Sun stands for the will, so that we can be completely ourselves. Our true nature wants to express itself and shine. Radiant power is nothing else but to draw from our inner self and give what we really are. Sun gives everything and holds nothing back. Unveiled nudity and pure being belong to his essence. His light makes everything visible.
Whatever remains invisible within us, what we hold back or limit will diminish our radiance. The more we give and the less we expect in return, the stronger our radiance is unfolded. Basically, the two great lights in the sky are different. The Sun gives and the Moon receives. The one who only wants to receive, or gives in order to receive, lives the Moon. The one who only gives to certain people, also lives the Moon. He follows his personal inclination. Everything he is averse to, he withholds his power. In this way, he blocks an essential part of himself. Aversion or dislike is only known to our lower self, which reacts strangely to the peculiarities of others.
Our sunny nature is built in a different way. The Sun in the sky shines unconditionally for everyone. That is why Pasiphae, “who shines for all”, is the daughter of the Sun God Helios. The Sun does not care who receives his energy. The Sun simply gives. Everything we need comes from the Sun. Thus he is the perfect expression of love. Love means giving to others what they need. Wrongly understood this would mean, giving until we are squeezed out like a lemon. That is not love, but wasted effort of love.
What a man needs is often not what he wants. He who comes to us because he is overstrained and wants us to carry out everything for him, he would make himself dependent on us. What he really needs is a way to be able to do it himself. If we show him such a way and support him from time to time – it is enough. Actually he has to do it himself. If he does not want it, there is nothing more we can do. Love always leads to independence and freedom. Everything else is not love. In this sense, the love of parents serves the purpose that their children become independent and can later pass on love to others.
The prerequisite for love is to love oneself. If I don’t like myself or believe that I’m not a worthy person, I can only hope that others will appreciate me at some point. Be it, for example, because of my achievements or because I do a lot for them. But here I am dependent on the judgement of others. To love oneself means to exhaust one’s full potential and to leave nothing unattempted in developing and revealing one’s own gifts and talents.
Our undeveloped talents and gifts are well protected in Pluto’s underworld realm. Pluto is the one who makes things invisible, Helios makes them visible. Sun and Pluto belong together like light and shadow. The Sun God Helios had Perse, the destroyer, as his wife. By name, she is connected to the Queen of the Underworld, Persephone. Perse stands for the underworld part of Helios. She also had the nickname Neaira, the new one. Her intention and that of Helios is to bring forth one day the new, the unseen and the undeveloped. In regard to the Sun, there are two aspects: the destruction of the obstructive old and the creation of the new, the original. Therefore, liveliness and change are their companions. Pluto supports this process of change and removes everything that stands in our way in order to be ourselves.
All planets orbiting the Sun serve to make their essence visible. In the same way, our environment and everything we attract serve to make our being visible. Every challenge is a chance to show what we are made of, i. e. our strengths, gifts and talents, but also our mistakes and weaknesses. If you give up frustrated due to criticism or failure and don’t want to develop further, you miss an opportunity to become yourself. Our opportunities for further development are unlimited. We always have the opportunity to leave old things behind. Every day, the Sun offers us a new beginning. Right now and over and over again we can make an attempt for the better and be more what we want to be.
Once the Gods divided the Earth among themselves. Helios was not present and so he did not get any possessions. When the Gods recognized their misadventure, they wanted to reverse the division, but Helios did not agree. He said he saw a fertile piece growing up from the bottom of the sea. Only that which appears should belong to him. From the salty waters rose the island of Rhodes, the rose of the heart. For the Sun only the moment counts, which now becomes visible and springs up from the heart of our being. At the right time, our heart attracts what we lack – the new and the unknown. Are you going to get involved here and now in order to give, with total confidence, everything what you essentially are and what is hidden in you?
…will be continued
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