The Gift and Test of Libra
The gift of serenity
One of the main symbols of the sun sign Libra is the beam balance. The beam connects the two pans. If one pan moves, the other one moves as well. This is the essence of relationship. A relationship connects two seemingly separate egos (Is) into a “We”. If one goes up, the other goes down, and vice versa. One embodies what the other is missing. Libra unites opposites. Relationship is the power of unifying opposites, the power of eternal balance. Some call this force karma, others fate. This force connects each other long before we meet. The connecting balance beam of the relationship is not visible on the outside, but we can perceive it within us. Connectedness can be felt.
In Greek mythology, the two pans of Libra were nothing else than the scorpion’s claws. Every relationship is inevitably followed by the transformation of Scorpio, only to find a common goal in Sagittarius. The theme of Libra are mainly love relationships, but also other opposite connections. This is how we encounter the strange and the unknown. It wants to complete us and make us whole.
Relationships are made in heaven and lived on earth. They are the field on which the divine game of eternal balance takes place and opposites are united together into something new. The difference of the opposite side, the strange worlds of thought and unfamiliar behaviour should broaden the horizon of the Libra- type. At the same time they question his world. This can take self-confidence from him, trigger feelings of inferiority, cause anxiety. Strange things become threatening. Then he sees others as intruders against whom he “must” defend himself. Instinctively he holds on to his opinion, builds mental walls that separate him from others. He shuts himself and no longer allows others to get close to him. Regardless of whether he gets involved with others or not, he is connected to them. He will have beautiful and painful experiences with them. He can allow both. All relationships have long been agreed upon, every avoidance or suppression is useless. The question arises as to whether he will allow the divine game and whether or not he will give everything for the balance and harmony of the relationship.
The Divine Spirit gives him the gift of serenity. It means having confidence in fate, in the divine play that gives ease. Life wants to reward him with fullness and beauty. Every encounter wants to give him new perspectives, more insight, to connect him with what he got separated from. He can open himself to others and get moved by them, but he should leave them as they are. If others feel comfortable, he has passed his test.
Fate is his Master. If he accepts it fully and completely, he himself becomes the Master of life and finds the Master within himself. This Master speaks to him in the form of his heart. He meets him inside. If he takes his mind aside and lets his heart speak with closed eyes, it proclaims the future. It leads him to what he is missing and what he loves. The heart already knows beforehand what is coming to you. One day he will realise his dream of life, his vision.
The life of a Libra-type can suddenly be completely turned upside down from one day to the next. Overcoming fears, being truly open-minded and saying “Yes” to the life that is offered to him, he can enjoy the divine play in serenity.
The test of mutuality
Libra is the sign of relationship and love. Here one meets what one is missing. We are inevitably related to it, whether we are aware of it or not. What we are missing complements us. The otherness of our fellow human beings serves our completion. That’ s what they are there for And we, in turn, are able to expand them, because we are also what they lack. Everything together makes up the whole, the fullness and harmony of life.
As easy as love and attachment are to describe, as difficult they are often to implement in life. The otherness of our fellow human beings challenges us. We do not meet them to remain as we are, but to get moved by them and to approach them. Only in this way we connect with what we are missing. Only in this way we consciously participate in the great interplay of nature. The extent to which we allow ourselves to be moved by others and set out on the path through them shows the extent to which we allow mutuality. If we acknowledge their differences, then we experience it as an enrichment for our life. Nature tests whether we are open to others and, according to the claim of mutuality, react with actions. The Libra-type has the ability to do this.
Aries stands for action and Libra for reaction. Therefore a Libra-born person is naturally open to impulses from his counterpart. However, if he does not allow to get moved by them, he will build a kind of wall around himself. According to mythology, Libra is the wall-builder and Aries is the wall-breaker. The others often open up the world to the Libra-born and bring the new into their lives. Therefore, he should allow them to get moved around and even to get pulled along a little.
Disharmony is a reaction of nature to immobility. A Libra-born person should understand this. It may often seem to him that others break into his world and disturb his harmony. They seem to be responsible for his disharmony. He does not realise that they want to wake him up from his “Sleeping Beauty sleep”, inspire him and move him. They “disturb” a harmony that has long ceased to exist in him. This harmony was only a standstill and not a living in togetherness. It is futile to protect oneself against it and to build walls. This type is part of the great game of action and reaction. His task is to face life calmly and to create harmony by allowing himself to be set in motion.
Love is mutual activity and constant change. All actions are caught in a kind of nature’s reaction tissue, to which nature responds. This is fate which is connected with us, karma, as it is also called. We act in relation to others and ultimately also to the reactions of our own actions that are reflected in others. No one can escape this reaction. It is part of Libra’s play of mutual bumping, blowing up emotions and balancing. The balancing part of the game falls primarily to Libra. A Libra-born person is able to unite opposites by allowing himself to get moved and changed by the impulses of others, and not by suppressing, displacing or excluding impulses from his life.
Our ego-border enables the experience of opposites. The firmer it is, the less mutuality can take place. It is the task of the Libra-born person not to dissolve this border, but to make it permeable. In this way he can consciously and joyfully participate in the togetherness. This gives him the possibility to experience the huge organism of love, i.e. the bond of all through inner nature. Every form of distrust and fear blocks this mutual exchange of energies.
Harmony is the result of love, becoming one in the act of participating in the whole. The whole contains us and our activity. Trust in fate opens our heart and gives us access to others. The others, in turn, open up a wealth for us that would remain hidden to us alone. They awaken the vitality within us necessary to experience true harmony. Through them we expand our boundaries step by step. In this way life can surprise us again and again through its wonders and we can experience ourselves again and again in a new way in mutuality. The person born in Libra only needs to say “yes”.
The synthesis of gift and testing
Accept with a balanced mind what your counterpart is offering you. It gives you access to what you miss and what you love. It is up to you to open yourself to the other person. Let yourself be moved by him. Say “yes” to him and his otherness and you will experience the beauty and wonders of life. Your heart leads you to what you love in order to fulfil yourself.
… will be continued
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