The Moon stands for reflection and thinking. Moon receives the light of the Sun and throws it onto the Earth in its own way. For half a month, its light increases, then it decreases again. It is like our thinking. One time it seems clear to us, next time we have difficulties in understanding. Ignorance is connected with Moon. It just rotates around its own axis in such a manner that it always and exclusively shows the same side to Earth. We never see its back side. There is always something that remains hidden to the reflective thinking. It does not recognize things as they are, but only as they appear.
The place where our Moon stands in the horoscope indicates that everything revolves around ourselves, our desires and needs. Like the Moon that orbits our home planet, so also our thoughts rotate around our own concerns. What meets our wishes and needs is felt as pleasant. What opposes them seems unpleasant to us. Because we want to experience pleasant things again, the Moon instinctively tends to repeat. This creates one-sidedness. Hence, it is always the same side the Moon shows us.
The Moon is also associated with illusion. Although we like to assign the illusion to Neptune, Neptune, however, does not deceive, he disappoints – and the disappointment exactly hits what has not been illumined to the Moon and to our mind. One day Neptune will reveal it. He is the God of the seas. When he withdraws the water, the so far hidden ground appears. Illusions are based on too much water – on an excess of emotional desires and expectations. Then we actually do not see the way it is, but how we would like it. If things turn out in a different way, we will be disappointed.
If it were exclusively the Moon, everything would happen again and again in our lives. But there is a force that wants to move the Moon out of its usual circles. Mythology recides Pan, the God of nature. He symbolizes our true nature. Immediately after his birth, his mother had left him, the goat-footed, dark-haired, bearded child. His father Hermes/Mercury then brought him to the Gods in heaven. Everybody was happy. Pan – his name indicates it – is there for “everyone” and not just for himself. Therefore, his place is not in heaven or in a cloud- cuckoo-land, but here on Earth. Our true nature wants to become realized!
The God of nature is known for his panic cries. Whenever something violates our true nature, Pan creates an insurmountable resistance within us or outside. Nobody can fight against it. Our moonlike feelings mistrust this unpredictable force. Never we would allow ourselves to get moved voluntarily by that force. For this reason, the mercurial offshoot Pan put on white sheepskin to seduce the Moon. The Moon in the form of the beautiful Selene did not see through this trick and sat down on Pan’s back. Together they rode towards the morning star Phosphoros. The morning star is none other than Venus, the symbol of love. Our true nature leads us to love.
As romantic as this ride may seem, it can be strenuous and full of risks at times. Gradually, the Moon gains mercurial sight. It learns to view things not only from its own side, but from all sides. Thereby, up to now unexpressed sides reveal themselves, which, however, want to be lived. They are our true nature. The Moon’s ride towards Venus symbolizes the change from liking to loving. Then it becomes necessary to give up the inertia of our habits, our fears and also our shame, and to live what we really are and love. By that, we also learn unconditionally to love ourselves and our dark side.
The lunar desiring forces hope that it would be much easier if we just do what we love. But that is by no means the case. The necessities and duties of life do not vanish into thin air. Additional energy is needed on the path of love. Love demands everything, but it also gives everything. Unlike our instinctive moon nature, our true nature has nothing to worry about. Mercury, Pan’s father, finds a way out of everything, which sometimes requires full commitment. Are you ready to give up your comfort and pursue your curiosity to live what you love?
……….will be continued
Photo by Pascal Mauerhofer on Unsplash
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