The Gift and Test of Cancer
Knowing what belongs to you
Cancer has its own inner world. It is colourful and vibrant and full of Muses. A Cancer-born devotes to his talents, learns to play instruments or paint pictures, cooks delicious dishes or reads for hours in his books. During these moments he does not need others. He is completely within himself, within his inner world, intimately with his dreams, inner images, wishes and muses.
Cancer also stands for mother and child. In ten lunar months, a child matures in the womb of the mother. It develops everything to be able to live and survive. At some point, every Cancer carries a “child” within himself – something to which he devotes all his attention and most of his caring energy. With his outer shell he protects it from external influences and develops it within himself, in order to bring it into the world one day. At this time, mother and child are one. In this respect, the Cancer-born also takes on the role of the child in a world that should care for him like a mother and fulfil his needs.
Mother Earth is happy to care for each of her children, including Cancer. The Father, in the form of the Divine Spirit, also confers Cancer a special talent. But Mother Earth wants something in return. Cancer should discover his talent, develop it, and then make it available to his large family, to humanity. That is what Father and Mother expect from him. Fulfilling this task offers the greatest profit possible: He recognizes himself and can become completely himself, different than all others. This satisfies his original need and makes him happy without desire.
First the Cancer person must find his special talent that makes him very special. He can search for it, trying all kinds of things and waste a lot of time with it. But he can also receive another, additional gift that the Divine Spirit would offer him: to know what belongs to him. It is the deep knowledge in a Cancer person that tells him what belongs to him. It manifests in the form of inner resonance. What belongs to him touches him deep inside and suddenly takes all other options out of his field of vision. It is the One Thing that belongs to him completely. In this way, his inner speaks to him by means of the inner voice.
Now it is time to develop his gift and follow the talent tirelessly. This requires practice, trial and the ability to find out whether it really matches one’s own being. Cancer can trust his inner voice. It leads him into unknown lands. How else should he ever fully recognize himself?
One day he developed his talent. His “child” is mature to be born. This birth process can be painful, for example, when others criticize him. The Cancer-born is very sensitive to this. But if he withdraws, he refuses to take the necessary developmental steps and struggles around. To find himself in his inner home means to change oneself. Every change starts inside and needs a lot of effort. If the Cancer person does not give up on his way to himself, and he has the ability to do so, then he will reach the world of others and find his place there – his home. It has always been there and has been waiting for him. No one will ever take it away from him.
The gift of the Divine Spirit “knowing what belongs to you” also helps you to find your home in the outer world, where you can feel what belongs to you. An unmistakable outward sign will help you find your outer home: it is there where the others really accept you. Then Cancer can make his contribution to humanity.
The test of maturity
Cancer is associated with the family, especially the intimate relationship between mother and child. Mother is the receptive part of nature. From birth, she carries countless potential children in the form of eggs. If one of them is fertilized, a baby develops inside the mother, which is later often born in great pain. She then brings up her child with care until it is completely “anchored” in the world and can take care of itself.
In one respect, every Cancer-born child resembles a biological mother. From birth, it also contains all the gifts and talents that only need to be fertilized. A Cancer-human being can produce numerous “fruit”: Works of art, pictures, poems, musical compositions, companies, software or whatsoever. What he regards as “his” is “his baby”, his “fruit”, which he offers to the world. But only ripe or edible fruit are really accepted by others. Otherwise they are rightly scorned by the world and thus miss their true purpose, namely to be an accepted gift. The “fruit” of a person born in Cancer therefore require the necessary maturity. Mother Nature imposes a test on him, and provides everything necessary for it. In particular, she gives him the ability to bring something to maturity.
The same laws of development apply to all natural creatures, whether they are biological children, poems or software. “Premature births” of all kinds have less chance of survival due to a lack of maturity. Ideas that are “pregnant” for too long run the risk of never being born. “Overprotected” items that are not gradually released into the world are often not up to the usual standards. And those which don’t get enough care are not developed sufficiently. Continuous and sufficient care is just as essential for the optimal development of one’s own “fruit” as is the timely adaptation to natural requirements. Otherwise the test cannot be passed.
Maturation always happens from inside to the outside. This corresponds to the essence of nature. Development itself begins inside. When a Cancer-born man feels that it is “his baby”, it must touch him in his innermost being, meet his source, anchor deep within him and – free of any doubt – trigger in him the feeling “yes, this is mine”. Otherwise he will not be able to endure the laborious unfolding of his gift. But as soon as he feels a deep resonance within his heart, the process can start. The Cancer-born man will get the opportunity to do so.
Every development naturally needs a protected space in which it can unfold. That is why eggs have a shell, mothers have an amniotic sac and crabs have a solid shell. No other sign has such strong forces of distinction as Cancer. The inside remains protected from disturbing outer influences. Inside begins the confrontation with the material that one has recognized as one’s own: through practice, study, constant trying, failure and improvement until a certain mastery is reached. This process is often characterized by withdrawal. Whatever a cancer-born man does, he should do it with leisure.
At some point the Cancer-born will initiate the birth of his gift into the real world to reach others. If he refuses the birth, he is afraid he will not pass the maturity test – often rightly so. The first criticisms can be very painful, a torment to one’s own work, and yet bitterly necessary to attain the required maturity. He has to endure this suffering as well as the subsequent effort of continuous improvement.
The Cancer-born can only bring to maturity what he is. What is not his own remains what it is, namely not his baby. Therefore, he needs courage to put aside everything that is strange, accepted and not his own and to turn to his inner forces with confidence. These will always produce the deeply personal. The inner gradually penetrates to the outside and then becomes visible in a well developed form. Maturity goes from the center, through and through. What is given from the heart and in full maturity is accepted by others with full enjoyment as an outstanding human contribution. Then the gift is passed on and the inner nature of the Cancer-born is fulfilled.
The synthesis of gift and testing
Recognize what touches you most intimately and what your talents are. Develop your gifts with care and reflection to the greatest possible maturity. Perceive when it is time to make your gifts available to the world. Accept criticism from others to improve yourself. In this way you will find yourself and your place in the world.
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