Mercury is the Lord of the ways. He has access to all the realms – heaven, earth and the netherworlds. From the Godfather Jupiter himself he delivers the unfailing messages. In this respect, he knows the difference between true and untrue. He knows what is essential and what matters. Those who listen to his messages will always find a way out.
Mercury doesn’t always take the truth very seriously. He, the God of traders and thieves, sometimes uses others’ ignorance for his own benefit. But nobody seems to be angry with him. He radiates a wonderful lightness. With new opportunities trying to loosen up our habits he brings a fresh breeze into our lives. Mercury had many children, but one of them, like him, was capable of anything from the beginning. This was Pan, the god of the shepherds. With goatee feet, a dark-haired body and two horns on his head, he scared all females, including his mother. He had his place on earth – he, the god of nature, who represents our true nature. Mercury brings forth uniqe nature, the impetuous, the untamed and the original.
Pan’s main task was to lead the moon in the form of Selene to the morning star, Venus. Pan walks the way of love. He initiates the transition from liking to loving, from comfort to passion, from security to risk. In the myth, Phosphoros embodies the morning star. Phosphoros has the rising sun as his mother. She corresponds to the ascendant, the path of the soul. Pan, our true nature, walks the path of the soul. He wants to lead us to the solar power, to the giving solar force. Quite in the manner of his father Mercury, he uses a trick. He dresses in white sheep’s clothing and persuades Selene, the moon, to accept his guidance. Otherwise, she probably would not have entrusted to him.
Our personal desires cannot see through the magic tricks of our true nature. We allow ourselves to get lured and invited for change. We are unable to defend ourselves against it. That power is far too smart. Mercury’s opportunities serve our true nature, which wants to do everything out of love, voluntarily and wholeheartedly. What happens within us is a kind of redemption. In the myth, this is described as liberation from ‘captivity in the barrel’.
Lunar orbit for lunar orbit, Ares/Mars, chained to the fixed form, had to fulfil desires and needs – in our case just our own desires and needs. Even though it might not look like this at first glance, but in the long term we will suffer from it. Mars nearly lost all his powers. He screamed and cried. Then Mercury released him from his chains and Mars was finally able to run to his Venus. Mercury shows us the difference between what we like and what we love.
Until we unconditionally follow the path of love, we experience a certain inner conflict. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if we could always do what we love? But will we be ready for full openness and a real risk? One time we open ourselves and get involved in something new, the other time we prefer to stay in the chains of the moon, follow the habit and do what we already know and are able to do well enough.
Curiosity in the original sense is a power of Mercury. He tempts with variety, a business, a trick or whatever. Behind it conceals a spark of what we are not yet, but want to become according to our true nature. If this spark jumps over to us, we intuitively know what to do, and that it is the right and true thing for us. This is exactly how Mercury’s power of discernmentmanifests itself. He knows all sides, perspectivesand paths. If we want and are open to it, he leads us on the path that fully supports our nature.
The physical love is a wonderful attractant for us. We always look in the other for what we are missing. But when Pan and thus Mercury reach Venus, the hermaphrodite is born – the hybrid that unites feminine and masculine. The magic of the hermaphrodite is to elicit in others the forces they lack to balance. He owns the transforming pond, which gives each person the missing part in him/herself. All you have to do is dive in and become complete.Very few of us will feel this celibate trait of a priest in ourselves. So also Hermes / Mercury had many amours and children. He himself pursued numerous temptations and opportunities in life. Why shouldn’t we do this, too? Are you ready to be guided by your intuition and to experience with curiosity where it leads you?
……….will be continued
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