What the people should know All who know and desire the benefits of the homoeopathic system of medicine, or art of healing, should acquaint themselves with the customs of the... read more →
Remedies for Healing XV Study of Materia Medica is an art. There are so many Materia Medica books. But Dr. Kent’s Lectures on Materia Medica is the one from which... read more →
Remedies for Healing XIV Selection of Potency to be used is dependent on one’s own experience. There are differences amongst various homoeopaths when it comes to deciding on “what potency”.... read more →
Unter den homöopathischen Ärzten gibt es immer wieder Meinungsverschiedenheiten über Diäten und andere Gewohnheiten während der Behandlung. Die Ansichten des Begründers der Homöopathie sind seinem Buch „Chronische Krankheiten“ entnommen und... read more →