Preparation of Mercury – The Eight Samskaras of Parada (Mercury)
5.2.8 Samskara – Dipana (Hot liquid bath)
- 1. Ingredients of Dipana Samskara
- 2. Trituration
- 3. Adding of Kanji
- 4. Dough shaped into a cup
- 5. Dried dough
- 6. Pouring of mercury into a cup
- 7. Wrapping with banana leaves
- 8. Pottali in dola yantra
a) Name of the Process: Dipana Samskara of Parada
b) Reference: (R.H.T., Rasa Hridaya Tantra, 2005)1
The process in which mercury (Parada) is mixed with special drugs and subjected to swedana (hot liquid bath) in dola yantra (swinging apparatus) for 3 days is known as dipana samskara. (R.R.S., 1998)2
Aims and Objectives
This process is performed to improve the “appetite” (bubhukshita) and metal consuming power of mercury, and make mecury ready to receive metals and minerals in the form of a bolus and digest them completely (grasarthi). (R.R.S., 1998)3, (R.H.T.,Rasa Hridaya Tantra, 2005)4
Ingredients of Diana Samskara
Sr. No. | Ingredients | Quantity (g) |
1. | Niyamita Parada | 1080 g |
2. | Kanji (sour gruel) with a ph of 3 to 4 | 104 l |
3. | Kalka Dravas (each 1/16 part of Parada | |
3.1 | Bhu - Suddha Sphatika (Alum) | 67.5 g |
3.2 | Khaga - Suddha Kasisa (Green Vitriol) | 67.5 g |
3.3 | Shuddha Tankana (Borax) | 67.5 g |
3.4 | Marica (Piper nigrum Linn.) | 67.5 g |
3.5 | Saindhava lavana (Rock salt) | 67.5 g |
3.6 | Asuri - Rajika (Brassica juncca Linn.) | 67.5 g |
3.7 | Sigru twaka (Moringa oleifera Gaerth.) | 67.5 g |
(pls see photos above)
- Niyamita Parada and all the ingredients of kalka dravyas (Tab. 27, No. 3.1 to 3.7) were mixed and triturated in the iron mortar (khalva yantra) with a small amount of Kanji (sour gruel) until a compact dough was formed.
- The dough (kalka) was put into a small steel vessel and shaped into a cup.
- The dough was left to dry overnight.
- The next morning mercury was carefully poured into the cup.
- The dough was put on banana leaves, opening upwards, wrapped with cotton cloths, prepared into a bag prepared (pottali), kept in Kanji and placed on fire for 72 hours, as it was done with niyamana samskara (seventh process).
- The following procedures like washing etc. were the same as those used in niyamana samskara (seventh process)
The dipana samskara (hot liquid bath) was carried out from 25th to 28th July, 2012, for a period of 72 hours.
After 20 minutes of trituration the paste with the above mentioned ingredients became sandy and a little oily. The smell of the paste was metallic and slightly ammoniak-like.
The other observations as well as the safety percautions were the same as those of the niyamana samskara (seventh process).
Results of Dipana Samskara
Sr.No. | Observations of Dipana Samskara | Results |
1. | Total time taken for Dipana Samskara | 72 hrs |
2. | Weight of Niyamita Parada | 1080 g |
3. | Weight of Dipita Parada | 1078 g |
4. | Loss of weight of Parada | 2 g |
5. | Percent of loss of Parada | 0.19 % |
6. | Sample kept for analysis | 10 g |
7. | Parada obtained after Ashtasamskaras | 1068 g |
Final Detailed Profile of the Eight Samskaras of Parada (Mercury)
Sr.No. | Name of Samskara | Total Days | Initial wt of Hg (g) | Final wt of Hg (g) | Wt loss of Hg (g) | % Loss of Hg | Sample kept (g) |
1 | Svedana | 4 | 2000 | 1963 | 37 | 1.85 | 20 |
2 | Mardana | 7 | 1943 | 1898 | 45 | 2.32 | 20 |
3+4 | Murchana & Utthapana | 3 | 1878 | 1417 | 461 | 24.55 | 10 |
5 | Patana: Urdhva | 7 | 1407 | 1323 | 84 | 5.97 | 23 |
Patana: Adhah | 5 | 1300 | 1171 | 129 | 9.92 | 10 | |
Patana: Tiryak | 7 | 1161 | 1111 | 50 | 4.31 | 10 | |
6 | Rodhana | 3 | 1101 | 1101 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
7 | Niyamana | 4 | 1091 | 1090 | 1 | 0.09 | 10 |
8 | Dipana | 4 | 1080 | 1078 | 2 | 0.19 | 10 |
Total after Ashta- Samskaras | 44 | 1068 | 809 | 40.45 | 1223 |
Total Parada after Ashtasamskaras: 1068 g
Total Parada with samples kept after Ashtasamskaras: 1191 g
Final Profile Final Profile of Ashtasamskaras after Accomplishment
Sr.No. | Year | Hg(g) before Ashtasamskaras | Hg(g) after Ashtasamskaras | Wt loss (g) | % loss | Total Days |
1. | 2012 | 2000 | 1191 | 809 | 40.45 | 40 |
Total percentage loss of Parada = 40.45 %
Mercury (Parada) after the Eight Samskaras
1 Rasa Hridaya Tantra, Avabodha 2/11
2 Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya, 11/47
3 Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya, 11/47
4 Rasa Hridaya Tantra, Avabodha 2/11
R.H.T.,Rasa Hridaya Tantra, G. (2005). Mugdhavabodhini Hindi Commentory by Acharya Chaturbhuja Mishra. Chaukhambha Publications, Varanasi, India.
R.R.S. (1998). Rasa Ratna Samuchchaya. 1, Chapter 5/139. New Delhi: Meherchand Laxmandas Publications.
…to be continued
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