The Gift and Test of Taurus
The gift of detachment
Taurus (the bull) lives in his attachment to nature and to the ideal of natural growth: sowing and harvesting, farming and resting. Everything takes place in the rhythm of nature. Taurus finds his place as part of the whole. There he settles and roots like an old tree; it is not easy to transplant him later. According to him, rooting means: to be and to stay there. Home is not just a word. To him a home is his very own place. No one should dare to expel from that place or take away his belongings. Property and possessions play an important role for him. They represent a solid basis to approach from there into the world.
His roots permeate the topsoil of matter, hold tight to it and make him stable and resilient. He works and struggles, although he has also a sense for the pleasant things in life. He uses his senses for beauty and fertility of the earth. Grown into the organic whole of his home, his family, his friends and his environment, he is a “herd animal” that needs pleasant closeness and at the same time his own space.
In addition to the beautiful aspects, nature also has its own iron rules to grow and decay, live and die. Every possession is inevitably followed by loss, every fullness by emptiness. Because Taurus is so closely connected to nature, he very well knows its rules. Nevertheless, from time to time he meets his limits. Then he holds on too long to what is untenable, he stays where he stayed for too long, and still does what he already knows and is able to do.
Here the Divine Spirit gives him the gift of detachment. As soon as the spark of love for something extinguishes, time has come. It is time for a Taurus to release in order to get attracted by a new love, so that life starts flowing again: to root again, to desire new, to solidify new.
Taurus can transcend the play of becoming and passing away. What remains eternal are spirit and wisdom. He can get rooted in the Divine Spirit and dwell in wisdom. It becomes his new home. The more he turns to wisdom, the more clearly he realises a bigger plan behind the great drama of nature. His firm opinions merge into a more comprehensive view. Counted for him clear proof, concrete reasons and proven knowledge before, he now discovers a new clarity within himself.
What he visualises within himself is proof enough for him. He breaks away from the external relations on which he once built so firmly. He settles within himself, where he truly feels safe.
Detachment does not mean to renounce matter and every comfort. It means to end desire and attachment in order to free oneself from the burden of binding possessions. Taurus thereby liberates himself from the cycle of continuous experiences of loss. He recognizes that he is in this world, but not of this world.
The earthly power of Taurus is based on his stability and stubbornness. The so-called third eye lies in the zodiac sign of Taurus. It is the brightly shining star Aldebaran. Taurus has access to this bright light of the Divine Spirit. He becomes the bearer of wisdom. By that, he can reveal the plan of the Divine Spirit behind nature. He is able to realize the plan by virtue of his will and by virtue of his knowledge of the rhythms of nature.
A person born in the sun sign Taurus can often carry and endure much more than others. But this power is not only given to him for himself, but to relieve others of some burden and to make a collective contribution.
The test of possessions
A Taurus-born feels connected to nature. Everything he has at his disposal comes from it: elements, minerals, plants or animals. The richness of nature is also realized by man himself, his cultural assets, buildings, cultivated lands, domesticated livestock, infrastructure, machines – all the skills and knowledge that have been developed, accumulated and passed on to future generations over thousands of years are also part of this.
Into this pool of goods – in brief the wealth of mankind – a Taurus is born. What he calls his own belongs to him. Whether these are material values, physical powers, mental abilities or social privileges – it is the possession made available to him. This part of nature is entrusted to him. And nature examines what use he makes of it. Nature also gives him the ability to make something of it.
Property has its duties. That means that the use of private property should not run counter to the common good, but should benefit it much more. It is not for nothing that the bull is a herd animals. A person born in the sun sign Taurus needs community and draws from its wealth. His greatest gift is to tap into the forces of nature and allow them to flow systematically into his surroundings. Possession is in good hands with him – provided that he declares himself responsible for it. As soon as he says “I own this”, he becomes the responsible trustee with all rights and duties.
A man who neglects possessions will ruin and embezzle it. Property is misappropriated, if he uses it only for himself, spends it in an arbitrary way, hoards or proudly recognizes his own self-esteem in it. Anyone who identifies with what he has, makes himself a playball of natural events. His instinctive nature automatically responds with a need for security.
If man wants to live his inner nature, it is necessary to make property fruitful. Fertility is the method of inner nature to express itself. This process often takes place unconsciously. Fruit trees, for example, do not know why they let their fruit grow. People, on the other hand, consciously show up their products and cultural assets in order to fulfil their own needs and those of the community. Property is the breeding ground for fertility and its purpose is to create something out of it.
Strictly spoken, he who inherits and increases his wealth also creates something. Nevertheless, the question remains as to whether it is not primarily the inherited property that reproduces itself and makes a willing servant out of the heir. To create something means to be creative oneself and not to blindly follow a line of predecessors. The inner nature is free and requires to remain true to oneself. Neither tradition nor comfort are a standard of orientation to him. Inner nature is following love alone.
In mythology, the Goddess of love is the one who pleases men and Gods equally. She connects the human with the divine will. What man really loves is promoted by Gods. That is why Aphrodite was not only the Goddess of love and beauty, but originally also a Goddess of fertility. Love makes human action fruitful. If love is missing, the natural decay begins. At some point in the future, there will be a lack of energy.
The inner nature shows what really belongs to a Taurus-born. Something that he cannot love is not his own. He can safely let loose of that. But he can hold on to what he loves, create his own and put everything he has into it: his strength, his consistency, his joie de vivre, and ultimately his entire property. In this way, he releases new wealth and qualities that enrich his life and that of others. Property as a good entrusted by nature and society thus leads to reflux into the source from which it originates. This is where the true home of the Taurus-born is found. His reward as a trustee is his deep rooting in society and the fertility of nature.
The synthesis of gift and testing
Take on full responsibility for everything you own. Use all your energy constantly and wisely. Make sure that others have something of it, too. If you don’t love something anymore, get rid of it in time, otherwise you will only harm yourself. Love and enjoy your life, then you will be able to let go of everything in the end.
… will be continued
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