The fidget has been known for centuries. Already in 1775 the German doctor Melchior Adam Weikart described the symptoms of an extremely restless child. In 1845, the disease was introduced to the people through the children’s picture book “Der Struwwelpeter” by the neurologist Heinrich Hoffmann. But it would take a very long time for this symptom to be considered an illness rather than an educational error.
Boys suffer from it four to five times as often as girls. This disease is seen in children between the ages of three and seventeen, and more than five percent of adolescents around the world have problems with it (1).
The letters ADHD stand for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The H stands for hyperactivity. Not every child with severe inattention is also hyperactive. Then, the disease is called ADD. Most of the time, these disorders disappear with adulthood. However, there are also older people who suffer from it (2). It is believed today that ADHD is mostly genetic, but also environmental. This disorder does not come to the front in all children or adults in the same form and intensity. There are noticeable gradations. One recognizes the mental disorder of an above-average number of clerical errors, lack of attention, permanent distraction, increased forgetfulness, frequent loss of objects and the impossibility to maintain mental efforts over a longer period of time.
Often, the child has to get up and move. It is always on the go. It cannot listen and hardly wait for a sentence to be finished. Too often, it will respond impulsively even before a sentence has been fully uttered. At the same time, however, this phenomenon also shows the often good and quick perception of ADHD sufferers. Very often, they have high intelligence, special creativity as well as various positive qualities such as cheerfulness, wit, helpfulness or repartee. ADHD sufferers can be charming and have a lovable character.
Consequences of ADHD range from sleep disorders to depression to various symptoms that can occur at the same time, but at first glance seem to have no connection with each other.
The diagnosis of scientific medicine is complex and differentiated. In order to relieve the sufferer and the relatives of the suffering, it offers educational aid, occupational therapy and help from the psychiatrist as an alternative to the classical, chemo-medicinal treatment.
One tries to help the patient via a neuro feedback training and an elimination diet, i.e., an avoidance diet. Avoidance diet is a way to identify and eliminate individual food intolerances for the individual case. Through this, more than 60% of ADHD sufferers are relieved.
Furthermore, the classical medicine offers a range of chemical drugs to treat the behavioral and attention deficit disorder and thus immobilize the patient. However, these drugs pose a high dependency risk not taking into account that any chemical administration will also put a strain on the patient’s liver and kidneys. One should not forget that such drugs must be taken one to three times a day. Over the years, this can harm the child’s as well as the adult´s body.
Before the child is burdened with strong chemical drugs, it would be worthwhile to try alternative therapies.
In our practice we proceeded as follows:
A boy, nine years old (let’s call him Kevin), had burdened the relationship of his parents with his extreme agitation and his aggression so much that his father had finally left the family. From then on, how could it be otherwise, it was Kevin’s mother alone dealing with the situation.
When she and Kevin came to our practice, mother and son were at their wit’s end – the mother because of the constant restlessness and aggression of the boy; and Kevin because the mother’s nerves had long been blank and she often did not respond in a way that would have been appropriate. His strong inner restlessness was not noticeable in our practice during the first minutes. But the more time the diagnosis took, the more restless he became. Although we asked the questions for diagnosing directly to him, he had to get up again and again, and he would interrupt his mother when she should answer questions.
The diagnosis of conventional medicine for him was the ADHD syndrome. Our impression of him met this diagnosis. In the following examination and testing we found an amalgam load and through further tests a strong infestation of the large intestine with candida albicans and other fungus species became clear.
Our therapy began on the same day of his first visit by treating candidal mycosis with Bicom bioresonance therapy. Having to sit still for one and a half hours for mycosis therapy is, of course, a great challenge for a hyperactive child! Anyway, this type of therapy is generally liked by children because it is completely painless.
Two treatments of one and a half hours were needed to remove the intestinal fungus.
They were important because the intestinal fungus excretes poisonous alcohol, fusel alcohol, which the liver has to break down then. The gap between the two therapy sessions was one week.
Sugar, honey and all white flour products are extremely harmful to an ADHD child and should be avoided. These foods additionally worsen the symptoms. The white flour noodles that are so popular among the children should also be avoided. Avoiding these items also applies to the time during mycosis therapy.
In addition, from the first night, Kevin received Tarantula hispanica C30, a homeopathic remedy. Given the highly emotional nature of ADHD, we would have thought that a C200 power would be needed. But to our astonishment, the kinesiological test (muscle-arm test) revealed treatment with Tarantula hispanica C30. We have relied on the kinesiological test method for the past twenty five years and have always done well with it. In Kevin’s case, too, it proved to be correct.
Generally, it is beneficial to take the homeopathy medicine in the evening before going to sleep. Two hours before ingestion of the medicine, the patient should not consume any strong flavoring agents. These are e.g., peppermint (please also think of the strong aroma of toothpaste), garlic, and in adults also alcohol, coffee, perfume, etc. The intensive ethereal substances of these articles disturb the high-potency homeopathy in the development of their effect. The intake before sleeping causes any initial reactions to be “slept over”. If they exist, which is rare, these reactions usually last only for a short time.
For Kevin’s mother, it was almost a miracle that her son slept well and quietly from the second night onwards. During the day he had also not shown the typical signs of ADHD – extreme agitation and frequent aggression attacks. Practically at the same time during the bowel therapy, Kevin began discharging the heavy metal burden and carried it out at his home for about twelve weeks. During this time, he continued taking Tarantula hispanica C30 once a day before sleeping. For the indispensable rebuilding of the intestinal flora he got suitable probiotics (vital intestinal bacteria). A healthy intestine puts less strain on the liver. Thus, the relief of the liver by the absence of fusel alcohol for Kevin already meant an improvement of his condition. Each mosaic particle has its value throughout the healing process!
The fact that liver regeneration cannot produce results so quickly is obvious. The drainage of amalgam had not yet started at the time, when that quick turnaround happened. It could, therefore, not be the cause of the positive and rapid turnaround. What remains is the effect of homeopathy.
Homeopathy is a remedy that cleans up energetically. That means: Kevin had to cope with an energetic chaos, which was dissolved in a surprisingly short time by taking homeopathy resulting in the brain waves being rearranged.
Although homeopathy has been used successfully for more than 200 years, science doubts its effectiveness. Many scientists attribute the positive effects to a placebo effect. Probably because science still thinks in chemical formulas when it comes to the human body.
It is overlooked that there are basic subtle, invisible, electromagnetic currents in and around our body that make the life of this body possible. Bioresonance therapy and high potency homeopathy are amazingly successful due to their magnetic currents. The effect of high-potency homeopathy, as Kevin got it, is not chemically, but physically to be explained. It is known that in homeopathic remedies of the dilution potency D23 no components of the original substance can be found anymore. However, this does not mean that positive results cannot be achieved when taking higher potencies (dilutions). On the contrary, often impairments due to emotional stress or shocks can only be achieved with high potencies. Moreover, science does not recognize the fact that our body is surrounded and penetrated by an electromagnetic field. Although brain and nerve currents can be measured, it is not the fine magnetic field that can be measured.
The vernacular describes it as an aura. There are people who can even see the aura. Ever since the so-called high-frequency Kirlian photography exists, one could see that the body is not only made of flesh and blood.
In a photo taken with the Kirlian method, you can see in which momentary mood the photographed person is. In people with anger or angry moods, their aura on the Kirlian photo shows red, unquiet blazing flames. For other persons who have gone into prayer or silence, the aura is calm, stable and white or blue-colored. Our body is surrounded and penetrated by an electromagnetic field whose color and stability indicate the psychic-emotional state of the human being.
The colors of the energy field are vibrations and these vibrations, if they surround us long enough, have a direct impact on the tissues, organs and nerves of the human body. The electromagnetic field will make us healthy or ill. This depends on our thinking, feeling and acting. Disease does not begin in the body, but in our thinking and feeling and the resulting rest or restlessness and thus the form of the magnetic field that belongs to us.
Back to Kevin. When he came to us his electromagnetic field was in total chaos. The homeopathic remedy Tarantula hispanica in potency C30 was suitable for his psychological situation. Thus, homeopathy was able to rearrange his energetic chaos in the head in no time. Kevin’s brain-nervous system responded promptly, and surprisingly quickly.
Conclusion: Finding and avoiding incompatible foods, detoxifying the body, regenerating the intestines, administering Tarantula hispanica in the potency of C30 can be a fast path away from the chemical ADHD medications towards more health and a quieter, normal and peaceful life.
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