Commandment 19: Restrain from Analysis and Criticism of Other Paths There are thousand ways to reach the Truth. There is no one exclusive way. The path that you choose is... read more →
The art of healing seems to be multi-dimensional. Apart from the story narrative, much wisdom is shared and the key to practice is given which is even more valuable. The... read more →
Commandment 18: Release The Mind From Dualities Duality is contrary to unity. Yoga is a state of unity. The practice of Yoga is to establish oneself into unity and handle... read more →
Commandment 17: Adapt to the Regulations of Yama and Niyama There are five regulations of Yama and five regulations of Niyama given by Patanjali in the eightfold path of Yoga.... read more →
The art of healing seems to be multi-dimensional. Apart from the story narrative, much wisdom is shared and the key to practice is given which is even more valuable. The... read more →
The art of healing seems to be multi-dimensional. Apart from the story narrative, much wisdom is shared and the key to practice is given which is even more valuable. The... read more →
Commandment 16: Practise Yoga and Manifest Goodwill This teaching relates to internal work as well as external work relating to life. Yoga practice is the internal work. The internal work... read more →
Commandment 15: Do Not Deviate From Self-study Self-study means studying the self. Studying the self is in two ways. One is to recollect I Am and see to what extent... read more →
Commandment 14: Acceptability of Conscience Acceptability of conscience is as important as the other teachings of Sanat Kumara. If one does what is not acceptable to conscience, it gives rise... read more →
Commandment 13: Practise Harmlessness in Thought, Word and Deed Harmlessness is an ancient-most instruction. It is known to all, but practised by none. Everyone speaks of it. To some harmlessness... read more →