Venus is what we are missing. She complements and completes us. Venus is always located, where we are not yet, but one day could be. She attracts us towards her heart, so that ours might open. Through Venus, beauty enters our lives, but also vulnerability. Her beauty flourishes in our nakedness, the frankness and bareness of our own being. With Venus, we are uncovered, unprotected, unprepared to surrender to an encounter that surprises, disarms, undresses, and totally absorbs.
According to mythology, Venus, the Goddess of perfection, simultaneously pleases men and gods. Every encounter with her touches our inner being – who we really are. But those who think that only perfect encounters, full of harmony and splendour would be worthy of this Goddess, are deceiving themselves. In fact, Venus always works, everywhere and within every encounter. She has the perfect answer to everything and is the perfect response to each of our actions. That is her perfection! In conflicts, others are neither mean nor evil. They indicate what we are lacking and mostly it is equanimity. If we let it into our lives, what it keeps in store for us, instead of fighting against it, we are equanimous. At every single opportunity, it is up to us to add the missing parts to life, ourselves, our will, and our power. It is the only way life becomes beautiful and perfect compared to waiting until it happens by itself.
We are never separated from Venus, because her perfect knowledge is within every reaction of life. We would appreciate that what we lack is pleasant and beautiful, but it is not always the case. Venus demands the abandonment of conveniences and securities into which we like to withdraw. The lethargic immobility of habit and everlasting consistency choke down the seed of vitality within us. Although we often feel it, we change nothing. We remain trapped in our comfort zone, which shields our inner being and makes it almost untouchable. It is not for nothing that people often claim after a crisis, “That was the best thing which could happen to me at that moment.” Voluntarily, they never would have done it. That, too, is Venus, the personal transformer.
Life always gives us a push at the right time. It offers us an encounter, an insight, joy, abundance, sadness, a crisis or deep pain. However life faces us, it provides everything we need to make something perfect out of it. Whether we use this fullness is up to us. Nothing changes us as fast as love.
Every action leads to a reaction. External resistance is the perfect response to an internal resistance. Love is chiseling upon us until we give up all internal resistance. This makes us soft and smooth. Those who internalize this law and do not spare themselves, free themselves from all their burdens. However, anyone who thinks that life does not mean it well with him, misunderstands what Venus is about to teach him. Venus has the perfect knowledge unlike us and knows what each one of us lacks in one’s own individual situation. If we find our live empty and meaningless, there is a reason for it: lack of knowledge. We do not know what we are missing and do not realize what we can love. Too thick is our wall of defense, too big our fear to really dare something. Lack of knowledge is part of the life game. Venus lures with her knowledge by attracting us at all levels and pulling us into a real encounter with life. Thereby, serenity makes everything easier and turns it into a happy end.
The secret of Venus lies in her origin. It is part of the all-encompassing starry sky. Saturn, her brother, once cut off the genitalia of his father Uranus and threw it unnoticed into the sea. Thus, Venus, the foam-arisen, came into existence. She embodies the creative power of the starry sky that comes to meet us here on earth in waves ‑ sometimes diffuse and inscrutable like foam. Venus is the force that connects and unites everything: the power of love.
Love means to add everything missing until it has reached perfection and is thus accomplished. Thereafter the sea of life evolves another wave. Failure is expressly allowed. Venus, the most perfect in Olympus, loved just the most imperfect of all gods, Mars. How many mistakes has this God made and makes them through each one of us day by day. But that is unimportant for Venus. Everything is allowed, but not one thing: giving up. Mars never gives up and would even risk his life just to be back in the arms of Venus and to be able to fully enjoy the love. Venus offers perfection, beauty, love and grace. She only demands one thing from you: that you really do what you love, and give everything for it.
……….to be continued
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