Listen; O dearly beloved!
I Am the reality of the world,
the centre of the circumference,
I Am the parts and the whole,
I Am the Will,
Instituted between Heaven and Earth
Ibn ‘Arabi
In the 1930th of the last century, Master Djwhal Khul (the Tibetan) formulated a fundamentally new Astrology in the book “Esoteric Astrology” with Alice A. Bailey. This astrology was further developed by eminent teachers and masters. These include in particular the Masters CVV, E. Krishnamacharya and K. P. Kumar. The following article explains one aspect of this new (ancient) wisdom astrology, whose basis is the threefold appearance of all life.
Spiritual Astrology is a key to understand this process, because according to the Law of Correspondence, as Hermes Trismegistos put it 3000 years ago, “That which is below is that which is above”. An eternal play of the One. By understanding the Laws of Creation, we come to know the truth about ourselves. An instrument to gain this knowledge is Astrology. Our birth chart reflects our karmic purpose, strengths and weaknesses, as well as the personal and spiritual purpose of our life. The position of the stars is an expression of the moment of the first breath. The art is to be able to interpret this symbol.
Master Djwhal Khul expresses a fundamental truth, on which all astrology is based. He emphasizes the importance of studying human occult anatomy by writing the following:
“The microcosm, you have recognized, always contains the key to the macrocosm. The macrocosm is eternally reflected in man and therefore man also has the opportunity and the disposition of full comprehension.”
The meaning of the triangles
An essential aspect of the new Spiritual Astrology is revealed through the understanding of the triangular nature: trinities that relate to each other, intertwined in various gradations and references, unfolding and passing in time and space. In their incredible complexity, they form the creative fabric, the garment of God.
Wisdom Astrology works with these triangular structures and references. They are the key to a spiritual understanding of astrology, which is not just about describing character traits and insights into the drama of life, but about knowing the Why and How of incarnation. It is about taking a look at the life plan in order not to lose the common thread on the path of return. Since this understanding of the Trinity is important – not only for a spiritual understanding of astrology – the presentation of the threefold expression of life is especially close to my heart in this article and in my seminars.
The ONE Life that expresses threefold
The ONE life appears as will, love and creative intelligence, as divine trinity and as the spiritual triangle. The Three are One and yet find themselves differentiated over and over again. They are to be found in all aspects of creation up to the structure of the atom. They are each transformed down and adapted to the respective layer.
The trinity of these three (will, love, intelligence) is the basis of almost all religions, philosophers and sciences. It is the basis of life to be considered as a whole. The trinity is the basis in many religions. For example in Egypt: Osiris, Isis, Horus. In Christianity it is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Veda speaks of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Astrologically, these three aspects of creation are known as three qualities: cardinal, fix and mutable. In Theosophy they are called life, quality and appearance or spirit, soul and body with its personality, but also life, consciousness and form. In physics they are known as the proton, neutron and electron that make up the atom. To give another example: We also experience this trinity as the quality of time through past, present and future; or grammatically as the play between subject, predicate and object.
This threefold fiery and dynamic gravel of life is originally found in three cosmic fires pulsing through all living creatures. They give the creative impulse to will, love and intelligence: electric fire (will), solar fire (love) and frictional fire (intelligence). In the astrological context, these three fires are expressed by three qualities of the zodiac (cardinal, fix, mutable), or by three crosses, each with four signs. Each cross consists of four signs of the zodiac, each of which is associated with one of the four elements (fire, earth, air, water). The zodiac thus consists of three basic forces/crosses: cardinal, fix, mutable and the four elements fire, earth, air and water.
Fire | Earth | Air | Water |
Aries (cardinal) | Taurus (fix) | Gemini (mutable) | Cancer (cardinal) |
Leo (fix) | Virgo (mutable) | Libra (cardinal) | Scorpio (fix) |
Sagittarius (mutable) | Capricorn (cardinal) | Aquarius (fix) | Pisces (mutable) |
Like that, each element appears in three qualities:
Fire | Earth | Air | Water |
Aries (cardinal) | Taurus (fix) | Gemini (mutable) | Cancer (cardinal) |
Leo (fix) | Virgo (mutable) | Libra (cardinal) | Scorpio (fix) |
Sagittarius (mutable) | Capricorn (cardinal) | Aquarius (fix) | Pisces (mutable) |
Moreover, there is a fifth element in the astrological context: It is called Akasha. It is considered a subjective background on which everything happens – the way a painting needs a canvas.
Every person is a trinity – a synthesis of three Fires/Suns
The distinction of the three aspects of a human being into monad or spirit (will), soul (love) and personality (intelligence) find their correspondence in the three astrological qualities described above. They are described as cardinal, fix and mutable and in the three cosmic fires (table below). Each of these three aspects of a human being (monad, soul, personality) is also a correspondence of the three cosmic fires. Again, each of these three aspects also appears threefold. So we consist of three trinities – the sacred nine – which in turn each fan out threefold. These nine aspects are united in a living synthesis by the soul, the I AM, which is expressed astrologically by the Sun in the horoscope. The astrological Sun in turn – how could it be otherwise – also consists of three aspects. Thus, in spiritual astrology, the SMALL SELF is seen as the personality, while the SELF is seen as the soul or I AM, and the HIGHER SELF is seen as THAT I AM, the monad or spirit. Accordingly, depending on which level we look at, the interpretation of the Sun in the horoscope is different.
The threefold man consists of the following attributes:
Electric Fire | Monad | cardinal | Will | Uranus • Neptune • Pluto |
Solar Fire | Soul | fix | Love | Jupiter • Venus • Mercury |
Frictional Fire | Personality | mutable | Intelligence | Saturn • Mars • Moon |
Our birth chart reflects how these three aspects of our being (represented by the planets) relate to each other and appear in the present incarnation.
In the following illustration, “The Seven Planes “; the threefold occult anatomy of man is shown with the correspondences to the planets.
The seven planes of the solar system – the constitution of man
ADI is the ONE life and means “not two”. The cosmic fire descends into denser worlds in the form of innumerable sparks of fire called monads.
II Monad
These sparks are part of the One Life and inseparable from the ONE, just as the particles of a fire in full are the fire itself. Within each monad, three aspects are hidden. These three are associated with Uranus (will), Neptune (love) and Pluto (activity). The three are not manifest, they are subjective, hidden and there is no point of manifestation. Therefore, these outer planets usually have no direct impact on our personal live, unless they are associated in the horoscope with a personal focus on Sun, Moon or Ascendant. This can happen either in the birth chart or through progressions and transits.
Basically, however, these three super-personal planets are connected to three other planets that play an essential role in our lives (see dotted line): Uranus is connected to Jupiter, Pluto to Mercury, Neptune to Venus. Jupiter, Mercury and Venus form the Spiritual Triad, which stands for our eternal Spiritual Home.
III, IV and partly V, the Spiritual Triad Atma, Buddhi and Manas
These three aspects are also known in Sanskrit as Sat (wisdom), Chid (knowledge), Ananda (bliss) and are associated with the planets Jupiter, Mercury and Venus.
At this level, there is no death. The continuity of consciousness is present and expresses all-encompassing wisdom, all-encompassing knowledge and all-encompassing love. The position of the three planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in our horoscope indicates how the aspects of love, wisdom and knowledge encounter us in the present incarnation and what we have to learn in this relationship. This is very essential for all pilgrims on the path.
V Manas
There is a gap between abstract, omniscient thinking and the focal point called Mental Unity, which stands for our concrete, dualistic thinking. The two levels are not connected (see illustration). It is painful that we are not constantly aware of being connected to the Divine. Our longing for God-connection, for Sat, Chid, Ananda, for immortality and a life beyond suffering is always present. And it is right here, in bridging this gap, the evolutionary task of man can be found on the path of return, which is called discipleship or spiritual path.
The Rainbow Bridge
We finally see ourselves as isolated, thinking, separate, finite beings as long as we have not overcome this gap between abstract and the mental unity (the concrete mind). This bridge is known in many spiritual traditions. In Sanskrit it is called Anthakarana, in our common parlance Rainbow Bridge, Heaven’s Ladder or Jacob’s Ladder. In the illustration it is shown as a rainbow. We have been working on this bridge for many incarnations. When we live a life in which we give love (Venus), wisdom (Jupiter) and knowledge (Mercury) to the world, we weave a fine tissue of single threads that connect us to these levels. Then we experience occasional intuitions, flashes of insight, an overwhelming feeling of joy, a satori experience, or the experience of certainty. As incarnations progress, this connection becomes stronger and stronger. In the fully awakened state, the master is able to use this bridge at will. It is stable and available as a possibility at any time.
The Mental Unity
Unlike permanent atomic storage media, the Mental Unit functions to a limited expend. It lacks the connection to universal comprehension. The Mental Unity is our concrete, limited individual thinking characterised by conditioning, experience and socialization. The astrological Moon is associated with this mental-emotional function within us. And the position of Moon in the horoscope reveals a lot about how we work mentally.
This defined separate thinking belongs to our mortal transient persona (Latin mask). The soul, which is always anchored in the causal body projects itself into the so-called three worlds (mental, astral and physical) to gain experience in these material planes of existence. This is called incarnation. With what purpose? That God in us, in you and in me will eventually open his eyes and witness the divinity in the world. This persona changes from incarnation to incarnation. The intention always remains the same: to provide a space for the soul to experience and unfold, down to the deepest physical level.
If this development work happens consciously, from that moment, the spiritual path is deliberately followed and accelerated. If the SMALL SELF – the personality – consciously affirms this task, it comes to realization: Yes, I want to make myself available as a vessel, want to train myself, want to develop myself in order to become more and more refined, more ready, more serving; want to serve as a vessel for the love of the soul. Because love is the key!
The Lotus – or Causal Body
In addition to the two aspects of thinking faculty at the Manas level, there is the so-called Causal Body, the Egoic Lotus, which appears to the seers as a twelve-petaled lotus. This causal body is the anchoring point of the soul. The connection with the twelve-petaled lotus of the heart chakra is not accidental. The heart centre in our prana body is a direct correspondence of the egoic lotus and is directly connected to it. This is the reason why we feel love in the heart. Love is the unifying quality of the soul. The causal body or egoic lotus hides the jewel in its centre. This is the spark of the spirit, of life, of love, projected by the monad into the lower worlds. Here resides the immortal SELF, the soul.
After our death, the soul that we are actually retreating into the causal body to revive the personality in the next incarnation. Over thousands of lives, this body is evolving. The egoic lotus begins to open its 12 petals little by little, until one day a perfectly blossomed lotus indicates the perfection of an awakened soul.
The sixth level is the emotional or astral world, which is well known to us. Hardly any other level of perception has been integrated and developed by man as much as the emotional world. It completely dominates many people. It is the level of instincts, of being driven, of sensation and reaction. The level of desires, attraction and rejection which is very familiar to us. It is existentially important in order to lead a real live. But it is also a big obstacle to deliberate ourselves from our ego that is fixed on our small, separate self. This plane is ruled by Mars. The position of this planet provides information in the horoscope about how we are proceeding and how we are equipped.
The vital body, the nerves and the meridians, the wonderful structure of physicality, as well as the interaction of all components in their perfection, are located on the plane of synthesis. However, limitation, susceptibility and transience are also found on it. Through our physical body everything is expressed what we actually are. Nevertheless we are not our body! The body is not the cause, but an effect! Planet Saturn, which expresses structure as well as limitation and death, rules this plane.
Our transient personality, subject to death, is also threefold and is made up of the Mental Unity (thinking), the Astral Body (feeling) and the Etheric-Physical Body (acting). This trinity finds its expression in our physical body. It is a persistent illusion if we often assume that we are this body. Personalities come and pass away, just as day is followed by night and night is followed by a new day. The I AM, the soul, remains.
After this approach to the occult anatomy of man in the preceding explanations, let us now see how all this is reflected in the astrological birth chart.
Triad correspondences in the horoscope
Man is a reflection of the cosmos (the solar system). In the following diagram the structure of the human being – and the astrological references – are summarized once again:
Man is a reflection of the three universal aspects: life, consciousness, form. A perfect synthesis of these three aspects takes place during the human evolution. They manifest as monad (spirit), soul and personality (body).
1) The MONAD (spirit) as aspect of the “Electric Fire” (LIFE) represented by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto enters the creation as the spark of divine life.
Picture: Spirit, Soul, Body
2) The SOUL as manifestation of the monadic spark and aspect of the solar fire (CONSCIOUSNESS), expresses itself through the three planets Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. It allows the downward transformed energies of the Monad to flow into the personality as a current of force. In this way, it generates a magnetic current in the personality for sake of the will to evolve. The soul is like a two-sided mirror: a tool of the Monad and, for the world of cyclic matter, a mirror of the Divine.
3) The BODY / personality manifests cyclically by means of incarnations in the three worlds of matter (physical, astral, mental) as an aspect of frictional fire. Moon, Mars and Saturn stand for the life of the personality.
By incarnating in a human body, these three essential expressions find their synthesis on the material plane.
On our path of the evolution of consciousness, the path of initiation (liberation), the Personal Triad merges with the Spiritual Triad. The goal is to connect the Monad, the pure life impulse, directly with the personality, so that a human being can look at, recognize and witness the world through the eyes of God.
The planets of the personal triad
The personal triad is, in essence, what we commonly call the SMALL SELF: The SMALL SELF is primarily concerned with ME and MYSELF – both physically, emotionally and mentally. The SMALL SELF defines itself by demarcation: Here I am – there you are. The SMALL SELF lives in the illusion to be the GREAT SELF, the soul. However, THAT exists beyond MINE and YOURS and is beyond polarity. Through misinterpretation and misconception to be the SELF, the soul, the SMALL SELF strives for growth, size and expansion. For the time being, it does not know that this longed-for greatness does not exist on the level of isolation and demarcation.
Picture: Personality
On the spiritual path, the ego is getting disillusioned. In this process, a developing power of discrimination helps to distinguish between ego-impulses and soul-impulses. The unfolding of conscience, compassion, ethics and morality are signs of discrimination. Longing (Moon) and the will (Mars) grows to free oneself from personal limitations, the prison (Saturn).
The SMALL SELF is not to be regarded as an obstacle at all. On the contrary! It also has a very important task: Only through materialization, limitation, focusing, the unlimited, unconditioned ONE, Divine can be “brought to earth”. We humans are gods in flesh and blood. The SMALL SELF has its focus in the body of flesh and blood, is incarnated, able to catch hold of something, grasp, feel and physically designed. It reveals itself in the world through the personality. The soul wants to open its eyes in the SMALL SELF to witness and testify the Divine in the world. This is the sacred task of being human. The SMALL SELF alone is able to create reality on the dense levels of existence (physical, emotional, mental). The soul triad would not be able to act without the personal triad (personality) – it would remain on its own level.
It is necessary for each one of us to free the SMALL SELF from the illusion and belief of being the BIG SELF, the soul. The SMALL SELF is to serve as a tool. It is the servant of the ONE – not the master! The authority within us, that can perceive this difference and activate a power of realisation, is called “the witness” – it is the HIGHER SELF, the soul triad – represented by the planets Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.
The personal triad represents the active human nature anchored to the physical/emotional world. Moon, Mars and Saturn are assigned to the chakras below the diaphragm.
From the Earth’s point of view, the Moon’s disk is just as large as the Sun. Just as important as the Sun for our spiritual life is the significance of the Moon for our mundane life. Moon stands for thinking and feeling. Further the Moon represents our social, ethnic, family conditioning, our instincts, habits and imprints from past lives. Furthermore, she represents our everyday intelligence with which we can organize and coordinate our life. The Moon makes us feel, empathize and understand life emotionally. She indicates what we need, what we want and what we seem to lack. She always is in need and is the eternal child in us. But equally, the Moon also stands for the supplying, nurturing and maternal principle.
Mars represents power, strength, energy and assertiveness. Mars is drive, sexuality, aggression, anger, combativeness and the desire to win. Mars represents our personal will. What drives us to develop ourselves further? It is Mars! Through Mars, things come into the world. He behaves selfishly and protects his territory. The demanding emotionality, the sexuality and the male principle (animus) are also assigned to Mars.
Saturn limits, materializes, holds together. Saturn lets us feel boundaries of the body, psyche and mind. He is slow, can torture and insists on what is. Saturn stands for suffering, fear, old age and death. But for concentration, stability and also responsibility. Saturn rules us over our concept of reality and confronts us pitilessly with what is actually. If we can bear to see the truth, he takes away the veil of illusion.
Saturn stands for the material world, with all its possibilities, stands firm in suffering and identifying. To go through life bent, stooped, burdened and heavy is a Saturnian shadow. Through the lessons Saturn teaches us, there is a desire and will in us to follow the path of liberation.
Saturn, the guardian of the threshold, tests our seriousness and our motives. What is found to be too easy is objectively rejected. He is patient, slow and silent. Saturn is just and incorruptible.
The Planets of the Soul Triad
The soul triad is the eternal, imperishable aspect of our being. The Monad, the essential spark of life, manifests within us through the planes of Atma, Buddhi and Manas as the soul triad. This Trinity is the higher correspondence to the three planets of personality. They embody love (Venus), intelligence (Mercury) and wisdom (Jupiter). The soul or higher triad opens the limitations of the personal triad and allows the ideal of the One Humanity, of love for all creatures, of compassion and responsibility for creation to appear in man’s consciousness. These soul-infused, friendly, and approachable energies compete with the personality’s ego-centered self-identity. The struggle begins and is also called entering the spiritual path.
Picture: Soul
A spiritual alchemy is now working. A process of transformation is set in motion, which can be expressed astrologically as follows:
Moon is freed by Mercury,
Venus soothes Mars, and
Jupiter redeems Saturn.
Mercury is a messenger of the gods. He oscillates between the level of abstract thinking, intuition and the concrete thinking that is symbolized by the Moon. He delivers the messages. The rainbow bridge (Anthakarana) is his way of communication. Everything is perceived as intuition, inspiration, satori, enlightenment, insight, and through flashes of inspiration comes into our consciousness through Mercury. He maintains the connection to the higher planes.
Mercury stands for mind and enlightenment as well as expansion of our thinking capacity. Mercury is unemotional and yet can be full of love. The joy, the happiness of the expansion of consciousness through synthesis experience, all this belongs to the spiritual level of Mercury. Abstract thinking, subtlety of thought is to free the bound, reactive and emotional Moon. The synthesis of Mercury and Moon will produce a new personality. A personality with its antennae (Mercury) firmly connected to the psychic world and able to react intelligently. The Moon wants to have, while Mercury wants to give.
Of course, Mercury also works within the personal triad. There he acts most changeably and is incredibly fast. He is tactical and attentive to his advantage. He is a god of merchants and thieves. He distributes and connects and always accepts the colours of the planets with which he is in contact. Mercury, in principle, does not have his own status, he adapts.
Venus, the Aphrodite, the goddess of love and perfection, expresses herself through beauty. Empathy, compassion and joy are also attributes of Venus. She is the great heart in creation. The spirit of cooperation is expressed through her. In the spiritual context, Venus is an ambassador of the soul, opening up the context of the world through the heart. Her nature, however, is not primarily emotional; her sentience rests in enlightened thought and in the certainty and permeation of the divine. She stands for completion and complete devotion. Venus testifies the unity of creation and the love expressed therein. Unlike Mercury, who seeks and unites into the world, Venus testifies the divine in being. Her role is to merge with the energy of Mars, to let Mars’ urge for activity and formation be guided by love.
Venus also plays an important role in the personality chart. She reveals the beauty, joy, sensuality and eroticism that a person can feel and give. Thus, at its best, she transmits and anchors the soul potential in the personality. Venus has her seat in the heart. Her personal expression also includes sentimentality, vanity, self-absorption and all kinds of prostitution.
Jupiter stands for reorganization and expansion. He opens the path from knowledge to wisdom. Orientation, longing and the love to the divine are essential to be able to walk this path. Knowledge is misleading, if not synthesis, intuition and the recognition of the background are added. This background is Jupiter. He gives divine closeness, through meditation and the presence of a Master or Teacher. Through sublime sensations, Jupiter confers the power of vision, prayers and a unifying spiritual experience. He is our happiness and guardian angel, the certainty of inner guidance and our self-confidence. He is always near when we devote ourselves to God.
Only through the connection of Jupiter and Saturn we will be able to really walk the spiritual path of liberation. Discipline, perseverance and rhythm are necessary to really live the grace of Jupiter, the connection with God. Only when we work with Saturn, Jupiter can unfold his spiritual potential.
In his distorted personal expression, Jupiter expresses opulence, arrogance and complacency. He is a deceiver, pretender, hypocrite, and charlatan. He likes to eat and drink and loves excesses.
The Planets of the Spiritual Triads
It is the divine will that descends into the material worlds as synthesis of the three aspects of life (Uranus), consciousness (Neptune) and form (Pluto). This trinity goes through all planes of existence into the dense physical plane. The monadic plane is, from a systemic point of view, the 2nd sub-plane of the cosmic/physical plane – and from this point of view it is the expression of divine love coming into existence as will.
Picture: Spirit
In our horoscopes, these three trans-Saturnian planets only become noticeable when we are able to achieve a certain ability of self-reflection and witnessing, i.e. when we are on the path of return. Before that period, the impact of these three planets reaches humans via Saturn. For mankind, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are so-called planets of destiny, because they characterize collective development cycles.
Uranus begins to interfere in our personal lives only when Saturn and Jupiter work together. It is the planet that represents discipleship i.e. the path of inner development that leads people out of their personality limitations. Uranus can be very radical in his approach. He stands for divine intervention, for the higher will. He does not accept crusting and immobility. Before we go on the path of discipleship, we only experience Uranus generically/collectively. Occasionally he intervenes in our lives like a lightning bolt and turns everything upside down. Uranus is always interested in freedom – he doesn’t care about personal circumstances, opinions, concepts. As soon as we become aware of his energy, he becomes the master energy that accelerates our development enormously. We come into contact with new levels of existence, inner images, visions, but also abysses. These are activated to achieve liberation. Uranus stands for new methods of healing and therapy, for radiation medicine, communication techniques, meditations, yoga, magic, occultism, and astrology.
Neptune’s quality is dreamy, boundless, full of compassion – capable of deep intimate feeling and fusion. He makes astrological interpretation difficult. Neptune is complete devotion and the desire to go into something. The motive is essential, as is the object of devotion and the stage of development at which a person experiences Neptune. It can mean mystical devotion to the divine, as well as becoming absorbed in a criminal/fraudulent scheme or a sectarian worldview. Neptune can indicate deep certainty, suspicion, mystical, psychic experiences, and at the same time it can all be illusion and simply a result of loss of reality. Uncertainty, confusion, depression can alternate with a deep sense of oneness.
Meditation, music, sounds, colours, vibrations, dance, etc. are all part of Neptune. So are deceptions, confusion, illusions, self-exaltation, madness and genius. All these dualities culminate one day in complete surrender to the Divine.
Pluto’s energy has to do with the end and the new beginning, with intensity, extremes, and (dis)transformation. He is an expression of Shiva, the God of destruction, who destroys the old, the obsolete, the useless, to make room for something new. He is deeply transformed and removes obstacles. Pluto does not work in all charts. In particular, he is felt in conjunction or opposition to Sun, Moon, or Ascendant. His strongest impact is felt with the Ascendant being followed by Moon.
In the personal chart, Pluto has no noticeable influence in the signs – except as far as generational themes are concerned (like Neptune). Pluto is often a cause of fear for the horoscope owner when he discovers him in a present place in the horoscope. Pluto does not ask, he simply clears away what we have not been able or willing to leave to Saturn for transformation. His influence is always a spiritual blessing – even if this can only be understood “afterwards”.
Astrological approaches to interpretations
The task of connecting the personal triad with the spiritual triad, in astrological terms, is to move
- from Moon to Mercury,
- from Mars to Venus and
- from Saturn to Jupiter.
Both triads connect more and more in the course of numerous incarnations. Through the active will (Mars) of a man, the Anthakarana (Rainbow Bridge or Jacob’s Ladder) in getting built to bridge the gap between the personal and the spiritual triad and in the continuity of consciousness. The impulse for this must come from personality. That is why Mars is the key in order to be able to step onto the path.
Personal Triad: Here we look at the position of Moon, Mars and Saturn in the houses and their possible limitations. The higher perspectives of these three planets clarify their respective sign positions. These, in turn, are associated with the sign position of their counterparts (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter) on the soul triad.
Soul Triad: The perspective of the planets of the personal triad is to turn to their counterparts in the soul triad: Moon turns to Mercury; Mars looks to Venus and Saturn moves to Jupiter. Their house positions tell something about the perspective of personal life.
The position of the planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury in the signs indicates the quality of the forces available to us to elevate the personal triad (Moon, Mars, Saturn) into the soul triad (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter). The place of transformation is the soul, represented by the Sun.
Spiritual Triad: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto bring us into contact with the superior will of the Divine. They act as accelerators on our path of return.
Approach to a Horoscope
In addition to the three triads presented in this article, there is a triad of synthesis called the “incarnation triad”. It consists of Sun (goal of incarnation), Ascendant (path to the Self) and Moon (conditionings from the past). To look at these three is an important step towards understanding the individual path. Then follows:
- The personal triad is then looked at in the horoscope: What is the position of Moon, Mars and Saturn in the signs and houses? Aspects?
- Afterwards the soul triad is looked at: What is the position of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter? The house positions are secondary. More important is the position of the planets in the signs.
- What astrological paths are indicated from the personal triad to the soul triad (and vice versa)? How can this work? Here we have to see which reasonable ways are indicated from the soul triad. And which planet from the personal triad is especially receptive for soul impulses?
- Which methods, techniques, meditations, which colours, mantras, spiritual studies etc. can support the process of integration? Which activities seem suitable?
Perhaps some light could be shed on the spiritual depths hidden in astrology as well as on the various possibilities that arise for the one who sets out on the way back to his origin. Astrology can be a great help on the path – it is not a path itself. However, it is a great tool to be able to recognize the way. But we have to walk it ourselves!
– Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: “Spiritual Astrology”, “The Wisdom of the Heavens”, both titles published by Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India
– K. Parvathi Kumar: “The Aquarian Cross”; as well as the books on Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Sun; all titles published by Dhanishta Visakhapatnam, India
– Alice A. Bailey: “Esoteric Astrology”, published by Lucis Trust, Geneva and other books on Seven Rays by the same author
– Alan Leo: “Esoteric Astrology” and “The Art of Synthesis” (out of print, available in antiquarian bookshops)
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