meninges, pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, bursa, tendon sheaths, thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity are lined with this mineral)
Seroalbuminous effusions > protein-rich effusions in knees, wrists, elbows.
It is the remedy for weakness and convalescence7, and is also used for blood regeneration, e.g. for blood loss during surgery. Promotes cell division processes.
It is the blood forming remedy of biochemistry according to Dr. Schuessler. Blood consists of many different components, which are composed of protein components: the cellular blood components, such as leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes (blood platelets) and the dissolved molecules of globulins and albumins, fibrinogens and lipoproteins.
This mineral is used, among others, as a functional substance for the neutralisation of acids,so that the building material lime loses its control and is possibly deposited as kidney or gall stones.
Muscle building: Calcium phosphoricum helps when arbitrary muscles become cramped due to overloading because the protein balance is out of control and the acidity becomes excessive. It is the remedy that is appropriate for muscle cramps.
The hyperacidity of the tissue is a problem during calcium metabolism, as the body takes the necessary calcium ions from the bones to neutralize it.
A short-term hyperacidity caused by drinking an acidic wine leads to a short-term intracellular deficiency, which has to be compensated. Sensitive people notice an almost subliminal tension of the muscles, or the heart suddenly beats faster than it fits to the physical condition of the person. When the number 2, one tablet after the other, is taken, the situation calms down quite quickly.
1.3.1 The “abundance”
We have described the number 1 calcium fluoratum in the brief description as the mineral that is responsible for the “covers” in the body.
No.2 Calcium phosphoricum is responsible for the “abundance” in the body. This is also a brief description which needs further explanation.
It is the mineral that builds up the inside of bones, the inside of teeth, the dentine, the inside of vein walls, blood, the inside of protective skins, muscles, organs, etc.
1.3.2 The store
The stores of No. 2 calcium phosphoricum are the bones and the skeleton. When the tissue becomes acidic, calcium phosphoricum molecules are released from the bones, and the amount of free calcium ions in the blood increases. A relative lack in the cell interior is the result, the extracellular calcium loses its hold and is deposited as kidney stones, or gall stones.
Therefore, a mineral consultant gives persons with kidney or gall stones number 2, so that the intracellular calcium is built up and the extracellular calcium can be reabsorbed.
1.4 Mode of action:
Calcium phosphoricum works very quickly in some areas (muscle cramps) and very slowly in others (dentin), sometimes larger amounts are necessary, sometimes it has to be taken for a very long time.
1.5 Signs of deficiency:
The craving for spicy foods, smoked foods such as bacon or mustard (sandwich with mustard), the craving for protein-rich food (and rejection of vegetables and salad) show a lack of this mineral. The most obvious symptoms are rejection or a strong need for milk.
In children, the desire for ketchup is very pronounced when there is a deficiency.
Hyperactive children often have a large deficiency of No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum: Cell Calmin.
Additional: vitamin B complex, wholefood nutrition, vegetables, little sugar.
Here the many phosphates in food (lemonade, sausage, pickling salt, flavour enhancer) play an important role.
1.5.1 Face analysis
Waxy: warm white tone (ivory)
Most frequently it occurs on the nostrils, the tip of the nose, the ear and the forehead. Very often a waxy stripe from the root of the nose underlies the two eyebrows of the same colour.
1.6 General:
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is an important mineral, so that it is preceded by some considerations.
The stock of calcium phosphate in the human body of an adult is 1 – 1.5 kg.
99% of it is stored in the bone, 1% is as freely available Ca ions in the cells and in the interstitial fluid (interstitium).
1% free calciumions are of great importance for the life-support of the organism. If too few calcium ions are available for intracellular and extracellular metabolism, calcium is released from the bones.
For this reason, a calcium deficiency in the blood is never detectable. The consequences of overexploitation of the bone due to a lack of calcium supply are not noticeable for decades. Only after years is the bone loss so advanced that the bone density suffers – osteoporosis is the result.
1.6.1 Calcium and its functions in the body
Ca++ is 90% present in the bone as phosphate and carbonate. Free calcium ions are found in blood plasma and extracellular space. The concentration of ionized calcium depends on the total calcium concentration, the protein concentration, the presence of chelating or complexing anions and the pH value of the blood. Free calcium ions activate significant biological systems:
- electromechanical coupling in muscle fibers, namely the contraction and relaxation of all muscle fibers.
- activation of the adrenal cord and pituitary posterior lobe, where adrenaline, vasopressin and oxytocin are released only in the presence of calcium ions after nerve irritation. (Women can withstand stress better.)
- secretion of glandular cells
- calcium ions have a positive inotropic effect on the heart (the contractile power of the heart is increased).
- calcium ions ensure good permeability8of the cell Membrane and maintenance of the adhesive power9of cell clusters.
- blood coagulation through activation of prothrombin.
- cell division, but also cell differentiation, require calcium as a regulator. Intracellular calcium
The stock of intracellular calcium is 0.1% of total calcium. The intracellular calcium, here the intracellular substitution by calcium phosphoricum according to Dr. Schuessler plays its role, is stored in two compartments (cell organelles), whereby each healthy cell regulates its own calcium stock by activating or deactivating its stores.
We find intracellular calcium in different compartments of the cell. The compartments of the cell
- Endoplasmic reticulum:
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membrane system in the cells with cavities and channels.
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum builds up biomembranes and is responsible for fatty acid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism and is involved in the metabolism of toxins and drugs.
The rough ER is externally covered with ribosomes. They build up the protein molecules. One liver cell contains several million ribosomes that catalyse the metabolism.
In glandular cells, the ribosomes produce glandular secretions (hormones). The finished secretory proteins, such as insulin, but also the peptide hormones in the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract) or steroid hormones in the testicles, are secreted through the membrane of the ER.
- The mitochondria:
They are the “power plants” in the cells. Metabolically important cells with a high cell division rate, such as liver cells, have up to 2000 mitochondria per cell in a healthy state. These cell organelles are folded inside (cristae) to achieve a surface enlargement. Here the enzymes of the respiratory chain (with the help of potassium sulfuricum) and the citrate cycle are produced, the fatty acids and amino acids are oxidized.
- Calcium transporting systems
Each cell has different calcium transporting systems in the biomembrane:
- Calcium channels,
- Sodium/Potassium Exchange System
- (calcium) Ca – ATPase (enzyme of adenosine triphosphate)
- Ion pump that pumps Ca out of the cell using energy in order to maintain the membrane potential Extracellular calcium:
Extracellular calcium is regulated by the hormones parathormone and calcitonin. Bone formation
Parathyroid hormone(parathyrin, PTH) and calcitonin mainly serve to build and break down bones.
Vitamin D3, dihydroxycholecalciferol, which is produced in the kidneys, plays an important role in this process, as described in more detail in the section Bone). Blood formation
Free calcium ions are also necessary for blood Formation and the activation of prothrombin and thus for blood coagulation.
Blood needs a constant calcium content of 2.1 – 2.6 mmol/l, which is regulated by calcitonin and parathormone. Calcium levels in the blood (calcium homeostasis):
Calcium phosphate metabolism is regulated by parathyroid hormone, vitamin D3 and calcitonin, a hormone. High calcium concentrations stimulate the excretion of calcitonin. Calcitonin is produced in the thyroid gland, lowers the calcium phosphate concentration in blood plasma in hypercalcemia10, reduces osteoclast activity11, inhibits bone resorption, converts osteoclasts to osteoblasts12and thereby stimulates bone formation.
- There is too little calcium in the blood,
PTH (parathyrin) is released, a parathyroid hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland.
As a result, like a chain reaction, calcium is released from the bones. The osteoclasts are stimulated and the bone is broken down.
- Calcium uptake in the intestine
is promoted, whereby the importance of vitamin D3 for calcium uptake should be considered here.
As a further measure, calcium reabsorption in the kidneys is increased.
- If there is too much calcium in the blood, the thyroid gland releases calcitonin. The number of osteoclasts is subsequently reduced. By activating the osteoblasts, calcium is built into the bones.
The absorption of calcium from the intestines is reduced. The reabsorption in the kidneys is reduced and consequently more calcium is excreted.
The control circuits of the parathyroid gland with the parathyroid hormone and the thyroid gland with the calcitonin on the other side ensure that the calcium level in the blood is always constant, whereby the vital organs such as the heart are sufficiently supplied with the vital fuel.
1.7 No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum and protein
Proteins form an essential part of the human body, which is why this topic is dealt with in particular detail.
1.7.1 Protein, a vital substance in the body
At the beginning of this chapter, an overview from the biochemical literature will emphasize the importance of this particular point.
At Hermann Deters we read about it:
“Calcium phosphoricum is chemically closely related to proteins. Only the presence of calcium phosphoricum enables protein formation in our cells. Because calcium phosphoricum favours the cell division process (together with sodium muriaticum), ‘therefore it serves’, says Dr. med. Schuessler, ‘as a remedy for anaemic conditions and as a tissue restorative’ after acute diseases.
The absence of this functional salt in serous skins (meninges, pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, bursa, tendon sheaths, etc.) causes a seroalbuminous effusion. Calcium phosphoricum should therefore never be forgotten along with potassium chloratum, silicea and calcium sulfuricum in order to remove the effusion. (The alternate use of calcium phosphoricum and silicea often has a surprisingly beneficial effect.)
Sweating of the mucous membranes is protein-like (like uncooked protein), milky.”13Dr. med. J. Schneider formulates a similar statement in his book “Biochemical family doctor”:
“Calcium phosphate is the salt that occurs most in the body. It mainly forms the hard substance of the bones but can also be found in all cells due to its big chemical similarity to all proteins. Its deficiency in the cells leads to protein-containing secretions and effusions, makes the body anaemic and thus causes other diseases. If the cells of the skin lack calcium phosphate, the skin scales into smaller or larger white platelets.14
As a result, calcium phosphate should be applied to all catarrhs of the various organs, as soon as the secretion is protein-containing, seroalbuminous, as well as when protein-containing effusions occur in joints, thoracic or abdominal cavities.”15
It cannot, however, be a chemical similarity, as claimed in the two quotations. However, these formulations are always used when a mineral substance according to Dr. Schuessler has a special relationship to certain substances.
So it should read like Kurt Hickethier:
“Calcium phosphoricum is the binder for the organic structure of the protein.”16
or like Dr. Günter Harnisch:
“Calcium phosphoricum is present in all cells of the body. It plays an important role in the conversion of vegetable and animal protein from our food into the body’s own protein. Calcium phosphoricum is an important building block for the formation of cells of all kinds, including red blood cells, and is regarded as the biochemical building and strengthening agent in case of insufficient growth in childhood and insufficient replacement of used cells in adulthood.”
1.7.2 No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum the protein fuel
Based on many of our own observations, but also on the references in the biochemical literature and the corresponding experiences of the respective authors, it can be assumed that calcium phosphoricum is indispensable as a functional agent for the binding of protein substances17in the body.
The importance of calcium for protein is also confirmed in science. In the pharmaceutical dictionary of Hunnius the occurrence of calcium is indicated as follows:
“Physiology: The human body contains about 1 kg of calcium, of which about 99% is apatite in the skeleton; about half of the calcium is present in serum as Ca2+, the other half is bound to proteins.18
Before fibre substances can be built up in the body with the aid of potassium chloratum, which is dealt with in detail in the chapter on this mineral, the proteins must already be present in a body’s own bound form through the action of calcium phosphoricum. Otherwise the organism cannot use the respective protein substances, it cannot deal with them.
A lack of calcium phosphoricum as a functional means gets to feel above all those humans drastically who are allergic to protein substances19. This includes many substances, such as the evaporation of an animal or its hair, many foods, as well as medicines and natural substances that are built up by protein substances. If such people leave out the entire animal protein from the food over a certain period of time, they can achieve a clear relief of the existing reduced metabolic rate after only a short time.
This relief consists above all in the fact that it is possible for the organism to use the too small supply of the fuel calcium phosphoricum sparingly for the burdening protein substances in order to rework them. This saves him the need to break down the substance through which he has been able to obtain the required minerals, namely the fibres.
However, when these tissues are broken down, the substances bound to the minerals lose their hold.
On one hand, they come to the surface as fibrous mucus, which indicates a lack of potassium chloratum.
The protein not processed by the lack of calcium phosphoricum is either washed up in the body, which causes obesity, or it changes into an excess of acid, namely uric acid, which places an extreme burden on the organism.
When proteins are broken down, homocysteine is produced if methionine is not completely converted into cysteine. The homocysteine value indicates indirectly the degree of hyperacidity.
The existing lack of calcium phosphoricum in an allergy leads especially in the area of the bronchi to extremely unpleasant cramps, spasms, which are commonly referred to as spasmodic cough.
Under certain circumstances there may also be a deficiency of potassium chloratum at the same time, which can lead to a strong whitish-grey mucus formation.
Practical experience: The husband of a mineral consultant was bitten by a mosquito and got an extraordinarily large swelling. His body reacted allergically to this bite or the substances supplied to the body. Since according to Dr. Schuessler the No. 8 sodium chloratum is always recommended in biochemistry, she used this mineral internally and externally. However, the success was delayed. The swelling decreased only slightly and remained for several weeks. The body had encapsulated the supplied substances, which caused the allergic reaction.
In a conversation with a biochemist friend, she talked to him about this experience. After some thought, he pointed out the connection with the foreign protein that had penetrated the body through the mosquito. The additional use of calcium phosphoricum was recommended.
There was also an indirect indication that the man suffers from recurrent attacks of gout. That means that he can process supplied protein, no matter of what kind, badly by a lack of calcium phosphoricum, whereby it changes excessively into uric acid.20However, there has been no discussion about eating habits and how to change them in this context, which will certainly be inevitable in the long run.
When the woman arrived at home, she immediately applied a mineral slurry consisting of No. 8 sodium chloratum and above all No. 2 calcium phosphoricum to the affected area. It took only a few days and the tumour disappeared completely. The organism had been able to process and bind the foreign protein well with the added calcium phosphoricum, making it excretible.
1.7.3 Summary
Calcium phosphate is necessary to build protein bodies, mainly in ribosomes. Intracellular calcium in mitochondria is involved in cell differentiation and protein formation, so calcium phosphoricum No. 2 should always be taken when problems with protein of any kind arise.
In allergies, it is necessary to avoid all animal protein, as it places a heavy burden on the body and uses those substances that should be available to buffer the substances that trigger the allergy. In addition, the intake of No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is important along with other minerals.
All allergy-inducing protein components – pollen, animal protein, milk protein – can be alleviated by taking No. 2. (Attention, the calcium in milk is difficult to break down, therefore excessive milk consumption is counterproductive in osteoporosis!)
Insect bites that lead to excessive reactions require calcium phosphoricum in addition to sodium chloratum.
If there is a deficiency of No. 2, protein-containing effusions may occur.
Allergic cough can lead to tense bronchial tubes, this mineral also helps with convulsive cough. No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum – fuel for ribosomes
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum as the basic agent of ribosomes in rough endoplasmic reticulums is of great importance in the protein formation of the following substances produced naturally in the body:
Structural proteins, enzymes, transport proteins (haemoglobin), antibodies, immunoglobulins, building blocks of DANN, hormones – steroid hormones, neurotransmitters.
1.7.4 Protein storage disease – Protein obesity
A big problem of the connective tissue is the overproteinization (too much protein brings also an overacidification), which results from continuous and too high protein consumption of humans and probably is the actual cause for many of our civilization diseases. Lothar Wendt describes this as a protein storage disease and strongly recommends protein fasting. (buxom or “proper”)
Protein consumption should not exceed 0.8g/kg body weight, although it should not be forgotten that yoghurt, curd cheese and dairy products of all kinds are essential sources of protein consumption, because most people only think about reducing meat consumption.
One consequence of the deficiency are nasal polyps (“polyposis nasi”), e.g. in the nose, which can be successfully treated with No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum and which may also be caused by overconsumption of protein21.
Connective tissue with too much protein feels firm and is hopelessly overloaded with protein acids. The connective tissue can no longer fulfil its function as a transport medium, it becomes rigid.
It should also be mentioned that other factors also affect the connective tissue and will be discussed later with the corresponding minerals. No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum fulfils an essential task for a functioning connective tissue.
No. 4 Potassium chloratum is another mineral that fulfils important tasks in the connective tissue, which will be discussed in the following chapter and No. 4 Potassium chloratum.
Constant protein oversupply leads to a protein alluvium in the blood. The result is a thickening of the blood, which can possibly lead to a hearing loss.
Protein allergy, special need for protein:
- 1st level: No. 2
- 2nd level: No. 2+4
- 3rd level: No. 2+3+4+5+8+9+10
Intake: No. 2+3+5+8
1.7.5 Milk allergy
An important issue that needs to be addressed in this context is the rejection of milk, known in extreme cases as milk allergy. Here, two calcium problems come into play at the same time. Milk is particularly rich in protein, which the organism needs calcium phosphoricum as a functional agent for to process as a functional agent.
Milk also has a relatively high proportion of calcium. The supply of this coarse material mineral promotes an Imbalance between the fine material molecules present in the cells and the coarse material (“mountainous”) molecules outside the cells.
If there is a large calcium phosphoricum deficiency, the organism is extremely stressed when milk is supplied. He then rejects it because of the too great metabolic problems, that arise. Seen in this light, any compulsion with which, for example, a child is forced to drink such a “valuable” drink is of course problematic. If it is possible to give the child the calcium phosphoricum for a longer period of time, then it is possible that the rejection will be lost.
1.8 Calcium phosphoricum and the formation of connective tissue
The structures of the connective tissue are produced from protein molecules, which is why No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is of central importance.
1.8.1 The connective tissue
Dr. Schuessler himself has already given some thought to the description of bone formation and decomposition.
Calcium phosphoricum is of great importance for the formation of connective tissue. Bones, ligaments, tendons belong to the cellular components of the connective and supporting tissue and are descendants of the undifferentiated stem cells of the mesenchyme, so to speak the original connective tissue.
From these undifferentiated cells of the mesenchyme develop:
- Fibroblasts – fibrocytes – tendons, ligaments, which are essentially connected with No. 1 calcium fluoratum, No. 2 calcium phosphoricum and No. 4 potassium chloratum.
- Chondroblasts – chondrocytes– cartilage tissue associated with minerals No. 1 calcium fluoratum, No. 2 calcium phosphoricum and No. 8 sodium chloratum.
- Osteoblasts – Osteocytes– Structural strength of mature bone, in particular No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum being the specific mineral.
- Blood – “Liquid connective tissue” contains various protein building blocks.
1.8.2 Tendons and ligaments
The connective tissue is composed of fibroblasts, which build ligaments and tendons. Collagens are responsible for tensile strength and elastin, which ensures the elasticity of the fibres. Proteoglycans build a three-dimensional network with collagens and elastin.
In addition to the presence of No. 2 calcium phosphoricum, No. 1 calcium fluoratum, No. 4 potassium chloratum and No. 11 Silicea, it is essential for the formation of the structural glycoproteins.
1.8.3 Cartilage tissue:
Chondroblasts differentiate into chondrocytes, which build up cartilage tissue.
High contents of proteoglycans bind a lot of water and also store minerals, especially sodium chloratum (No.8), calcium phosphoricum (No.2), No.17 manganese sulfuricum.
1.8.4 Bone structure
Osteoblasts build up bones with the help of No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, but also have extensive connective tissue, for which No. 11 Silicea is particularly responsible.
Bones are a highly differentiated supporting tissue that provides mobility (joints) but also protection for various organs (chest).
1.8.5 Blood structure red blood cells
Red blood cells (erythropoiesis) are also formed in the bone marrow.
All components in the aforementioned molecular structures or better said structural molecules, but also most components of the blood are proteins and can only be built up with the help of calcium phosphoricum!
Therefore, according to Dr. Schuessler, biochemistry clearly distinguishes between iron deficiency and blood deficiency.
Further protein building blocks are needed to build up the blood: Leukocytes, erythrocytes and thrombocytes (blood platelets) and the dissolved molecules of globulins and albumins, fibrinogens and lipoproteins.
1.8.6 Muscle building
Since Calcium phosphoricum No. 2 is the protein fuel, the muscles are mainly formed with the help of this fuel. Especially athletes who use special protein preparations for targeted muscle building should take this fuel with them.
1.9 Muscles
The tasks of No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum with regard to the muscles are varied.
There are different types of muscles in the human body:
- Striated muscles– skeletal muscles, locomotion, rapid contraction associated with endurance, giving support.
- Smooth musculature– muscle envelope around blood vessels, digestive tract, they resist the filling pressure of organs, no fast contractions.
- Cardiac musculature– cross-striped muscles connected by contact zones, the glossy stripe. This way heart muscles form a unit in their excitability.
1.10 Calcium phosphoricum – heart
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is particularly important for stable cardiac activity because it plays a major role in the contractility of the heart.
A relatively high Ca – level of the heart muscle cell improves the contraction strength of the heart, it is positive inotropic. The heart is guided via the autonomous nervous system by electrical impulses (magnesium phosphoricum) to coordinated contractions of the individual sections.
Caions act as carriers of the electromechanical coupling and form protein-induced calcium bridges between actin and myosin fibres. This allows the filaments (thread-like structures) to slide into each other and muscle contraction can occur.
- The contraction force of the heart.
It is achieved by rhythmically shortening the heart muscle fibres. The single fibre is called sarcomere and consists of actin and myosin. With the aid of magnesium and adenosine triphosphate, the phosphate group is split off from the ATP and energy is released for the contraction work. Calcium ions support contraction by forming bridges between myosin and actin threads.
1.11 Muscle tone22 in psychological contexts
People who very quickly feel threatened due to their personal history have a high tension in their musculature. These connections are dealt with in detail in the section on character connections.
People with strains or complaints, which result in a high tension of the muscles, often feel relief when they are physically intensively active. This warms the muscles, they stretch and the discomfort subsides. With these people it is also possible that resting and lying in bed increase the discomfort, as the muscles are not active. The great tensions in this regard often come from the “unconscious” areas.23
Practice often shows that it does not help a client if something is lifted from the “unconscious” into the “conscious”. The “to talk about something” or “to be able to think about something” is by no means the life of the contents stored in them. For the time being it is only the information about it. Of decisive importance is the emotional processing of the contents by the person. Only then they are as far as possible integrated into the life that can be experienced and accessed, worked into and woven into it, and no longer cause any wrong postures, wrong actions or wrong performances.
If a person is made aware of too much content, which he has not yet integrated emotionally into his accessible world, a hopeless overstrain arises, which in and of itself can be stressful or even ill-making.
The discovery of the “subliminal” areas and layers can only take place so slowly as the person strengthens his or her emotional ability to experience and feels that he or she is up to the repressed contents. The accompaniment of a person should therefore primarily focus on strengthening his or her personality. Then the pressure loses itself from the areas of the traumatic repressions, which keeps the person constantly on the watch that similar experiences, which remind him of his repressed contents, can be avoided or bypassed. This way life becomes actually more casual and in the truest sense of the word “more unconstrained”. This does not mean a certain kind of licentiousness, uninhibitedness or postural neglect, but the elimination of unconditional, compulsive ways of reacting.
Hyperactivity especially of children
Recommended dosage No. 21 Zincum chloratum
1.11.1 Tensions
The intake of calcium phosphate is recommended for all tensions of the skeletal muscles in the back or shoulder area.
If there is a lack of this mineral, the affected people often complain about cold hands and feet. This phenomenon can also occur if there is a deficiency of No. 8 sodium chloratum. In counselling work, a precise distinction must be made between the two manifestations.
The tense musculature, which surrounds the body like a shell, also leads to a defence against embraces,because it can trigger the fear of being clinged round.
Taking No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum can also cause the body to warm up, as the muscles release a lot of energy that was necessary for the tension.
1.11.2 Tension headache
When a person’s energy potential drops, he is hardly able to hold his heavy head upright, “above”. With tenacity the head is held up, the muscles cramp, which then results in an undersupply of the head with energy, since the tense muscles in the neck represent a blockadefor the energy flow. The result is the dreaded tension headache that emanates from tense neck muscles. This then pulls up over the back of the head and sits in the eye sockets.
In addition to relaxation and good energy field hygiene, the intake of no. 2 calcium phosphoricum, no. 7 magnesium phosphoricum and no. 8 sodium chloratum is recommended. Externally, the same combination should be applied as a cream gel mixture.
Tension headache:
Recommended intake of Zell Calmin + gel cream Regidol
Not to be confused with migraine!
1.11.3 Numbness tingling
Calcium phosphoricum is also used to treat numbness and tingling sensations such as ants in the extremities, arms and legs. It is caused by the high muscle tensionin the spine. The compression of the vertebrae puts pressure on the intervertebral disc, which in turn presses on the nerves that emerge from the spine. However, it is not the pressure point of the nerve that is felt, but the reduced conductivity or disturbance in the course of the nerve strand. The calcium phosphoricum relaxes the tone of the muscles, which relieves the nerve again. In this context, it is essential to take into account the high tension in the back. Anything else would only be symptom suppression again and could lead to serious consequences if ignored for a longer period of time.
- Improvement or worsening of the symptoms:
This mineral is needed for all complaints that worsen due to cold and subside with warming. In the cold already tense muscle fibers shorten even more, whereby the discomfort worsens. When warming up, for example in the sun, in the sauna but also in well warmed rooms, the discomfort subsides.
- Reaction when taking No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum:
Some people notice a real warming in the body after taking No. 2, especially in their hands and feet, through tense muscles suffers blood circulation and energy flow as already mentioned above.
1.11.4 Acid load and muscle tension
If the heart beats restlessly after drinking a glass of white wine due to too much acid, especially in the evening, this indicates a strain on the calcium phosphoricum household. A corresponding dose of the mineral relaxes the excitation of the heart muscle, resulting in relaxation. However, it is good to consider sodium phosphoricum because of the excess acid. Even if one wakes up at night with a restless heart, is worried because it is beating so fast, it is enough to feel as if the heart is beating restlessly and can no longer fall asleep, or if the heart beats faster during the day than it corresponds to the physical condition, calcium phosphoricum helps.
Sleep mixture, sleep and sleep disorders, too fast pulse rate
Intake: Cell Calmin or
- 1st stage: No. 2+7
- 2nd stage: No. 2+7+14
- 3rd stage: No. 2+7+14+21+25
Sensitivity to weather, very rapid sweat breakout nervousness
Directions: Cell Calmin or
- 1st stage: No. 2+4
- 2nd stage: No. 2+4+7
- Step 3: No. 2+3+4+5+7+8+14
Weather sensitivity, nervousness: A lack of No. 2 calcium phosphoricum also has to do with anxiety, namely existential anxiety.
1.11.5 Muscle tension and sweating
Very fast outbreak of sweat: Some people have a strong outbreak of sweat even at the slightest physical activity, but also during emotional tensions. They have chronically invested a large part of their energy in very strong muscle tensions, which means that little energy is available for further performance. (Hard tension of the muscles). However, if these are nevertheless performed, the body’s operating temperature rises rapidly, which means that sweating is necessary to regulate body temperature.
1.11.6 Treatment of muscle cramps
In order to look more closely at this problem, a distinction must be made between somatic and visceral musculature.
In case of great fatigue and overstraining of the arbitrary muscles, cramps occur, as well as in case of excess acid and great lack of calcium phosphoricum. Very frequently, however, calcium phosphoricum is not administered in such problems, but often in large quantities of magnesium preparations.
Since the musculature slackens with application of magnesium, it is also used for the treatment of muscle cramps. However, the biochemical connection, namely the lack of calcium phosphoricum will not be considered. If people have to jump out of bed at night because they have a cramp in their legs,calves or toes, radiation exposure is usually present. It causes a strong overacidification of the tissue and thus a calcium phosphoricum deficiency, which leads to these cramps. In this case, not only the intake of minerals according to Dr. Schuessler should be recommended, but also the control of the sleeping place by a good rod walker.
From the practice: A retired elementary school principal came on recommendation to the mineral material consultation. He complained that he lately could go no more step uphillwithout terrible cramps occurring particularly in the calves. However, he was an enthusiastic mountaineer and tourer in winter, who never misses a weekend to have a “summit experience”. An enormous lack of calcium phosphoricum could be determined among other deficiencies due to the face analysis. He was surprised that magnesium phosphoricum was not taken into account in the recommended intake. He consistently took the corresponding minerals, mainly calcium phosphoricum, and felt a relief after only a few days. After a few weeks the cramps were quite reduced and after a few months they disappeared completely. However, he was prepared to take the minerals even after the disappearance of the problems for a longer time, which allowed him to recover well and to get to new strength.
He confirmed an increase in his condition. It was bigger than before the onset of cramps.
1.11.7 Muscle cramps related to pregnancy
Calcium phosphoricum is used to treat muscle cramps, e.g. during pregnancy.
A high dosage of magnesium is not totally wrong, as it leads to rapid relief of cramps, but the tendency to muscle cramps must be treated with No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum.
During pregnancy, a lot of No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is consumed, on the one hand for the development of the child, on the other hand it serves to protect the mother from excessive calcium loss and thus from damage to the bone substance and from tooth loss.
In the case of muscle cramps (nocturnal calf cramps) during pregnancy, the actual cause is a Ca deficiency and therefore in biochemistry, according to Dr. Schuessler, this mineral is administered and not the magnesium, which slackens the muscles.
By administering macro-magnesium, the uterine muscles are also slackened, which is why women have to stop taking this remedy about 4 – 6 weeks before the planned delivery so that the date of birth is not postponed.
During this time, 4 weeks before birth, when it comes to preparation for labour, the remedy of choice is an abundant intake of Dr. Schuessler’s No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum. This finely dispersed magnesium provides a vigorous and good contractions activity and prevents the dreaded cramp contractions.
1.11.8 Muscle cramps and breastfeeding mothers
They also need more No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum so that sufficient milk can be formed.
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is responsible for the substance of the milk, no. 4 Potassium chloratum and no. 8 Sodium chloratum for good functioning, so that breastfeeding goes well.
1.11.9 Growth pain
In case of growth pains it is recommended to give No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum in combination with the joint cream gel.
In this context, it must be pointed out that the intake of Dr. Schuessler’s minerals would only be far too little for the development of bones. A well-balanced diet must be provided, one that takes into account the calcium content of the respective food components.
Since the calcium balance is closely linked to the acid balance in the body, please note the section on nutrition and the acid-base balance in this context.
Increased muscle cramps can occur during the growth phase of puberty, or bone pain during the menopause, i.e. whenever calcium is consumed. Recommended use: Cell Euclim
In case of growth pains much of No. 2 is needed, which must be given abundantly, about 20 to 30 tablets per day or Cell Juvebene.
- Children’s growth pains, knee pains, bone pains
Intake: No. 2 (20 – 30 tabl. daily)
Adler Ortho Aktiv Nr. 2,
Gel. Creme Regidol
Baths with calcium phosphoricum, but also poultice strokes are recommended.
Muscle cramps – calf cramps (Gel.Creme Regidol), muscle cramps especially of pregnant women (instead of magnesium preparation), numbness tingling (Gel.Creme Regidol), overexertion headache (cream gel no. 2 in the neck), cold hands and feet – high tonus of the muscles
- 1st Step: No. 2+7
- 2nd stage: No. 2+7+9+11
- 3rd stage: No. 2+3+5+7+8+9+11
1.12 Calcium phosphoricum and bones
A good structure of bones and teeth is crucial for good health, this is why this topic is given a lot of attention.
1.12.1 Bone reconstruction
Parathyroid hormone (parathyrin, PTH) and calcitonin mainly serve to build and break down bones.
Vitamin D3, dihydroxycholecalciferol, which is produced in the kidneys, plays an important role in this process (as described in more detail in the section Bone).
1.12.2 Bone structure
Calcium phosphoricum as a mineral according to Dr. Schuessler is responsible for the structure of the inner tissue of the bone, for its stability and load-bearing capacity – not as a building material in terms of quantity, but as a functional agent so that the organism can deal with the coarse material quantities. In addition to this mineral, Dr. Schuessler also says that other minerals are involved in the formation of bones: Calcium fluoratum, Magnesium phosphoricum, Sodium chloratum, Potassium phosphoricum and Silicea.
The bone tissue consists of osteocytes (= bone cells), collagen fibres and deposits of phosphoric acid lime. It is a living tissue in which an uninterrupted build-up and degradation by the cells with their different tasks takes place. The bones are also the deposit of the haematopoietic bone marrow, e.g. rib and vertebral bodies, hand and foot root bones, as well as the origin and attachment sites for the skeletal muscles.
After fractures, calcium phosphoricum is particularly necessary for callus formation. It is a connective tissue formed to heal the fracture, which gradually solidifies through calcium storage and is then converted into bone tissue. As a combination, the minerals of 7.12.3. are to be considered.24
Especially in growth phases, a sufficient supply is of great importance. Especially after the Second World War, when no sufficient food supply was possible, rickets occurred, a deficiency in the bone formation process of children and adolescents.
- cellular elements of bone:
Osteoblasts are the source of osteocytes. They give strength to the bone.
Osteoblasts build the bone – come from mesenchymal stem cells.
Osteoclasts degrade the bone – originate from the stem cells of the bone marrow.
Bone formation and bone Degradation depend on and are directly influenced by the calcium level in the blood associated with the hormones parathyrin and calcitonin.
Activated osteoclasts absorb the free Ca ions and transport them to the extracellular space, where they are further used.
Activated osteoblasts replenish the sites degraded by the osteoclasts and store calcium phosphate.
About every 8 years the bone cells have completely replaced the building substance of the bones!
Every year the osteoclasts break down about 1/10 of the bone mass, these holes are immediately filled again by the osteoblasts.
1.12.3 Bone building minerals
As the largest calcium store, the bones also contain considerable amounts of other minerals.
- Minerals of bones:
70% of the bone substance is present as hydroxyapatite(calcium phosphoricum No.2), in the bone sheaths mainly fluorapatite(calcium fluoratum, No.1) contributes to the increase of stability and hardening of the surface of the bones.
50% of the magnesium(No.7) is stored in the bone, it promotes the elasticity of the bone but also bone mineralization and
60% of the sodium stock (No.8) is in the bones – freely available, which is why the bones are a significant sodium store.
Manganese (No. 17) stimulates chondroitin synthesis (collagen synthesis) and thus promotes cartilage formation and indirectly bone formation, which already begins in the cartilage as a calcification process.
Silicon dioxide (No. 11) also influences the cartilage and bone metabolism, as does zinc (No. 21) and the trace element copper (No. 19), which cross-links the collagen fibres.
Bone fracture (after gypsum removal: Gel.Creme Regidol)
1.12.4 Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is the reduction of bone density. Because of the increased risk of breast cancer and stroke, we do not recommend treatment with hormones to prevent osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is defined as bone mineral density (BMD) or bone mineral content (BMC) of 2.5 or more below the mean of young adults.
In the meantime, more and more publications have reported that osteoporosis can occur not only in women but also in men and in children and adolescents.
Poor posture (caused by the tension of tendons and muscles – with No. 1 calcium fluoratum it is caused by the tension of the ligaments).
Osteoporosis occurs as a result of a disproportion between bone resorption and bone augmentation. The bone mass increases from childhood to the third decade of life (up to the age of 30) and then decreases progressively. With the onset of menopause, bone resorption accelerates. Calculated over the entire lifespan, the loss amounts to 30% – 40% of the maximum bone mass. This development runs parallel with the progression of age, but is not to be regarded as a typical – and quite normal – symptom of old age, comparable with the whitening of hair or skin aging. There are many factors to consider in the development of osteoporosis. The risk factors are known, therefore the disease is to be seen as a failure of the health political situation.
Osteoporosis in women
Recommended intake: Cell Euclim
- 1st stage: No. 2
- 2nd level: No. 2+9+11
- 3rd stage: No. 1+2+3+5+8+9+11
- 4th step: No. 1+2+3+5+7+8+11+15+17+19+21+22
In Dr. Schuessler’s biochemistry, we recommend a highly effective osteoporosis mixture to accompany you into this new phase of life. If necessary, this mixture should be combined with macro minerals (see page 22, part II) and possibly with the listed expansion agents.
A calcium-rich diet should be the focus of attention. Milk should rather be rejected as a calcium donor because the organism additionally consumes microcalcium for the digestion of milk protein. In addition, calcium is very difficult for the organism to break down because it is bound in organic compounds. Nutrition should be given even more attention now: more vegetables, less proteins. Vital substances can be obtained from fresh seasonal fruit. Avoid overly acidic foods.
Nutrition: cabbage, spinach, broccoli, green vegetables (vitamin K rich!)
Vitamin K is formed by Ereschia coli bacteria and lactobacilli in the large intestine.
Plenty of exercise in the fresh air and light physical activity do you good. Meanwhile there is an Osteoporose gymnastic, which deals exactly with this movement need.
Drink much water, so that the brain is well supplied. Water is the most important transport medium of the connective tissue and is an essential component of the macromolecules of the connective tissue. It surrounds these molecules with hydrate sheaths and thus has an essential part in the function of the connective tissue (negative OH charge carriers, which can bind protons, are created by its dipole structure when the water molecules accumulate).
“Risk factors: leptosom (tall, narrow people), blond hair, nicotine, alcohol, childlessness, breastfeeding too long, heredity.” (Quote: Österreichische Apothekerzeitung)
If the calcium is supplied in particularly high doses through the diet or even through medication, the simultaneous supply with calcium phosphoricum according to Dr. Schuessler is inevitable. This prevents an imbalance between the molecules inside and outside the cells.
1.13 Formation of teeth
Since calcium phosphoricum is responsible for the structure of the dentin, the interior of the tooth, there is a great need for this mineral during tooth formation, i.e. already in the womb and in childhood. If during puberty, when the human body is growing the most, this mineral is not available enough for the body to build up, the organism has to fall back on its reserves, which may lead to hollow teeth. These replenish themselves in times of less great need. However, if there are weaknesses in the enamel due to a lack of calcium fluoratum, a caries visible to the outside is formed. During treatment, the impression is created that the dentist is driving his drill almost into the void, into the bottomless.
If there is a major deficiency of calcium fluoratum and calcium phosphoricum, the mineral content of the teeth is degraded, which may be visible on translucent tooth tips. In practice, it has been shown that if the minerals are taken for a longer period of time, the teeth are recharged with the required calcium ions and the tooth tips also regain the colour of the remaining tooth. Sometimes white spots appear on the teeth, which can be associated with a calcium phosphoricum deficiency, similar to the white spots on the fingernails. However, the white spots on the fingernails disappear much faster than those on the teeth.
Transparent teeth:
No.1 Calcium fluoratum + No.2 Calcium phosphoricum + BaseDent
1.13.1 Teeth during pregnancy
With this mineral the dentin, the inside of the tooth, is formed. It is necessary to pay special attention to the teeth during periods of increased calcium requirement: pregnancy, growth, menopause. If the dentin is broken down, the teeth become really hollow, transparent tooth tips are the result. These occur not only in pregnant women, but also in children, especially when they get their second teeth. In this case, the additional intake of a so-called coarse material calcium should be considered.
Another characteristic of teeth that suffer in their substance are touch-sensitive teeth, which frequently occur during pregnancy, and surprising temperature sensitivities,which must also be taken into account.
White Patches on the teeth, as mentioned in the previous chapter, on require the No.1 and No.2, also white patches on the nails. At the macro level, zinc is recommended. The lack of this mineral must be replenished, which one could also try by taking the No. 21 Zincum chloratum.
1.14 Hormone regulatory substance Basic remedy
No.2 Calcium phosphoricum is basic agent for the production of hormones.
Recommended intake: Zell Euclim (especially for women) or No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum + No. 4 Potassium chloratum + No. 13 Potassium arsenicosum + No. 19 Cuprum arsenicosum + No. 21 Zincum chloratum + No. 25 Aurum chloratum natronatum + No. 26 Selenium (5 to 7 to 10 tablets each, depending on age).
1.15 The blood
Blood as the provider of the body, needs a perpetual optimal composition.
1.15.1 Blood composition
Free calcium ions are also necessary for blood Formation and the activation of prothrombin and thus for blood coagulation.
Blood needs a constant calcium content of 2.1 – 2.6 mmol/l, which is regulated by calcitonin and parathormone.
1.15.2 Calcium levels in the blood (calcium homeostasis):
- If there is not enough calcium in the blood, PTH parathyroid hormone (porathyrin) is released, a hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland.
As a result, like a chain reaction, calcium is released from the bones. The osteoclasts are stimulated and the bone is broken down.
The absorption of calcium in the intestine is stimulated, whereby the importance of vitamin D3 for the absorption of calcium should be taken into account.
As a further measure, calcium reabsorption in the kidneys is increased.
- If there is too much calcium in the blood, the thyroid gland releases calcitonin. The number of osteoclasts is subsequently reduced. By activating the osteoblasts, calcium is built into the bones.
The absorption of calcium from the intestines is reduced. The reabsorption in the kidney is reduced and consequently more calcium is excreted.
The control circuits of the parathyroid gland with the parathyroid hormone and on the other hand the thyroid gland with the calcitonin ensure that the calcium level in the blood is always constant. This way the vital organs like the heart are sufficiently supplied with the vital fuel.
1.15.3 Blood formation
Since this mineral is involved in the formation of all proteins in the body, as well as in connective tissue and bone formation, its importance for the blood is easily understood.
Especially in the red and white blood cells there are many protein compounds, which is why this mineral is responsible for blood formation.
- Calcium activates blood coagulation
Free Caions activate the prothrombin, which is a precursor of thrombin. Therefore, calcium is involved in the first step of blood coagulation, which is why this mineral is indicated for nosebleeding.
If children but also adults are very pale in the face (pale, waxy), one speaks of anaemia and one thinks of the Ferrum phosphoricum as a suitable means. This is not always correct. This anaemia often indicates a lack of calcium phosphoricum. The blood consists of a number of protein building blocks and cell structures. Therefore, a blood deficiency is not to be equated at all with an iron deficiency, which is often overlooked.
It must also be remembered in pale people that the blood circulation on the body’s surface may be hindered by excessive muscle contraction. The blood can no longer flow unhindered through the fine veins into the last ramifications on the skin surface. This results in an emptiness of blood, which does not necessarily have anything to do with anaemia. It shows in a pale complexion, the extremities are badly supplied with blood, fingertips, toes and the tip of the nose are white and cold. Also in this case calcium phosphoricum is more effective than Ferrum phosphoricum.
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is an important means of regeneration after major blood loss, such as after surgery or birth.
For women: Cell Euclim + Eagle Ortho Active No. 3
1.16 Prevention during pregnancy
Not only calcium fluoratum is of great importance for the prevention of pregnancy, but also the calcium phosphoricum. It helps, among other minerals, to prevent the mother from a damage of her own body. Since this mineral is needed for protein formation, it is present in high concentrations in all cells of the body and especially in the blood.
With appropriate intake, problems such as toothache, tooth decay, tooth loss, hair problems, muscle cramps and other deficiency Symptoms can be prevented. During pregnancy the growing child needs a lot of calcium phosphoricum to build up the body. As a result, many molecules of this mineral are taken from the mother’s body if they are not provided by an appropriate diet. In addition, the mother’s inner attitude towards the child is of crucial importance.
As the calcium phosphoricum household decreases,the mother suffers from muscle cramps. No. 2 must be given.
However, the magnesium balance must also be taken into account. In order to avoid or prevent spasmodic contractions, magnesium must be administered in a subtle form. See also the description of magnesium phosphoricum.
Of particular importance is the supply of the breastfeeding mother with minerals according to Dr. Schuessler for the growing child. The formation of a well formed body as well as the formation of all organs is promoted. The children cared for in this way are very vital, sleep well and have hardly any illnesses.
Practical experience: One of the two daughters of a farmer’s wife was healthy and strong, the other was sickly and not particularly resilient from child on. Also her daughter-in-law was not particularly resistant. The two women, who were burdened with health problems, visited a mineral consultant for several years at more or less frequent intervals, as they considered it necessary. Their state of health improved significantly over time. Her sickly daughter recovered so well that she also took pleasure in life. She met a friend and married in the same year as her sister. It was not long before the three young women became pregnant. The two women, who had already had so many good experiences with the minerals according to Dr. Schuessler, went to their mineral consultant again. Together they drew up an intake plan, especially with regard to the various phases of pregnancy. Both had, as the midwives reported with astonishment, very light births with regard to their previous burdens and for first-birth mothers. Also the emotional strain, as it often shows itself after the birth, was completely absent. The children developed very well.
After the two women had again experienced the helpful effect of Schuessler’s healing method in this time, which was so physically stressful for them, it was natural for them to also use the minerals according to Dr. Schuessler for their children. On the occasion of a visit to the mineral consultant, the mother also come along. In course of the conversation, she said that she had noticed great differences when observing the pregnancy of the three women. She was particularly surprised because her daughter, who was always so healthy, complained about difficulties. The other two had coped much better with it, she claimed.
What surprised her the most, however, was the difference in the constitution of the children. She had to wonder again and again how strong and vital the children of the two women were, who had consistently taken the minerals according to Dr. Schuessler. They were not only less susceptible to illness, slept better and always had a good appetite. Yes, it seemed as if they could derive more benefit from the food than the child who had not been supported with the minerals during pregnancy.
On the occasion of the second pregnancy, the third young woman was also advised about her mineral requirements.
Nosebleeding: Calcium triggers the coagulation cascade in the body, No. 2
Barking cough (ointment H: 2+4+7+8+10), especially with children
- Intake: 1st stage: No. 2+4
- 2nd stage: No. 2+4+7
- 3rd stage: No. 2+3+4+7+8
Tension headache: Cell Calmin or No. 2 + gel cream Regidol.
When children eat badly, when they come home exhausted from school
make a refreshment cocktail: Dissolve the following tablets in a glass.
- Intake: No. 2+3+5+8 each 7 to 10 tablets
1.17 No.2 Calcium phosphoricum – nutrients
Bones and minerals as well as trace elements:
Nutrients | Function |
(as phosphate) |
Macro, skeleton – bone formation, activation of blood clotting,
largest base buffer, muscle cramps |
(as gluconate) |
Bone structure – Osteoporosis patients have zinc deficiency! Healing of fractures |
(as gluconate) |
Elastic bone and cartilage formation, osteoporosis |
Copper (as gluconate) | Stabilizes bone structure, prevents fractures and osteoporosis, promotes healthy cartilage formation. |
Bones and vitamins:
Nutrients | Function |
Vitamin C | Promotes collagen formation, cartilage formation and cartilage health |
Vitamin D3 | Supports the absorption of calcium from the intestine,
Regulates the build-up and breakdown of bone substance in the bone via calcitonin and parathormone |
Vitamin K | A low dose of vitamin K substitution does not affect blood clotting.
Promotes Ca uptake into the bones, increases the activity of osteoblasts |
Bones and phytovital substances:
Nutrients | Function |
Soybean Extract | Steric Similarity to Human Steroid |
Phytoestrogens | Docking to ß-estrogen receptors, positive effect on bones and cardiovascular system,
During menopause, phytoestrogens lead to an increase in osteoblast activity and a decrease in osteoclast activity. |
1.18 External use of No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum
1.18.1 Ointments, cream gels:
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum should always be used externally if it is recommended to take it, i.e. for all bones and joint problems, for muscle tension when it comes to the regeneration of bone fractures.
1.18.2 Cough ointment
This mineral substance is incorporated into a biochemical cough ointment, such as the ointment H from Adler Pharma. This ointment contains the minerals no. 2 calcium phosphoricum, no. 4 potassium chloratum, no. 7 magnesium phosphoricum and no. 8 sodium chloratum. As more and more reactions in the form of itchy blisters have been complained about recently, No. 10 Sodium sulfuricum is now also part of this combination.
No. 2 is contained mainly because of the danger of spasmodic cough or irritable cough, No. 4 is the most important remedy of the cough ointment, because it controls the fibrous material in the bronchi and causes the white, fibrous material rich mucus to be bound again. This quickly removes the whitish mucous sputum.
No. 7 is intended to relax the bronchi, No. 8 is important when overheated, dry rooms irritate the bronchial mucous membranes in winter. This mineral builds up the mucous membranes and ensures sufficient humidification.
The ointment H is generously applied in the morning and evening to the bronchial tubes in the chest and back area, covered with an undershirt. The fatty ointment base ensures a slow diffusion of the minerals and a lasting beneficial effect in the bronchial region. The cough usually gets better quickly. This ointment can also be used preventively with children.
1.18.3 Insect bites
Insect bites repeatedly lead to violent, even allergic reactions caused by the foreign protein.
Basically, No. 8 sodium chloratum is the main agent for biological toxins, i.e. also for insect bites. Recently, however, it has become apparent that more and more people are getting along less and less with the foreign proteins that enter the body through insect bites. This is why No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is becoming more and more the main agent in the case of stress caused by insect bites.
However, since an inflammation in the form of a red yard also occurs at the edge of the insect bites, No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum is also needed. If itching also occurs as a result of an insect bite, No. 10 Sodium sulfuricum must be added.
As a first aid a mash is to be preferred, later a cream gel mixture from the mineral nutrients specified above: No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum, No. 8 Sodium chloratum, No. 10 Sodium sulfuricum.
1.18.4 Mash for insect bites:
In the case of insect bites which are very inflamed, hot and very swollen, a mash with the numbers: 2,3,4,8,10 (possibly) + 12 is applied.
The use of StingAway is recommended.
1.18.5 Lymphostasis
In the case of lymph congestion, which often occurs after breast operations and radiation, we recommend a cream gel mixture in the combination of: No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 4 Potassium chloratum, No. 9 Sodium phosphoricum No. 11 Silicea and No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum, whereby No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum and No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum must be taken particularly much, at least twice the amount of the other minerals.
The lymphatic fluid is very rich in protein, fibre and is often overloaded with acids as proteins are practically always acids.
No. 1 Calcium fluoratum is used because of the danger of hardening.
1.18.6 Joints
For joint problems there is a very good combination, like the gel cream Regidol from Adler Pharma, which helps with all pain conditions of the musculoskeletal system.
The following minerals have to be mixed: No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum, No. 8 Sodium chloratum, No. 9 Sodium phosphoricum and No. 11 Silicea. It should be stressed, however, that external use cannot replace ingestion.
For acute complaints, such as sports injuries (rather the gel), strains, bruises, tension, muscle cramps, or chronic complaints, such as rheumatic pain, chronic tension, joint inflammation, back tension, numbness tingling, tennis elbow, disc pain, but also for regeneration after fractures, as well as for bursitis this cream gel mixture miraculously helps.
1.18.7 Bone Problems – Osteoporosis
In osteoporosis, a mixture can also be applied to the stressed zones (hip heads, femoral heads, lumbar spine) in addition to ingestion: No. 1 Calcium fluoratum, No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 5 Potassium phosphoricum, No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum, No. 8 Sodium chloratum, No. 9 Sodium phosphoricum, No. 11 Silicea, No. 15 Potassium iodatum and No. 22 Calcium carbonicum.
1.18.8 Trigeminal pain
For trigeminal pain: in addition to the intake, a cream gel mixture with the minerals No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, much of No. 5 Potassium phosphoricum, No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum, No. 8 Sodium chloratum and No. 11 Silicea is recommended.
1.18.9 Bath
In case of muscle tension, you should bathe in the following mixture: No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum, No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum and No. 9 Sodium phosphoricum.
1.19 Relationships between No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum and character structures
Calcium phosphoricum has a connection with the existence itself. It builds the life that is protected by calcium fluoratum.
1.19.1 Superficiality
People seem superficial and ruthless. But they suffer without knowing it. Life can only take place on the surface because of the shyness of the deep, there is no room for deeper inner feelings or events. By this attitude they show little respect for the other, it counts alone to assert their place. Valuable relationships are even sacrificed to this goal.
They live in a constant tension due to the feeling they come to short, for example, go into a conversation in order to describe their experiences, regardless of the course of the conversation. The focus is also on one’s own performance, regardless of whether the conversational partner wants to hear it or not.
1.19.2 However, there is a history behind all this
Even a young child realises quickly that it is not self-evident to be seen and accepted by one’s surroundings. He develops a compulsive need to “pushed himself” into the other person so that he can come into life. The process is accompanied by the feeling that life is present only when the other person reacts to some action that is set.25Without such actions, there are no reactions from the other person. In case there are no reactions, especially if they are not perceived for a long time, this creates the tension associated with the inner worry of being overlooked.
When the mother goes shopping and talks to her friend. The child plucks her skirt or trousers and the reaction: “What do you want again!” is enough to see her own existence confirmed.
This creates the need to draw attention to oneself. From the fear: “I will not be seen” or “I will be overlooked” this attitude results, caused by the corresponding childhood experiences.26
1.19.3 Conditions for attention
No. 1 Calcium fluoratum – it addresses the external impression:
Unfortunately this whole phenomenon results from a play in childhood. Adults often pay far too much attention to how cute, how sweet, and unfortunately how clumsy a child is. This means that the child is given special attention under certain conditions. From this, a rule for life is derived from the person concerned: “I am only seen when I am acting out especially”. And: “If I am seen, then I live”.
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum – it is about being seen at all in one’s existence:
Here the fallacy arises that you live only when you are seen, combined with a great tension that calcium phosphoricum requires.
No. 1 Calcium fluoratum: The tension from the attitude: “Am I seen at all?” as present in No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum is to be distinguished from the attitude: “How do I appear to others?” as described in Calcium fluoratum.
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum:Seeing life this way it is difficult to see oneself, one’s own life. One is accustomed to seeing oneself from the other and is dependent and fixed on this point of view.
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum focuses on existential fear in contrast to Calcium fluoratum, where the human being is concerned that his performance is seen, that he causes or leaves a good impression on the other.
No. 1 Calcium fluoratum – No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum
At this point the two inner attitudes towards calcium fluoratum and calcium phosphoricum can easily be distinguished, even if they occur temporarily in one and the same person for a short time one after the other or even mix.
No. 1 Calcium fluoratum: As long as the question: “How do others perceive me?” prevails, it is a structure that fits to the first mineral no. 1 Calcium fluoratum. The aim is to use all possible means to create the best possible picture to be perceived by the other.
In this respect, improving this picture is not just a matter of foreign points of view, which have already been discussed in detail. Ultimately, everything that can be used for this purpose serves this purpose. It is sufficient if it makes a good impression, produces a good picture: a good outline, beautiful clothes, make-up, a youthful appearance as much as possible (even over 50), an interesting language, muscles, hardness, strength, success, the whole status hype, etc. It’s about the good impression that the other person is supposed to perceive, on which the person concerned can live.
1.19.4 The own existence – No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum
The question of a number two calcium phosphoricum person is, “Am I seen at all?” If the concern with the first mineral mainly concerns the surface of a human being, the concern with the second mineral revolves around the fact of existence itself, that it is somehow confirmed. The claim is reduced to a minimum. The impression on the other is no longer the goal, but such an effect that the existence is confirmed by a reaction from the other person. In the minimal case this means that it is enough to be noticed. In order to achieve this, not only the so-called positive scale of stagings is played, but every means is right then.
For such people, admonitions, punishments, provoked contradictions, reactions to extreme clothing (disfigured with skulls) are the sign that they were perceived. They scream, use rough expressions up to faecal language, are rude, jangle the others’ nerves, become ill, help intrusively everywhere what actually means interfering, injure themselves, create a mess up to chaos, create confusion, act destructively, all this only to achieve one goal, namely to achieve an effect on the other so that he reacts.27
However, there is still an enhancement possible. If the reactions that are provoked are felt to be too violent, then the attempt to get confirmation for one’s own existence through reactions is also stopped. Then one begs for the tolerationof one’s own existence in the truest sense of the word; not with words, but with a tension that does not allow any life to get into the outer world. This blockage expresses itself in a deep muscle tension serving as kind of a shield for the person.
1.19.5 “Swimming Pool Syndrome”
The attempts to get the fact of one’s existence confirmed this way become more and more intense because they become used up in the environment. Eventually they escalate, overflow with exaggerations, and the effect changes into the opposite. A person who wants to achieve an effect on the other one this way is then, as a Viennese saying puts it, “not even ignored one more time”.
What is alarming about this structure is the total being at the mercy of the feedback of the confirmation of the fact of one’s own existence.28A lack of it lets the person concerned fall into the feeling of total annihilation, which however must happen sometime, so that behind this feeling one’s own existence can be felt or adumbrated. Then it can finally be salvaged, through which one can get to oneself. Thus the shipwrecked person in this world finally finds his feet.
1.19.6 Confidence in one’s own life
The fear is tense and does not let people linger. He neither stands in the same place any longer, nor can he remain calm for a longer time. He also jumps from one theme to another, is jumpy at all, even from one person to another.29
Slowly, the person burdened this way must develop trust in himself, in his own opinion, in his own judgement, in his own intuition, etc., so that he can see himself. If he feels the value of his own person through a slowly growing ability to distance himself, he is no longer so dependent on being noticed by others. At the same time as his ability to distance himself grows, his ability to see others also grows. As a result, the internal tension decreases, muscle tone decreases and less calcium phosphoricum molecules are consumed.30
From practice: For many years a woman suffered from a cramping pain in her thigh muscles, which made it almost impossible for her to get to the first floor or walk more than three kilometers. Physical measures brought a short-term relief of her symptoms, but she was afraid to spend her future in a wheelchair. Her thighs were ice-cold, as hard as a board, numb to a slight touch, but terribly painful when she bumped into something.
Her vitality was very reduced and the walks had to be carefully planned so not to exceed the distance of three kilometers. Many fears from her childhood and above all about her family, with whom she identified herself completely and always thought it was about her in her existence, were written on her face when she became acquainted with the minerals of Dr. Schuessler. After some clarifying, helpful conversations about the connections described above and by taking Calcium phosphoricum the terrible cramping of the musculature began to loosen. Today she can not only go relatively effortlessly on the first floor of a house, but also wander more than seven kilometers again. But then she would need a break, she stressed. The free space for movement for her children had also expanded considerably. The fear for her husband has diminished. Ultimately it was about the fear for herself and for her standing in life, which had cost her so much effort and had made her totally tense thigh muscles.
1.19.7 Relaxation
This is the path from tension to relaxation. When the fear of not being seen diminishes, one’s view can also be directed towards others and other things. Then there is the possibility of approaching the other without using him for a feedback on one’s own life. This creates a good connection between the outer and inner world and thus the ability to cope with life from within. The fear for oneself gives way to a trust in one’s own possibilities and in oneself. Because man courageously gives his own consent to his life, he is no longer dependent on the consent of others. He is with himself.
The person who comes to himself can also come to the world.
1.20 Osteoporosis – just a physical problem?
Calcium phosphoricum, as we have seen in the section on corresponding character structures, has to do with the interior of the human being, with his existence, similar to the task in the physical area, where he fills the inner space under the protection of the sheaths, with life. Now it is not so easy to assert oneself in life, to establish one’s own existence. In order to overcome these difficulties, one often works with corresponding tension. The more difficult a person finds his way in life, the more tense he becomes and the more dependent he is on the life form acquired this way. He also cannot change it so easily. He is also not willing to change without further ado. He would have to face the disappointment that this way, although it has temporarily protected his own life, has ultimately prevented much life.
The person who has acquired his life form with so much effort resists any change. It would require a change and it is not so easy to carry it out. Life, however, often has a merciless pressure to develop, which demands changes. Life itself consists of change, liveliness. However, change is less in demand in today’s society. Security is sought. (4 locks at the front door, endless insurances)
If then a person with a very rigid concept of life encounters demands for change, he stiffens himself even more, he resists having to give himself up, as he believes. He thinks his whole existence would be endangered if he changed.
The muscles along the spine are totally tense. Too much calcium phosphoricum is consumed due to the great tension, which limits the activity of bone formation and protein build-up. This results in an undersupply of the bones and finally in osteoporosis. These symptoms can already be observed in adolescents but also in men.
Osteoporosis: Recommended intake Cell Euclim + Gel. Cream Regidol
Practical experience: A younger man at the age of 35 came for consultation with osteoporosis in the pelvic region, especially the sacrum and sacroiliac joints. A cleansing of the sleeping place and the intake of the mineral according to Dr. Schuessler caused the pain to subside after a few months. However, no decisive progress was made in the next six months.
So it was necessary to also look for the causes on his character level. The following talks brought a tragic basic structure to light. It was deeply buried in him that he only lived when he was working, because only that was seen by the people. The confirmation of the fact of his existence was that as a teenager he had experienced that he was only perceived when he worked. Noticed, only machines were perceived. It was not about the good impression on the others, but “only” about the confirmation of his existence, about a feedback on his presence in this world, so that he existed, also for himself. So he literally pushed his physical drudgery into the field of vision of his surroundings, so that he was told: “Yes, you exist because you work”.
He couldn’t sit on his house bench on Sunday when walkers came by. He experienced an inner compulsion to jump up and disappear into the house so that he would not be seen idly.
The most difficult moments arose when he was confronted with his conflict. He claimed that his family was the most valuable thing in his life. He was made aware of his untrustworthiness because he worked every weekend and did not devote any time to his family. After this confrontation, he broke off the company for half a year, but regularly supplied himself with the minerals.
When he had worked his conflict so far that he had freed himself to some extent from the dictatorship of his structure, he came back for advice. The consistency with which he had ingested the minerals and used the mineral ointment was convincing. After two years the examination of the bones also showed better results and after three years the disease was cured as far as possible.
Osteoporosis is mostly thought of as women in menopause. For many women, the transition to a time without menstruation is a major crisis. Their self-image is very much questioned. This plays an important role for women who have had difficulty asserting themselves, which is especially true for very sensitive women. It took a great deal of effort to raise one’s own life, sometimes only to some extent, to find one’s own life form (to marry in). And all this in a world in which the male hemisphere is still predominant, which is shown separately with potassium chloratum.
It is important to work out a new attitude towards a stage of life, where the beautiful sides of this new stage of life should be looked at. At some point it is good that no more children can come. The Chinese see in the change and the menopause an energy conversion, which goes more into the Yang area and enables the woman strength, independence and realization of long cherished desires, because she does not have to be there for the family but can just pursue her own interests. According to the finding that one creates one’s own reality, the woman’s attitude to her own life is also important for her health and well-being.
Women ask themselves who they will still be as a woman without menstruation. So great fear appears, with accompanying muscle cramping. This is a time when the hormonal metabolism is changed. This leads to psychological and physical problems. The absence of menstruation is an external sign only.
The emotional area is very closely linked to the hormonal balance. As menstruation ceases, the body has to change its detoxification processes. The harmful substances can no longer be excreted to the same extent with the blood.
Since the spine reflects the person on the physical level31, the muscles along the spine are particularly tense. The supplying veins are constricted, the nutrition of the bones is inadequate, the acid level rises, the substance of the bones disappears. It is then too little to rely on medication only when accompanying or caring for such a woman without responding to the changed psychological situation. The emotional area must not be separated from the physical events.
The problem is the change of habitats. But this change causes great difficulties. This change can be postponed with the administration of hormones. Namely the change from one phase of life to another and thus the departure from menstruation and the possibility of giving birth. So a conversation is certainly necessary and then, when the deep existential anxiety dissolves, the remedies will also help; in our case the minerals according to Dr. Schuessler. Under certain circumstances, other remedies may also be necessary. But they should not be used without a conversation in which the background is pointed out and they are included in the consideration of the upcoming problem.
The liberating attitude to this mineral substance is: “I may basically assume that the other sees me and perceives my needs!”
1The operating material for the connective tissue tubes themselves is No. 12 – Calcium sulfuricum, because it is the functional agent for the connective tissue cavity systems, because it establishes a connection to the outside or inside via the connective tissue tubes, whereby exudates can be sucked off.
2Schuessler thus points out the importance of calcium sulfuricum in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.
3In this case, too, calcium sulfuricum should be used in addition to calcium phosphoricum.
4Pschyrembel, Klinisches Wörterbuch (“Clinical Dictionary”): Skin and lymph node disease in children – constitutional tendency to react to insignificant stimuli with chronic slow inflammation.
5The – formerly quite common – “chlorosis” of girls and young women; probably an iron deficiency anaemia of very complex genesis. (Woerterbuch der Medizin (“Dictionary of Medicine”), dtv 3355, Norbert Boss and others)
6Dr. med. W. H. Schuessler: Die anorganischen Gewebebildner und ihre therapeutische Bedeutung (The inorganic tissue formers and their therapeutic significance), Oldenburg: Schulze, 1876 in Lindemann, Guenther: Dr. med. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler: Sein Leben und Werk (His life and work), Oldenburg: Isensee Verlag, 1992, p 54f
7Recovery after an illness.
10Excess or presence of too much calcium
11Osteoclasts are bone-degrading cells.
12Osteoblasts build up bone substance.
13Deters, Hermann: Handbook of Dr. Schüßler’s Biochemistry, page 66f
14In this context, the No. 1 Calcium fluoratum is more appropriate. This is because the horny layer, the top layer of the skin, loses its hold when calcium fluoratum is deficient.
15Schneider, Dr. J.: Biochemical family doctor, Leipzig: Dr. Willmar Schwabe, 1920, page 13
16Hickethier, Kurt: Textbook of Biochemistry, page 40
17proteins [Greek] (proteins, protein substances), high-molecular-weight compounds (polypeptides) to be understood as polycondensation products of amino acids, having a molecular mass of more than 10000 (partly up to more than 100000) with characteristic peptide bonds (peptides), vital components of the cells of all organisms, among others scaffolding and supporting substances, as enzymes and numerous hormones (keratins, collagens, albumins, globulins). Structure: The primary structure is the sequence of amino acids; the secondary structure is characterized by the formation of hydrogen bonds between CO and NH groups of the peptide chains (helically twisted a-helix or a-keratin structure or unfolded leaflet or b-keratin structure). Covalent bonds lead to a tertiary structure. By the influence of temperatures above 60º C, by strong pH-value changes and certain organic solvents, the peptide structure is irreversibly destroyed (protein denaturation). Since proteins consist to a considerable extent of essential amino acids, which can only be built up by green plants, humans and animals must have proteins through food (plants, meat, eggs, milk) in order to be able to build up the body’s own proteins. © Meyers Lexikonverlag (Publisher)
18Hunnius: Pharmazeutisches Wörterbuch (Pharmaceutical Dictionary), 7th Completely Newly Edited and Extended Edition by Artur Burger and Helmut Wachter, Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1993, Page 262
19An allergy to toxins indicates a lack of sodium chloratum, which in allergic reactions shows up as crystal-clear mucus running out of the nose.
20The “burning” of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, called oxidation in science, for which the presence of oxygen is necessary, produces carbonic acid, water and urea. This process is described in detail in the chapter on Ferrum phosphoricum. Uric acid is the end product of protein metabolism, which is naturally excreted by the kidneys. If there is a lack of sodium phosphoricum, uric acid cannot be excreted sufficiently, it also reaches the intestine, where it is converted into ammonia. Ammonia is then metabolized into urea by the liver and can then be excreted by the kidneys. These connections will then be dealt with in No. 9 Sodium phosphoricum.
21Sellmann, Timur: Neutrophil chemotactic proteins in nasal polyps
The histopathology of polyposis nasi is characterized by tissue changes such as edema, impaired epithelial proliferation and accumulation of inflammatory cells. Causes are not known. The presence of locally produced chemokines inducing granulocyte migration is possible. In this study chemokines were extracted from polyp tissue, identified and tested for biological activity on neutrophils. Polyp and mussel tissue was purified by HPLC (heparin column, reverse phase and cation exchange HPLC) and examined for biological activity by Boydenkammer assays. Chemotactically active peptides were identified as NAP-2 in ELISA. NAP-2 is a platelet-synthesized, neutrophil-chemotactic chemokine, which is formed by proteolytic cleavage of precursors. In this study NAP-2 was identified as an important chemotactic factor for polyposis.
Since NAP-2 is produced by activated thrombocytes with the aid of a protease, we conclude in biochemistry according to Dr. Schuessler that thrombocytes play an important role in the chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The localisation of NAP-2 in nasal polyps is also supported by the detection of an elevated protease level (protein-decomposing enzyme) in comparison to nasal mussel tissue.
22The tone is a state of tension or excitation of a tissue; with muscle tone it is the muscle tissue.
23The word “unconscious” is actually unsuitable to describe the true facts. It leads to the inner attitude that all expression of human life is connected with consciousness. The realm of feelings and intuition remain unconsidered, yes, they escape the horizon. This way it becomes understandable that there is hardly any talk of unfelt contents in human beings.
The use of the phrase “unconscious” is mostly about unfelt realms. They lie outside the ability to perceive, outside a threshold that protects man from overwhelming, oppressive contents of his life. He needs this protection as long as he is not strong enough to look at the situation without a sense of destruction. Perhaps the expression “subliminal” would be more appropriate and indicative.
24If pain occurs under a plaster, the plaster must be removed. Nerve damage can be caused by pressure points, inflammation can progress to necrotic tissue decay.
25The message is, “And if I have to make you livid, but you shall react unto me.
26The children get everything, but no time is given to them.
27There is a very fitting remark: “But they consume their environment”.
28The statement of a quality of one’s own existence is largely left out.
29People with great fear can hardly linger: not only the topics are changed, but also locations, cars, apartments, …
30A book in which stories are told on this subject, which also have a good depth effect one can let oneself in: Lucy Kierner: Die Farben der Wirklichkeit (“The colours of reality”).
31The sentence: “Your spine has been broken” gives an idea of the background, which has its roots in very deep, inward events of man.
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